Woman Makes Her Husband And Kids Prove They Can Take Care Of A Dog Before Getting One, Becomes The Family Jerk

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Owning a dog is a joy, a privilege, and a huge responsibility; in order to enjoy the animal’s company, you need to take care of it. Every. Single. Day.

So when Reddit user SeaworthinessOwn9590‘s husband and kids started considering bringing a pup into their home, she made them prove that they were ready for the commitment.

The family had problems with it pretty much straight from the get-go, but instead of reevaluating their desires, they started blaming the woman.

This man really wanted to get a dog with his kids

Image credits: Lifeonwhite (not the actual photo)

But his wife asked them to show that they were ready for the responsibility that comes with it

Image credits: YuriArcursPeopleimages (not the actual photo)

Eventually, the grandparents also got involved

Image credits: IrynaKhabliuk (not the actual photo)

Image credits: SeaworthinessOwn9590

As the story went viral, the woman provided more info in the comments

People supported her and congratulated her on a difficult situation well-handled

Some shared that they used a similar test before getting a pet

The post Woman Makes Her Husband And Kids Prove They Can Take Care Of A Dog Before Getting One, Becomes The Family Jerk first appeared on Bored Panda.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/u5FyVKv
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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