Most of us probably occasionally fight with family members. Everyone has a unique perspective on how they want to live their lives and how they want the lives of their family members to be lived. However, sometimes people in the family just don’t get along and want to “bite” each other to show off that they are above and make others feel worse. Everyone in the family generally wants what is best for their relatives, even if they occasionally step over the line. However, they mostly intend to support one another, but sadly, this is not always the case, which causes conflicts within households.
More info: Reddit
It’s not the best behavior to humiliate a family member the entire evening until she runs out of patience and then act like the victim
Image credits: r. nial bradshaw (not the actual photo)
Woman tells her story of how, after being made fun of by her cousin, she was branded a jerk for embarrassing her rude relative
Image credits: Used_Mention_1364
Image credits: rick (not the actual photo)
After that rude remark, the woman finally had enough and stood up for herself
Image credits: Brent Payne (not the actual photo)
The woman ended up getting labeled a jerk and attacked by the whole family because they were also kicked out of the restaurant
Reddit user “Used_Mention_1364” recently shared her story in one of the subreddits after she ended up being called a jerk by the family and additionally getting kicked out from a restaurant. The story received a lot of attention as in less than 24 hours it received 19K upvotes and more than 3K comments.
The author starts her story by introducing her cousin Sarah, who has two kids from a previous relationship and a newborn with her current boyfriend MJ. Additionally, OP doesn’t have any kids at the moment. The main drama started when the woman, her mother, sister, and cousin went to a sushi place.
For OP, it was the first time eating sushi and using chopsticks, which made her cousin laugh obnoxiously. Later on, the waiter suggested “training wheels” for the woman that would be more comfortable to eat with, which led the cousin to laugh even more and apologize on behalf of OP because “she constantly embarrasses herself and us”.
When the time finally came for dessert, MJ joined the dinner. The rude cousin was constantly explaining to him that OP is very stupid, slow, and now the whole family and all the restaurant staff can see that she is an embarrassment. The following insults included a fairytale that the author is very jealous of her cousin because she has kids and that nobody wants to have kids with her. After this, OP lost her patience.
She gave her cousin a taste of her own medicine and spilled everything that she had on her mind. Starting with saying that she just doesn’t want her kids to turn out the same as her cousin’s, that her current boyfriend MJ had a baby on her with his wife, and finished with probably most community members’ favorite phrase: “You probably learned how to use chopsticks by eating his wife’s leftovers.”
The whole drama ended with everybody screaming, Sarah crying and everything being extra loud. Additionally, they got kicked out of the restaurant. Mum and sister said that the author was being mean and a jerk for speaking to her cousin like this. However, the author is not sure if she went too far, considering she may be going through some post baby stress.
Image credits: Emran Kassim (not the actual photo)
The community members immediately started defending the woman and gave her the “Not the A-hole” badge. One of the users shared: “This is the type of comeback I only think of after the incident. OP is my hero!” Additionally, more people shared their support: “Definitely NTA. Good for you! This gave me a good laugh and made me proud of you.”
Bored Panda contacted the author and she was kind enough to share more insights regarding this story.
To begin with, the author said she posted the update in the original post. Long story (not so) short, it turns out that Sarah’s current boyfriend MJ is not divorcing his wife and that he made both Sarah and his wife pregnant during the same week as his birthday. Both ladies now have newborns. She also kept the birth of the wife’s child a secret, telling no one other than her mother, who then told the author’s mother, who in turn told the OP’s sister, who then told the author. So basically, the author was not supposed to repeat it in front of everybody.
After that, Sarah’s mother got in touch with the author to say that her daughter has an issue with OP since she doesn’t like kids (according to her, only horrible people don’t like kids) and was rude a couple of months earlier when she was requested to watch Sarah’s kids. She refused or asked to be paid. Of course, Sarah’s reason for her actions was that she was having a difficult time with MJ’s other baby. Finally, OP called Sarah to apologize, but she simply hung up after saying she wasn’t interested in what she had to say.
Now, the author said that she never got along with Sarah. “She’d always make remarks about me not having kids at my age because she was a teenage mother.” Additionally, she added that she was really surprised by so many reactions on the internet! “I was going through a lot of emotions as my family were all blaming me for acting up. So, I posted to get other opinions on the matter and the support was overwhelming!”
Folks in the comment section defended the author and shamed Sarah for such terrible behavior
The post Woman Wonders If She Was In The Wrong For Losing Her Cool During Family Outing Due To Her Cousin’s Demeaning Remarks first appeared on Bored Panda.
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