Woman Hires Builder To Renovate Her Kitchen, Receives Creepy Messages After He Walks Out Halfway Through The Job

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Replastering the kitchen doesn’t sound like that big of a deal, so one woman asked for recommendations before hiring a builder to help her out. All seemed to be going fine until, three days into the job, the man packed up his stuff and left.

Naturally, the woman started wondering what could have happened for the worker to leave so abruptly without completing the job. She then messaged the man to ask when he would be coming back and what happened next went beyond words. In an X-rated response, the guy described a scary and explicit scenario that sent chills down her spine.

She then posted the screenshots on the Girlsmouth Facebook group with the caption “I messaged him this morning to end up with this reply. I was in that much shock, I didn’t respond. Any suggestions, ladies?” Luckily, people in the group shared some advice on what to do in this creepy case.

 After the builder left the job unfinished, the woman wrote to ask him what happened and this is what he replied

Image credits: GIRLSMOUTH

Bored Panda reached out to Chloe Todd, a social media influencer and administrator of the Girlsmouth Facebook group to find out what she thought of this creepy case. “My initial reaction, I thought ‘OMG, that is like a movie! How hilarious is that!’”

Chloe said that initially when members started commenting, “a lot of them thought it was funny”. Soon, however, the commentators “made everyone sit and realize actually that’s really not ok, and actually very unprofessional and in some people’s eyes, scary.”

She then posted the screenshots on a Facebook group and this is what people had to say about it 

The woman, who’s also the founder of the Girlsmouth group, said that she set it up three years ago as a fun local group for girls to get together. Surprisingly, “it went CRAZY and blew up after a viral story went around about one of our admins and a lifeguard, and then another which you might have seen before which caused some controversy on what color a shoe was. It made it to E! News… haha!”

As a result, Chloe said that the admins had to put a hold on member requests for about 6 months. “There was just so many members, we’ve finally started re-accepting people into it again.”

Chloe also added that “I have admins who work voluntarily for me, and I have grown so much from the platform of the group.”

Today, Chloe said that she works as a social media influencer full time, “sharing my own personal life and working with amazing brands, which never would have happened without Girlsmouth!”

“It’s been a hell of a ride and I’m excited for the future of the group and the future stories that will be shared,” she concluded.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3e0BCK4
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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