“Will You Just Get Rid Of It?”: Guy Accuses GF Of Choosing Religion Over Him

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Deciding to move in together is a big step. Two separate individuals merging their lives under one roof doesn’t always go smoothly. Throw in a difference in cleanliness, schedules, decor preferences and political or religious beliefs and there are bound to be a few bumps in the road. Many couples take a while to find their groove.

One woman’s excitement about moving in with her boyfriend of a year soon turned to dismay when he told her he wouldn’t allow any religious things in “his” new home. The girlfriend has a spiritual altar that she’s not willing to part with. But her Atheist partner wants her to sacrifice it in the name of love. Now, she’s not sure what to do. Bored Panda got some great advice from Rosalinda Randall, a sought-after etiquette and communications expert.

The world is made up of billions of people, all with different spiritual or religious views

Woman lighting incense at home, engaging in a religious practice.

Image credits: vadymvdrobot/Envato (not the actual photo)

One woman is now questioning her relationship after her Atheist BF demanded she sacrifice her altar to stay with him

Text describing a relationship issue over an altar, with a boyfriend's request related to religion.

Text about a couple's future plans and moving in together amidst a discussion on choosing religion.

Text screenshot discussing a boyfriend's request about an altar, highlighting a conflict between relationship and religion.

Text discussing a guy who doesn't want religious items like an altar in his home due to being an atheist.

Man in a blue shirt sitting on a bed, looking frustrated, concerned about religion and relationship choices.

Image credits: svitlanah/Envato (not the actual photo)

Text describing a conflict in a relationship over religious items, with the guy accusing his girlfriend of choosing religion over him.

Text discussing a relationship conflict over religion, with an atheist boyfriend opposing an altar in shared living space.

Image credits: Direct-Caterpillar77

“Tommy needs to take a grown-up pill”: an expert weighs in

When we reach out to renowned etiquette expert Rosalinda Randall for her opinion, she tells us that she knows a few couples who have successfully worked through similar issues. Randall believes it is possible for couples with opposing religious views to have a healthy and happy relationship.

The secret is to discuss and agree on parameters and expectations, she tells Bored Panda. “For example, are they required to attend a holiday gathering? Will you be taking your dog to a ‘pet blessing?’ In other words, how will your beliefs or practices affect the other person? And, is either person willing to comprise or bend a little?” advised the expert.

Randall adds that if you have strong beliefs, whether for or against any religion or spiritual practices, it would be wise to share those when the relationship begins to evolve from dating to ‘let’s-see-where-this goes.’

We asked her how best to bring up the subject of religion with a partner without offending them. “Don’t discuss your differences or point out their religious practices when you’re at a boiling point,” she cautioned. “Before stating reasons on why your beliefs make more sense, ask them why they believe what they do. Learn and understand before admonishing them.

“Sometimes, with understanding, which does not equal agreeing with, comes acceptance; something you can both respect and live with,” says Randall.

Bored Panda was curious to know what Randall would say to the girlfriend in this situation. “Sometimes we feel our gut alerting us as to how to proceed, but we often ignore it because our focus is on what could be or how it’ll magically work itself out,” she replied.

 “You’ve invested one year in a relationship and what have you learned? That your religious beliefs are a part of who you are and wish to continue,” added the guru. “That you didn’t see the signs about how Tommy felt about your beliefs. That at this point, either Tommy is not the most suitable long-term partner for you and that you might consider renewing your lease to see how the relationship evolves. Are you willing to hide or stop practicing your religion for Tommy? That this stern request may be the first of other to come. A scary thought.”

As for Tommy, Randall thinks he needs to man up. “Tommy needs to take a grown-up pill. Or find himself a girl who likes to be told what she can and cannot do in their rental. Especially without a ring on their fingers!” she exclaimed.

“Tommy had one year to voice his opinion about her altar. Was he being polite because it wasn’t ‘their’ home?” continued Randall, adding that if being in the presence of the altar was offensive, he should have told her a long time ago.

Randall told Bored Panda that Tommy doesn’t seem to practice the art of compromise, which is a necessary skill when two people are involved. “Why wait until she fell in love? Was Tommy so sure of her devotion thinking that she’d conform to all of his requests?”

The expert said if the woman is still unsure about moving in with Tommy, she’d advise her to talk to a trusted source—whether it’s a clergy member, a parent, or a professional counselor. Randall adds that both partners are at fault for not having discussed their opinions in the year they were together.

A newsflash for the Tommys out there,” said Randall in closing… “Having your name on a lease alongside your girlfriend’s name, does not make it solely ‘your house; your rules.’”

Even some Atheists agreed that the boyfriend was out of line

Reddit post discussing relationship dynamics and religion choices.

Text discussing relationship issues regarding religion and priorities.

Comment discussing faith and relationship priorities, questioning if lack of faith is prioritized over partner's needs.

Text discussing relationship tensions over religion and personal beliefs shared in an online forum.

Comment supports GF choosing religion over relationship, emphasizes personal choice.

Comment about relationship challenges due to religious differences, suggesting incompatibility and choices moving forward.

Reddit comment discussing relationship respect and the conflict between religion and personal choices.

Reddit comment about boyfriend's intolerance towards girlfriend's religious beliefs.

Comment discussing relationship conflict over religion and atheism.

Text of a Reddit comment discussing manipulation in relationships involving religion.

Text exchange questioning belief respect in relationships over religion.

Text from a user discussing a situation where a guy prioritizes his vision over his girlfriend's religion.

Reddit comment discussing relationship boundaries and religion versus partner preferences.

Comment discussing atheism and relationships, highlighting the conflict between personal beliefs and mutual acceptance.

Text discussing relationship compromises related to choosing religion over personal preferences.

Comment discussing boyfriend accusing girlfriend of choosing religion over relationship.

Comment on atheism, relationships, and compromise, shared by a user named BelgianBillie.

Comment discussing conflict between atheism and religion in a relationship, comparing it to baldness and hair.

Text discussion on choosing religion over personal relationships, questioning the need for an altar at home.

The woman later revealed that her BF had read her post and they’d come to an agreement

Text on a white background discussing feedback and clarifying points.

Text about dating an atheist, keeping an altar, and personal beliefs, without affecting sociopolitical views.

Text about using conversations to discuss relationship concerns, including how a guy read a post and shared his feelings.

Man and woman in a heated discussion, addressing conflict about choosing religion and relationship priorities.

Image credits:  1footage/Envato (not the actual photo)

Text discussing discomfort and unfamiliarity with religious practice, highlighting the need for understanding.

Text describing a man apologizing and discussing a candle ritual, focusing on religion and understanding.

Text excerpt highlighting a boyfriend's efforts to understand religion better by reading books nightly.

Text about moving in together and discussing shared living space, highlighting relationship and religion choice issues.

Text message about a boyfriend understanding and apologizing, highlighting resolution in a relationship over religion.

Image credits: Direct-Caterpillar77

Some felt the woman was still ignoring red flags

Reddit comment referring to relationship drama involving religion, discussing perceived red flags and concerns.

Comment highlights importance of communication over drama, related to choosing religion over relationship.

Text post about a girlfriend's altar candles being mistaken for a boyfriend's actions.

Text comment about using altars in Mexico for grieving, despite not being religious.

Reddit comment on relationship issue: “Still didn't fix the 'my home' bit though” with 150 points.

Comment discussing religion, mentioning paganism and working with deities, highlighting common pagan practices.

Comment on a relationship issue involving religion, highlighting a metaphor about someone trying to keep the door open.

The post “Will You Just Get Rid Of It?”: Guy Accuses GF Of Choosing Religion Over Him first appeared on Bored Panda.

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