Some folks just can’t appreciate a good thing, even when it’s handed to them on a silver platter. Whether it’s borrowing your favorite sweater and never returning it (yes, sis, I’m talking about you) or getting help with something they couldn’t manage on their own, ungrateful people have a way of making your kindness feel like a mistake.
And that’s exactly what one Redditor felt when she found out her sister had been badmouthing her behind her back, despite all the free babysitting she was helping her out with. Isn’t family fun?
More info: Reddit
Free favors are like free samples—some people keep coming back for more but never plan to pay
Image credits: Elina Fairytale / Pexels (not the actual photo)
One woman stops babysitting for her sister after she finds out she’s been calling her a “deadbeat mom” behind her back
Image credits: Pixabay / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The woman agrees to babysit for her sister a few times a week, after her husband leaves her, so she can go back to work
Image credits: Tim Mossholder / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The woman sees a message her sister sent, calling her a “deadbeat mom” because she has a one-month-on, one-month-off style of co-parenting with her ex
Image credits: HonestPension7665
The woman refuses to babysit for her sister again, gets bombarded with messages, and is called a jerk by her family for it
The OP (original poster) has a pretty sweet setup with her ex – a one-month-on, one-month-off parenting schedule. I have to admit, I haven’t heard of that one before, but apparently, it works well. During her “off” month, the OP still stays connected with her kids through FaceTime, sleepovers, and outings. If co-parenting was a sport, she’d probably have a trophy.
But not everyone’s clapping for her, especially her sister, a newly single mom who’s juggling a new job and the chaos of single parenting. When the OP stepped in to help babysit a few times a week, you’d think there would have been a parade in her honor. Instead, her sis called her a “deadbeat mom” in some private chats that the OP accidentally stumbled upon.
Sis didn’t exactly handle getting caught with grace, trying the old “it’s out of context” excuse but refusing to show the entire conversation. So, the OP did what any self-respecting person would do: she pulled the plug on her free babysitting services. Suddenly, her sister remembered how to say sorry, begging the OP to reconsider, because, well, childcare costs aren’t exactly cheap.
Turns out, losing her babysitter meant potentially losing her new job. Of course, the family group chat started lighting up, and everyone was calling the OP the bad guy. But is she, though? Calling someone a deadbeat mom because they figured out a parenting system that works for them? That’s like shaming someone for being on vacation while you’re stuck at work. Jealousy can make people say some wild stuff, can’t it?
Image credits: Liza Summer / Pexels (not the actual photo)
It’s easy to understand why the OP’s sister felt some type of way—being a single mom is tough, and watching someone else live their best life can sting. But here’s the thing: jealousy doesn’t give you a free pass to treat people badly. Instead of tearing others down, wouldn’t it be better to focus on improving your own situation? Seriously, why do moms get judged for every single thing?
Whether it’s how they split parenting time or what snacks they pack for their kids, it’s like there’s a competition to win the title of “Best Mom Ever.” But here’s the thing: nobody’s giving out trophies. Mom-shaming says way more about the person doing it than the one being judged. It’s usually rooted in insecurity, frustration, or jealousy.
Because jealousy is a sneaky little relationship saboteur, isn’t it? When life gets tough, it’s easy to look at someone else’s situation and think, “Why do they have it so easy?” Ungrateful and jealous people can suck the joy out of your good deeds faster than a vacuum on turbo mode. The first rule of dealing with ungrateful people? Stop bending over backward for someone who doesn’t appreciate it.
Establish boundaries, whether it’s saying “no” to constant favors or refusing to tolerate disrespect. Next, communicate. Sometimes, people don’t realize they’re being ungrateful (or maybe they do and need to hear it anyway). Finally, learn to let go. Helping others is noble, but you’re not obligated to drain yourself for someone who can’t even muster a simple “thank you.”
At the end of the day, gratitude and respect aren’t optional—they’re the bare minimum in any relationship. If her sister can’t manage that, it’s not OP’s job to swoop in and save the day. Sometimes, tough love is the best love.
So, what’s your take on this story? Got any wild sibling tales or ungrateful moments to share? Drop them in the comments below!
Netizens side with the woman, saying she is not a jerk for canceling her free babysitting for her ungrateful sister
The post Woman Mocks Her Sister’s Custody Arrangement, Instantly Regrets It When Free Babysitting Stops first appeared on Bored Panda.
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