132 Horrible Times Designers Forgot All Common Sense (Best Of All Time)

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Dieter Rams, the godfather of industrial design, defined ‘good design’ as making the product useful, understandable, innovative, aesthetic, unobtrusive, honest, and long-lasting. But that’s not even close to being all! It also has to be thorough to the last detail, environmentally friendly, and involve as little design as possible. Over time, these ten principles have become the blueprint for design, inspiring many creators worldwide. 

However, not all stick to such guidelines, producing many various design failures, which this successful subreddit takes pride in collecting. We, at Bored Panda, have published quite a few articles reviewing them, and today we are treating you to a list of some of the best, or perhaps worst ones, that make people scratch their heads from confusion. To find them, all you have to do is scroll down.

#1 Toilets And Mirror Ceiling

Image credits: zorton213

#2 This Clothing Display

Image credits: Agent_Orange7

#3 This Elevator

Image credits: Xadacka

Dieter Rams, a German industrial designer known for his less but better approach to design, outlined the characteristics of good design so creators know what is expected of them. He had immense influence in this field and helped to shape how products in the 20th and early 21st centuries looked and worked. Alarm clocks, toothbrushes, and coffeemakers are just a few of his hallmarks. 

In the late 1970s, Rams tried to figure out the world around him, asking himself the important question, “Is my design good design?” The answer led him to his ten principles, which we’re going to discuss more below.

#4 Pulling Tissues From This Box Feels… Uncomfortable

Image credits: Teapotfox

#5 Professor, I Can’t Get These Audio Files In Our Textbook To Play

Image credits: reddit.com

#6 Nothing Like The Smell Of Coffee And A Good Eye-Stab In The Morning

Image credits: CosmeBuzzanito

First, a designer should always strive for innovation. The world is constantly progressing, and new technologies are offering plenty of opportunities for novel and inventive ideas. Therefore, design has to keep up by taking these creative ideas and turning them into useful solutions to modern problems. 

Innovation in design can take many forms. It can involve new materials or technologies, rethinking traditional ways of designing, or finding fresh solutions to impractical issues. By embracing innovation, creators can come up with products that aren’t only functional but also sustainable and cost-effective.

#7 Sign At A Local Beach

Image credits: joefife

#8 I Bought A Billboard To Promote My Business And They Screwed Up The Formatting

Image credits: bencahn

#9 Crystal Furniture Set That Looks Like Raw Meat

Image credits: GautamXo

Even in the 1970s, Rams was concerned with the environment, waste, and consumer culture. In his 1976 speech, he said, “I imagine our current situation will cause future generations to shudder at the thoughtlessness in the way in which we today fill our homes, our cities, and our landscape with a chaos of assorted junk.”


Image credits: itsodarkdownhere

#11 This Bath Bomb’s Final Color

Image credits: reddit.com

#12 Spoiler

Image credits: reddit.com

With fewer and fewer natural resources, he believes that both buyers and designers should take responsibility for the state our world is in. He calls for an end to wastefulness and continues to advocate sustainable and innovative creations. 

#13 Tell Your Wedding Guests To Die

Image credits: reddit.com

#14 Gas Station In Nebraska. The Station’s Color Scheme Was Red. They Tried To Get Artsy

Image credits: aspiecat7

#15 The Placement Of This Baby’s Head Wasn’t Quite Thought Through

Image credits: ninimalini

It’s self-explanatory that the main reason people buy a product is so they can use it. That’s why design shouldn’t detract from its usefulness either. However, an item that is considered useful to one may be entirely useless to others, so the specific criteria that determine this remain difficult to define.

#16 I Think I Know Why

Image credits: TherRealMemeDemon

#17 Just Why

Image credits: ComunistCow

#18 Being Gay Was A Sin They Said

Image credits: TKZoroSantoryu

Something that makes buyers use the item more is if it’s aesthetically pleasing. When we don’t enjoy the look of it, we are less likely to pick it up.

Without a doubt, it should also be easy to utilize without any details interfering with the user’s experience. By saying that design should be unobtrusive, Rams is emphasizing the importance of simplicity and usability. Choosing a classic design that never looks outdated also prevents more products from ending up in landfills.

#19 This Amazing Pregnancy Test

Image credits: Explodinator580

#20 How Much Do You Trust Your “Multilingual” Ad Designer?

Image credits: badon_

#21 This Flower Print Dress

Image credits: 666

Finally, the product should be honest with its consumers, meaning that a person shouldn’t feel disappointed when an item doesn’t work as well as they hoped. So the design should be as innovative, powerful, or valuable as it claims to be. According to Rams, products should be reliable, durable and allow people to use them as they were intended to be used.

#22 This Unfortunately Designed Kid’s Balloon

Image credits: ViolentThespian

#23 Oh Boy, There’s Platypus Period In My Tea!

Image credits: Solero93

#24 For When You Want A Near Death Experience Every Time You Use The Stairs

Image credits: Peeped

In a nutshell, the best design won’t require extra explaining to its users, who will very much appreciate how simple yet thoughtful creations understand the people they are designed for. Jared Spool, the American writer, researcher, and usability expert, put it best, “Good design, when it’s done well, becomes invisible. It’s only when it’s done poorly that we notice it.”

#25 Proofreading This Book Couldn’t Have Been That Hard

Image credits: UltraLaser23

#26 Unfortunate Dog Placement

Image credits: reddit.com

#27 This Catholic School Logo

Image credits: Jaggyjags

#28 Smh

Image credits: mreynolds1023

#29 Perfect Design

Image credits: ivan_zykov

#30 Put Barbecue Sauce Inside For Extra Confusion

Image credits: stanfiction

#31 Rose Uh ?

Image credits: Fauconwill

#32 A Scene From An Indian TV Show

Image credits: reddit.com

#33 Idk I’m European

Image credits: reddit.com

#34 Dial 999 For…oh

Image credits: PM_Me_Grecian_Urns

#35 The Pockets On Women’s Trousers

Image credits: Iwantmyteslanow

#36 This Kid Mannequin

Image credits: Cnmbnmya

#37 Our Municiplaity Made Bike Lanes For Us Finally!

Image credits: sarsina

#38 Striped Carpet On Hotel Stairs. Hard To Use Even After Two Weeks And Completly Sober

Image credits: OilCareful8232

#39 This Sign At The Akron Zoo That Looks Like A Man Peeing In His Own Face

Image credits: -Error-UserNotFound

#40 Natural Beauty – Four Pairs Of Legs For Three Enourmous Torsos

Image credits: JnK85

#41 Love Handles

Image credits: reddit.com

#42 Attention

Image credits: boobooob

#43 Urban Planning

Image credits: LeyendaV

#44 I’m Just Gonna Let The Fire Consume Me

Image credits: veethis

#45 Winnie

Image credits: pheromonekvlt

#46 My Company Wanted To Make Our Fountain Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness. Didn’t…. Quite Get It Right

Image credits: BoeJenjamin

#47 It’s A Trap!

Image credits: RiffRaff161

#48 Probably It’s More Convenient

Image credits: Bobik42

#49 When Life Gives You Lemons

Image credits: mbz321

#50 When Your Security Gate Is A Ladder

Image credits: pcjcusaa1636

#51 I Didn’t Qualify For This Paid Survey After Selecting “No”

Image credits: bunnyxjam

#52 This Ad Placement

Image credits: MyNameGifOreilly

#53 The ‘Bathroom’ In My Airbnb Will 100% Result In Shi**y Encounters With The Host

Image credits: TheInBredDragon

#54 Closer Than You Think

Image credits: handofskadi

#55 I Think They Forgot To Photoshop The Other B**b

Image credits: youfound404

#56 The Elders At My Brother-In-Law’s Church Got To Design The Church League Softball Shirts. The Thought “Cli” (Christian Life International) Alone Wouldn’t Signify A Church, So They Added The Cross. Magnificent

Image credits: Iamabonermachine

#57 Commas People

Image credits: TardyFriend3

#58 A New Park Opened In My City, Pretty Lovely, And This. Buttcleaner3000

Image credits: XmeDavid

#59 Was Worried About Privacy, So I Asked If They Could Put A Door Up To The Men’s Change Room. Problem Solved

Image credits: YonoJ

#60 That’s Not How It Works

Image credits: SomeRandomPb

#61 Black One Is Salt, White One Pepper

Image credits: SirLCF

#62 We Cut Kids

Image credits: aTerrariaExpert

#63 Wow! What A Bargain!

Image credits: DjFizz

#64 A Nail Or A Screw

Image credits: irrelevantthroww

#65 A Bag Of Apples With A Character On It That Got Poisoned By An Apple

Image credits: Red_Rolo09

#66 Hey High School Bulldog, Meet My High School Wildcat

Image credits: sexycerebrum

#67 Be Positive?

Image credits: whynotfart

#68 The New School In My Community Has A Wheel Chair Access Button For The Door, But No Way For A Person In A Wheel Chair To Reach It

Image credits: crimxie

#69 They Just Don’t Go Together

Image credits: terbiun

#70 I Don’t Know If This Fits Here, But Do Not Leave Children Unattended At Whole Foods

Image credits: howaboutthatgod

#71 Diapers For Mutant Baby

Image credits: XinXaiXoku

#72 Architect: So How Many Windows We Thinking? Client: Yes

Image credits: Any-Classic-5733

#73 I Needed Red. Guess Which One I Grabbed At First

Image credits: bennythomson

#74 This Bus

Image credits: reddit.com

#75 We Are The Borg. Resistance Is Futile

Image credits: Oceanus5000

#76 So, It’s Fine Then?

Image credits: juanjoli

#77 My Arms Are About 7 Feet Long, So This Wasn’t An Issue For Me

Image credits: Tekki

#78 Parking Fee Just Gotten Real

Image credits: KiKenTai

#79 Put Barbed Wire Across The Top Of The Gate. We Don’t Want Anyone Climbing Over It

Image credits: iiooiooi

#80 Ho Ho-No

Image credits: reddit.com

#81 Pretty Sure He’s Using It Wrong

Image credits: AdamBarnhouse

#82 A-Maza-Ing – Design

#83 Tunashamed

Image credits: the_blueprint

#84 This Clock Store In Benghazi, Libya

Image credits: whysofew

#85 We All Party Down Here

Image credits: Tucko29

#86 Noted

Image credits: jhoang0730

#87 Forever 21 Does Not Know How To Use Photoshop Or What Women Actually Look Like

Image credits: add217

#88 The Clock Hands Don’t Glow

Image credits: Bl0rgasmorg

#89 It Almost Seems Intentional

Image credits: Palifaith

#90 “We Need To Decorate The Toilet For The Disabled.” “Say No More”

Image credits: WiggelingOversnipe

#91 Unfortunate Hole Placement

Image credits: Noah_ebb

#92 That’s Gonna Be An Easy Ride

Image credits: The_unchosen-one

#93 What Animal Is That?

Image credits: seppukupenguin

#94 Take My Honey

Image credits: mrq33

#95 The Circle Of Life

Image credits: LogicLost

#96 Almost Broke My Leg

Image credits: Landash

#97 Don’t Wake Anybody Up If You’re Exiting The Motel During A Fire!

Image credits: Coffee4MySoul

#98 This Captain Of The Submarine In My English Book

Image credits: reddit.com

#99 People Wearing Face Masks Looking Like Monsters

Image credits: A_Random_Guy_Here

#100 They Stopped Construction On The New Burger King In My Hometown Because The Building Is Backwards. They Put A Whole Building Up Backwards!

Image credits: NutAllergy21

#101 This Isn’t Even My Final Form

Image credits: NationalOrganizationOfMenAgainstAmazonianMasterhood

#102 Stay Home!

Image credits: Old-Blighty

#103 To Motivate

Image credits: The_King_In_TheNorth

#104 Honey, You Really Shouldn’t Have

Image credits: anlyin

#105 I Can’t Even

Image credits: reddit.com

#106 My Son Just Asked Me Why This Lady Is Reading Poop Magazine. I’m So Proud

Image credits: PantsOfSteel

#107 Because I Can See Through Stainless Steel

Image credits: yourightimwrong

#108 Sub-Par ATM Placement. Way Sub-Par

Image credits: d3yv3l

#109 This Kid Friendly Hand Sanitizer Package. Looks Like One Of Those Apple Sauce Things, No?

Image credits: dank_memed

#110 I Was Having A Good Day Until I Went To The Supermarket

Image credits: -The-Goat

#111 One Armed Mother And A Demon Child

Image credits: pieterpiraat

#112 Step 4: Just Go Sit In Some Other Chair

Image credits: wvWvvvWvw

#113 My High School Commissioned A Bulldog Statue! This Is The Result

Image credits: cutzngutz

#114 These Pull Tabs That Never Come Off

Image credits: willyism

#115 Plant Dyed Underwear On Etsy

Image credits: Glycine_max

#116 Lex? Sex? Derp? Lox? Nope, It’s Supposed To Say Jax For Jacksonville, Florida For $18 Million Dollars

Image credits: baltinerdist

#117 Best Cat Carrier To Contain Your Sexy Cat

Image credits: moos_in_space

#118 This Bench. Where I Live It Is Very Hot And It Is Impossible To Sit In This Park

Image credits: RocketSmash9000

#119 Why Is Clear A Green Button While Enter Is Yellow? I Kept Accidentally Clearing My Pin

Image credits: veeveemarie

#120 Sometimes It’s Okay To Judge A Book By Its Cover

Image credits: jaapgrolleman

#121 Vicious Incest?!

Image credits: thedirtyjackal

#122 Correct Punctuation Is A Must!

Image credits: reddit.com

#123 I’ve Been Conditioned To Recognize This As “Do Not”

Image credits: CaptAwesome5

#124 These New Public Trash Cans In The Us City I Live In (Binghamton, NY) That Definitely Won’t Confuse Older Folks Trying To Send Mail

Image credits: AfterDINNERMinge

#125 Very Long Message Warning (While Driving) Not To Take Your Eyes Off The Road For Too Long

Image credits: J4CKR4BB1TSL1MS

#126 My Four-Legged Duck

Image credits: imgur

#127 I See Your “Use Before: Made In China” And Raise You “Warning – Made In China”

Image credits: baklavainabalaclava

#128 This Ad For Graduation Photography

Image credits: box_cardinal_peanut

#129 Where’s The 0?

Image credits: AlbertSPedersen

#130 This Graph

Image credits: m4uro2

#131 I’m Pretty Sure That’s Not How You’re Supposed To Hold A Scythe

Image credits: redsignals

#132 Mate, I Don’t Think That’s A Seagull

Image credits: SparkOfFire_

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