These Posts Of Horrendous Roommates Should Prevent You From Ever Living With People Again (68 New Pics)

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Living with others can be trickier than it sounds. Even the closest friendships are put to the test when people share a living space.

Passive aggressive notes, inconsiderate noise levels, and piles of dirty dishes can lead to frustration and arguments.

To show you the lengths these things can go to, we introduce the subreddit ‘Bad Roommates: Tales of Irritation.’

Sharing what they call “the gross, the annoying, [and] the psychotic,” the members of this online community aim to remind us of the importance of basic decency.

#1 Wish I Was Making This Up. She Lays Around The House 24/7, Never Pays Rent, Always Begs Me For Free Food, Expects Me To Clean Up After Her, And Just Hides When I Try To Confront Her About It

#2 Roommates Illegally Practice Medicine On Me, And Leave Their Equipment Everywhere

Image credits: tupacwolverine

#3 I Made Dinner For Us And Then See This Note When I Went For A Midnight Snack. She Expects Me To Do Dishes Within The Hour Even Tho She Never Even Cooks Anything

Image credits: Mangagirll

#4 My Roommate Refused To Clean So I Planted Chia Seeds In His Shower

Image credits: PepperAutomatic430

#5 Roommate Mad I Accidentally Overcharged By Six Dollars !!

Image credits: 1apk1gf

#6 Roommate’s BF Moved In And The Hallway Is Becoming An Extension Of Their Bedroom

Image credits: 0ddLemon

#7 My Brother In Law Is Living With Us, This Is His Room

Image credits: 6Emo6Witch6

#8 My Roommate Has A Plethora Of Allergies;

Image credits: Pillmo

#9 Before And After. My Roommates Were So Bad That I Finally Said, “Screw It” And Got My Own Place. My Wallet Is Hurting But My Sanity Is Intact

#10 Thought This Would Fit Well Here. Any Brooklyn Roommate Stories Like This?

Image credits:

#11 Rip Coffee Table

Image credits: chiefmaxson

#12 The Condition My Ex Best Friend/Roommate Left Her Area Of The Apartment In After Moving Out

Image credits: lexiexmarie

#13 Got Roommate To Leave, He Left Behind Some Stuff

Image credits: deliala919

#14 I’m 22 Living With A 30 Y/O Married Couple Who Leave Messes Like This

Image credits: Venechi

#15 This Is How My Roommate Left The Counter And Sink For Months

Image credits: teeething

#16 Caught My Roommate Stealing From My Room, He Moved Out That Night Without Telling Anyone Once He Realized He Was Caught

Image credits: WeakBobcat

#17 This Is Why I Keep My Stuff In My Room

Image credits: gimmeawomanafter12am

#18 The Least Hygenic Person I’ve Ever Met Just Moved Out And Left This. It Is Exactly What You’d Hope It’s Not

Image credits: wesbug

#19 I Had Bought Two Bottles Of Liquor, And Told My Roomates I Didn’t Mind If They Had Some. This Is What Is Left Of The Second. I Knew She Went Through The First One, I Didn’t Know She Drank So Much Of This One

Image credits: splicedhappiness

#20 Being Asked To Start Doing The Bare Minimum Pushed Him “Over The Edge”

Image credits: hcometmnm

#21 Just Got Back From Holiday Break To Find Out My Roommates Never Left And Didn’t Tell Me

Image credits: pushingQ

#22 Roommate/Landlord Lets Her F**k Buddy Into My Room When Im Not Home

i’ve been staying with my parents during the holidays and started getting notifications on my security camera in my bedroom. i was shocked when i saw a half naked man, going into my room, into my bathroom, using my toilet, looking in my closet before he left. when i reached out to my roommate/landlord about it, she lied to me (see screenshot #2). Gabe is her f**k buddy and i found it unsettling to know that he has free roam of my bedroom and she can’t even keep track of when he is in my room. how would you react to this? i haven’t even approached her yet about him being in my room and how upset i am over this breach of privacy. am i overreacting?

Image credits: broken_baby_bunny

#23 Don’t Live With Your “Best Friend”

Image credits: violetchiuser

#24 Living With A Hoarder Is Crushing My Mental Health

Image credits: Daaaniphantom

#25 I Guess My Latino Culture Triggered My Roommate

Image credits: MyNameStartsWithGU

#26 Roommates Left Without Notice

Image credits: Winter_Cultural

#27 Why Is This So Accurate?

Image credits: _ericcurtin

#28 You Thought Yours Was Bad? Think Again!

Image credits: Sarahdanielle1989

#29 Keep Finding These Bugs In A Room I Just Rented What Are They And Should I Be Concerned?

Image credits: RentCultural8016

#30 Random Text From Ex-Roommate (6 Months Since He Left)

Image credits: theyubnub

#31 This Is How My (22f) Roommates (35f, 37m) Left The House For Move-Out Day

Image credits: CombLegitimate6077

#32 How My Mom’s Best Friend/ Roommate Left The Room She Stayed In All Because Her Current Boyfriend Really Wanted My Mom. Oh, She Also Had Him Piss In Her Sink

Image credits: Pleasant-Corgi1450

#33 My Sister’s Squatter Texting Her This While She’s In Critical Condition In The Icu. She Hasn’t Paid Rent In 4+ Months (In Manhattan)

Image credits: Similar-Bid6801

#34 Maybe I Should Try This

Image credits: austinlockedup

#35 I Can’t Do This Anymore

Image credits: Potential_Capital634

#36 Roomate/Landlord Has Been Pissing Me Off

Image credits: lesscockmoreroaches

#37 Squater In My Room

Came home after a few weeks to a person sleeping in my office. Boxes, and a blanket and also another person in the living room.

So not only did my roommates almost get us evicted last month but they have people using my personal bathroom & office w/o my permission

Image credits: My-inner-fat-kid

#38 My Roommate Is Crazy!

She is constantly doing things to try and make me miserable enough that I’ll move out. Especially the week after I pay rent. She has been doing it to people for years but I didn’t know until after I moved in. Now she has a camera facing my bedroom door so I can’t even go to the bathroom without her watching me. I had to put a camera in my room before she steals and she kept going in my room while I was at work. Now she has figured out if she turns off the wifi I can’t see when she’s going in there. I could go on and on about the things she does but we’d be here all night.

Image credits: iLoVeDj7

#39 My Roommate Got Drunk And Broke Down My Door

Image credits: michelleigh80

#40 “I’m Just Inviting A Couple Friends Over For A Little Bit” – 5 Hours Ago

Image credits: Double2k

#41 I Ran A Beach Share House For Years But Could Never Get Them To Clean Or Act Right So I Started Giving Out Gold Stars And Yuck Stickers Each Weekend

Image credits: KookItUpp

#42 Too Many Of You Post And Complain About Such Trivial Issues. Some Of Us Live With Real Monsters

Image credits: Bearspoole

#43 My Housemate Still Hasn’t Got Rid Of His Pumpkin From Halloween

Image credits: dwarvencactus

#44 Throwback To My Worst Roommate In College

Image credits: parkoffstreet

#45 My Roommate Constantly Steals My Chapstick…

Image credits: esuits780

#46 The Gag Is…she Had Already Eaten All My Hash Browns The Night Before, This Text Was Just An Attempt To Cover Her Ass!

Image credits: Depth-Immediate

#47 My Roommate Leaves A Trash Bag Full Of Her Trash On The Floor While It’s Leaking Everywhere, She Said The Trash Chute Doesn’t Fit It

Image credits: siksiki

#48 So Glad I Only Have One Semester

Image credits: Academic_Avocado_439

#49 Living With Homeless Men

Image credits: DinoBubbles4

#50 My Roommate Dumped An Entire Salad Down My Sink, So I Pulled As Much As I Could Out, Put It In Her Sink Since I’m Not Cleaning Up Her Mess

Image credits: thatwyvern

#51 Mf Knows I’m A Lesbian

Image credits: IdiotSquaredxyz

#52 My Male Roommate Who I Barely Speak To Asked Me For Sex

Image credits: Nothing_of_the_Sort

#53 Here We Go Final Update

Image credits: Maleficenttx

#54 This Is Getting Infuriating

Image credits: allergictobullshit99

#55 You Guys Might Have Bad Roommates, But Do You Have ‘Please Make Your Bed’ Bad Roommates?

Image credits:

#56 Roommate Is On A Carnivore Diet (Eats >20 Scrambled Eggs A Day) And Leaves Every Pan I Own Like This

Image credits: Sea-Macaron1470

#57 New House Mate Did This To My Counter

Image credits: jeremyd42

#58 How Some R/Badroommates Posts Sound Like

Image credits: molly7anne

#59 Just Found This Sub, Figured You Guys Might Like This

Image credits: JealousBananas07

#60 Newest Roommate Likes To Leave Fat Stinkers In The Toilet For Everyone Else To Deal With

Image credits: Leaflings

#61 Getting Woken By The Cops Because Your Roommates Refused To Pay A Taxi

Image credits: madamevanessa98

#62 I’ve Told Them Countless Times To Take Them To The Bin. They Expect Me To Do It When I Don’t Even Eat Pizza

Image credits: Anon0520

#63 Came Across This Online And I Feel Like It Would Solve A Lot Of The Problems In This Sub

Image credits: thisismyburnerac

#64 So Tired Of My Roommate Not Cleaning His Room

Image credits: Difficult_Spray3313

#65 “Don’t Use The Bathroom You Pay For To Take A Shower In The Morning. I Threw Up All Over It.”

Image credits: MonnySoore

#66 Roommate Is A Coke Head

Image credits: YouPhrane

#67 My Roommate Took All Of My Dirty Dishes Out Of The Dishwasher Then Put Her Dishes In The Dishwasher

Image credits: chloeh121

#68 I Asked About Roommates BF Paying Rent

Image credits: justtpeachie

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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