Why You Need A Morning Routine Even If You’re Not A Morning Person

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You’re reading Why You Need A Morning Routine Even If You’re Not A Morning Person, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’re enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

You know there has to be a better way to start your mornings, but as fast as this thought comes to mind it leaves the moment you step outside.

A morning routine can actually make you more productive and give you more free time to do the things you love.

Here’s a blueprint from the book “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod that you can use to create a morning routine that’s unique to you and your needs. Once you adopt this habit, your life will never be the same.

Creating Systems For Success

Currently, you’re accustomed to waking up 30 minutes — 1 hour before starting work. Whether you’re working on your own business or for someone else, you’re currently only giving yourself enough time to prepare for work.

To create a morning ritual you’ll have to start waking up 1 hour earlier. It won’t be easy but by starting small you’ll increase your chances of succeeding.

Start by going to bed 30 minutes earlier than what you’re currently accustomed to. You may feel tempted to watch Netflix longer or finish some work, but you’ll need this energy to wake up earlier the next morning.

Build hype for the next day. What goals will you be working towards? What’s something important you want to accomplish before you work on anything else?

You’ll have 1 whole hour dedicated to yourself. That’s something worth looking forward to.

After you’ve nailed down going to bed 30 minutes earlier work your way up to 1 hour.

Here are some tips to help you wake up each morning :

  • Leave your phone across the room so you’re forced to get up
  • Drink water.
  • Brush your teeth.

This can take time but after a few weeks, you’ll start to notice positive changes.

The Power Of Silence

Mediation is a technique used to become more present in your daily life. You start by finding a quiet space to sit down. Then you’ll inhale deeply and exhale slowly.

Start meditating 5 minutes in the morning and work your way up to 10–20 minutes per day. Feel free to break your meditation sessions throughout the day.

If you’re new to meditation you can watch online videos or get guidance on applications such as Headspace . In the beginning, you may feel “weird”, but eventually you’ll learn to become more present in your life.

Why Affirmations Matter

It is said that your subconscious mind controls your conscious actions.

Instead of wishing that your subconscious mind will prompt you to take the right actions, condition it with affirmation. Affirmation involves writing down positive statements that you’ll read out loud.

Even the best affirmations won’t help you reach success if you don’t put in the work.

We all have an inner voice inside of us that judges us for our every decision. With affirmations, we help quiet down that voice by stating something positive.

How To Visualize Your Success

You need to visualize success before reaching it.

Practice closing your eyes for a few minutes to visualize reaching your goals and achieving your daily tasks. This will prepare your mind mentally for success before you start your workday.

A vision board can also help you stay on track with what your goals. This board should contain multiple pictures that showcase your goals after they’ve been accomplished. Put your board somewhere you’ll view it daily to help you stay focused and motivated each morning.

Soak up the moment.

As you visualize success imagine how you’ll feel accomplishing your goals. Will you feel happy, proud, or fulfilled?

Start your mornings with strong intentions and you’ll focus on working on tasks that matter the most.

Prioritizing Your Health

Without proper health nothing in life matters.

Whether it’s launching a new business or spending more time with your family, you need great health.

If you’re not currently going to a gym, start by following home workout videos and work your way up to getting a gym membership. You can achieve great workouts at home, but a gym will have better training equipment.

Aim to attend a gym a minimum of 3–4 days per week. When you’re not going to the gym aim to run or do home workouts.

Working out in the morning can help increase your energy and improve your mood.

Reading To Expand Your Knowledge

You won’t grow if your constantly surrounding yourself with the same information.

Instead of only obtaining information from the news each morning, read books, blogs on topics that interest you. Reading is a skill most people have but don’t practice enough.

Nowadays you have many options to consume books. Whether it’s audio, digital, or paperback there’s really no excuse to not read.

There are many great blogs out there but here are some of the best:

Commit to reading 20 minutes each morning before you start working. Eventually, work your way up to 1–2 hours daily.

This sounds daunting at first but it will get easier the more your practice.

Why Writing Down Your Goals Matters

A goal without a plan is simply a dream.

The first step to accomplishing your goals is to clearly define what you want to achieve.

Examples of goals:

Vague goal: “I want to run your own business one day.”

Clear goal: “I’d want to start a bookkeeping business 12 months from now”

Once you’ve defined your goal you’ll break it down into daily actionable steps. These actionable steps are what you’ll write down in your journal. To break down your goals keep asking “What next steps can I take to accomplish this goal?”

Writing down your goals allows you to work on your most important tasks daily and to track your progress. Stop keeping your goals inside your head and begin taking action towards your dreams.

Living A Life With Purpose

Picture this.

Your alarm rings and after the first “beep” you turn it off. You didn’t put in snooze and you’re not dreading your morning. Although you’re comfortable in your bed you decide to sit up.

You briefly glance at your vision board and begin imagining how your life would look like after you’ve accomplished your goals. You then sprint out of bed and start your morning ritual.

An hour later you feel more relaxed. You’ve meditated, read, exercised, wrote down your tasks for the day, and visualized success. You feel empowered knowing that you’re now starting your mornings in a more productive manner.

You smile and begin your workday.

Is this really happening?

It can be if you begin practicing these habits each morning. Stop believing that you’re not a morning person and begin taking charge of your life.

Use this blueprint and change it along the way to make it your own.

You have what it takes to succeed. Afterall, you somehow ended up reading this post.

Make your mornings the best part of your day.

Chris’s passion for writing is to inspire other working Millennials to not just settle for “retirement someday” but to reaching financial independence faster than most. Grab your FREE 6 Proven Morning Routine Rituals Checklist.

You’ve read Why You Need A Morning Routine Even If You’re Not A Morning Person, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’ve enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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