Woman Regrets Making Fun Of Her Coworker When She’s Left With All The Work

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More than 90% of employees have at least one colleague who annoys them, according to a 2022 survey. Despite how pesky co-workers can be, there isn’t really a guidebook we can turn to whenever they test our boundaries.

So when redditor Royal_Army_Of_Oz got fed up with a fellow worker who constantly underestimated their duties and provided snarky comments they decided to get even. Before leaving for a well-deserved vacation, they planned a petty revenge scheme for the cocky colleague and it made her life difficult, to say the least.

Rarely do employees like difficult co-workers

Image credits: leszekglasner / envato (not the actual photo)

So this one crafted a petty revenge plan before leaving for vacation that guaranteed to make colleague’s work miserable

Image credits: Daenin / envato (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Royal_Army_Of_Oz

Dealing with difficult co-workers

The relationships between co-workers are some of the most important ones and if they’re not going smoothly, they can make the days at work more dreadful, even if you love your job.

A psychologist Daniel Goleman told CNBC that a hidden secret when dealing with annoying colleagues is self-awareness and self-management. It’s important to know how one feels around them, how it influences their actions, and whether or not it impedes their performance. Finding out what triggers the frustration can help to anticipate it and regulate the feelings associated with a fellow employee.

He also advises to to give yourself a pep talk before going to work. Something along the lines of “Okay, I’m going to spend two hours with this person who I know triggers me. It’s just this person, it’s not me. And I don’t have to react.” is a good example of it. Preparing physically with box breathing can help to relax in the moment as well.

Such a ritual actually shifts the body from stress and anxiety mode to a relaxing one. Knowing how the co-worker gets under your skin and preparing to deal with it allows the person to recover more quickly, Goleman says. Humans can’t really control what’s going to trigger them but they can manage how long they spend being hung up on it.

The most frustrating colleague habits

Loud talkers and office gossip were crowned as the most annoying workplace pet peeves, according to a recent report. Indeed, these frustrations can hinder focus, productivity, and relationships at work, but again, how do you deal with them while remaining politically correct?

Brandon Smith known as The Workplace Therapist told CNBC that one strategy for dealing with loud talkers is to block them out. Trying to wear noise-canceling headphones or relocating to another room is a great first step.

When they become unavoidable Smith recommends waiting for an important call or a big project and asking them beforehand to keep their voice down. With this attitude, the person is setting a healthy boundary and proposes an invitation to help out. Most people will comply with such a request as they want to be seen as benevolent and kind.

To diminish the office gossip, it’s best to keep a professional distance. For example, if a co-worker asks you to contribute to negative criticism about another colleague, you can say “I haven’t had any of these experiences with them, so I really can’t add to the conversation,” and change the topic.

The hint should be understood, but if they try something like this again, Smith advises to redirect the discussion. He also notes that gossiping rarely ends well and only hurts the feelings of others. So being awkward in a conversation for a few moments and refusing to participate in gossip can have positive effects on the team’s morale.

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The post Woman Regrets Making Fun Of Her Coworker When She’s Left With All The Work first appeared on Bored Panda.

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