Woman Cooks Dinner For Studying Boyfriend Who “Jokingly” Addresses Her With A Slur, She Drops It On The Rug And Leaves

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When you have a deep connection with someone, you would like to believe that they know you like the back of their hand.

Your mother’s maiden name, what foods you absolutely can’t stand, how you take your coffee, which family members you secretly despise – and in this case, whether you’re a fan of having vulgar slurs used against you even as a little “jokey joke.”

Of course, certain things are meant to be kept private – for instance, pointless and intimate matters that hold no significant value to your partner. Yet, let’s face it, some things don’t need to be said aloud purely because they’re straightforward.

Dealing with similar conflicts is easy when your significant other is willing to listen; however, when a man is in his thirties and is unable to apologize, perhaps it’s time to give your relationship some good thought.

More info: Reddit

Sometimes silly little things like internet trends can make you see your partner’s true self

Image credits: Alex Ranaldi  ( not the actual image )

AITA for dropping our dinner on the ground and walking out when my boyfriend asked me ‘What’s for dinner tonight, b*tch?’” – this woman turned to one of Reddit’s well-liked communities wondering whether she’s a jerk for throwing a pot of pasta sauce on her significant other’s rug in response to him “jokingly” calling her an offensive slur. The post has managed to receive nearly 44K upvotes in the span of a day, as well as 1.9K comments discussing the situation.

Woman dropped dinner on the rug after partner addressed her with a demeaning term which he later blamed on a popular online joke

Image source: u/deliahdyno

The woman began her post by revealing that when she was at her boyfriend’s apartment, she decided to make a nice gesture and cook him a home-made meal because he was busy studying for his exams. She made pasta and a chunky sauce with meatballs and loads of veggies, and when she told him that the dinner was ready, the man went: “What’s for dinner tonight, b*tch?”, while really emphasizing the slur.

The OP went to her partner’s house to cook him a home-made meal because he was busy preparing for his exams

Image source: u/deliahdyno

The OP had had a hard day and has some awful associations with this vulgar term due to it being used by abusive people in her life, so she got so irritated that she dropped the pot of pasta sauce right on the floor. The woman then uttered that there was nothing for dinner anymore and that she had better not hear the man use that word ever again.

Surprise, surprise, the guy was only focused on the fact that the pasta sauce landed straight on his rug and declared that the woman was “seriously acting like a b*tch now.”

When she informed him that the dinner was ready, he quoted a TikTok trend that included an offensive slur

Image source: u/deliahdyno

The author of the post stormed off, got takeout for herself, and went to her pal’s house. The friend thought that the whole situation was hilarious – however, the OP’s boyfriend was furious. He kept texting, calling ,and sending voice notes to her trying to explain that the saying was all part of a TikTok trend.

Naturally, the woman thought that it was the stupidest excuse ever, as no social media trend can ever justify someone using a derogatory term, even if it was done with no malicious intent.

The woman lost her cool, dropped a pot of pasta sauce on the floor, and walked out

Image source: u/deliahdyno

Yet nothing changed the fact that the man wholeheartedly thought that it was funny to demean the OP when she was doing him a favor. She had taken the time to come over knowing that he was probably exhausted from all the studying to make him a nice dinner, and he decided to thank her by calling her a slur. What a thoughtful gentleman.

In the end, the woman decided to put her phone on “do not disturb” and split a bottle of wine with her friend and her roommate.

The man kept justifying his “prank” and later demanded that she clean the rug

Image source: u/deliahdyno

Image credits: Stephani Spitzer (not the actual image )

A day went by, and in the morning the guy sent her angry texts demanding that she clean the rug because he was too occupied with his exams. The woman was shocked that he left it overnight, so she replied asking him to leave her alone until he was ready to handle his own cooking and cleaning.

The author of the post refused and told him to leave her alone until he was able to handle his own chores

Image source: u/deliahdyno

He called her up and told her that he was okay with doing his own housework – however, she had thrown a full pot of pasta sauce at his rug, so according to him, it was on her to clean up.

The woman also ridiculed his poor excuse and said that she was starting her own trend called “saucing”

Image source: u/deliahdyno

The OP responded by saying that she was no longer comfortable helping him with his tasks if he thought of her as his b*tch. She wryly added that she was starting her own trend called “saucing” where people throw pasta sauce around and that he can’t get mad because it’s all a joke. Of course, the guy said that he didn’t mean it and reiterated that it was all a trend.

The boyfriend hung up the phone, leaving the woman wondering whether this trend would be the end of them

Image source: u/deliahdyno

Image credits: Daniel Hackney  (not the actual image )

The man became livid and hung up the phone, making the OP wonder if this ridiculous online trend would be the end of them and whether she might’ve perhaps overreacted.

Due to the post going viral, the OP decided to add extra commentary

Image source: u/deliahdyno

Since the tale got a lot of attention from the community members, the woman was forced to edit it and add a little bit of extra commentary.

Some netizens questioned if she ever told the man that she was not comfortable with him using such words

Image source: u/deliahdyno

Some people pondered how the guy would know that the author of the post is not into being called a b*tch, and the woman said that if someone has gotten to the ripe age of 30 and hadn’t managed to realize that women are not fans of having demeaning slurs used against them, they’re simply beyond her help.

To which the woman replied that “this isn’t something that needs to be told”

Image source: u/deliahdyno

The OP then continued by saying that this kind of information is not something that needs to be told. It’s pretty self-explanatory, and she shouldn’t have to spend her whole life telling every man she meets that she doesn’t appreciate derogatory language being used towards her.

What do you think about this story? Would you have handled it differently?

Fellow community members shared their thoughts on this story

The post Woman Cooks Dinner For Studying Boyfriend Who “Jokingly” Addresses Her With A Slur, She Drops It On The Rug And Leaves first appeared on Bored Panda.

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