“What’s Considered Trashy If You’re Poor, But Classy If You’re Rich?” (58 Answers)

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You know how some outfits look great on some people but worse on others, even though they’re more or less the same build, age, and the outfit is exactly the same? That’s because sometimes something impalpable, like a skip in their step or their confidence, can make all the difference.

In some situations, it’s money—and the biases that come with it—that make all the difference. This becomes evident after taking a look at some real-life examples, some of which you can find on the list below—that’s where we put some netizens’ two cents on things that are considered classy if you’re rich and trashy if you’re poor. Scroll down to find them below and see for yourself how big of a role wealth-related biases can play.


Just learned, a mattress on the floor. Or as the rich call it, a Montessori bed.

Image credits: djspinatik


Knowing a judge by name.
Living on a boat.

Image credits: mstiffanytoussaint


Eating “exotic” parts of the animal. Calf brains in France – okay. Oxtails in Jamaica, not so much.

Image credits: ushipedia


Marrying your cousin.

Image credits: mattypantts


Day drinking, speaking two languages, hard d**gs, tax avoidance.

Image credits: wealthywomenguide


Having a lot of kids. If you’re poor, it’s “irresponsible.” If you’re rich, it’s building a legacy.

Image credits: pearlregis


Showing up to a work meeting with your child while wearing a baseball cap and a t shirt while everyone else is wearing a suit.

Image credits: unbeknownsttothemall


Giving your kids odd names.

Image credits: theshades_of


Just look at Balenciaga’s clothing and shoes.

Image credits: brandygontherocks


Multiple marriages/divorces
Multiple fathers of your children
“Container homes”
Leasing vs buying

Image credits: ashley.kougher


Literally everything. When you’re poor everything you say or do is trashy and means nothing. Whereas when you’re rich, everything you do makes sense and get praised and everything you say carries weight.

Image credits: isavamm


Having kids, eating noodles, being in debt, laughing loudly.

Image credits: iamliaraib


Eating with your fingers.

Image credits: norcal95110


Not letting your wife have a job.

Image credits: aurora.raia


Having a barren house. If you’re rich, it’s called minimalism. If you’re poor, it’s not being able to afford furniture.

Image credits: John Diego


Immigrant (if you’re poor), expat (if you’re rich)

Image credits: chefjennydorsey


Driving an old car.
Living with your parents.
Not getting a college degree.

Image credits: shiona.not.fiona


Proposing with your mother’s/grandmother’s ring.

Image credits: leobarbiegf


Riding a bicycle. No car if you’re poor; exercise if you’re rich.

Image credits: thatgirl_domm


When the rich are dripped out in designer it’s classy, when regular people wear that , the elitist say you’re trying to impress others. I stick it to them and wear the copy version which looks just like the real one. They can think what they want to think, idc I look great

Image credits: scar.marii


A spouse who was born in a different country.

Image credits: makeurowncoffee


Sleeping outside or wild camping as I call it.

Image credits: fullback999


Toddler’s sticky fingerprints everywhere…. Messy at home, ‘abstract art’ if it’s on a canvas in a millionaire’s mansion.

Image credits: the_cart_therapy


Invisible and/or revealing dresses; Red Carpet vs Street Corners and Florida

Image credits: dracarys_vorsa


Government handouts (the poor call it social security. The rich call it contracts)

Image credits: bradfield_mill_house


Sadly, stealing. Or being corrupt.

Image credits: filipinomenuniverse


Home births. Women in LMICs die of inadequate access to maternity homes and qualified personnel. White ppl be doing this whole pool and doula and what jot shit and honestly that’s only possible if you have a home comfortable enough to give birth in and you don’t have generations of illnesses or complications you could have. Here most home births end in sepsis death or PPH.

Image credits: tibgraam


Someone else raising your kids

Image credits: nihilistteddy


One meal a day diet

Image credits: cheungbbernice


1. Tax evasion
2. Dirty clothes
3. Cursing

Image credits: niamspen


Having many pets.


Backyard weddings.


Having someone else pay.


Lip filling.


Rich people collect. Poor people hoard.


Outdoor shower.


Brown skin in a mostly white country: People would think you’re an ilegal migrant if you’re (look) poor (like buying cleaning products at Bunnings). Exotic trad wife if you’re wealthy (or arriving to your reformer Pilates class in your Lululemon outfit).
I’ve passed for both.


Free stuff. It’s called charity if you’re poor, and swag if you’re rich.


Having multiple baby mommas, not raising your kids, filing for bankruptcy, being a felon, eating fast food, not being educated and using the word very to describe things, this is all our president


Drinking at noon, wearing old clothes, and having a ‘stay-at-home’ lifestyle.


Animal print for clothes


Long acrylic nails. Hair weaves. Steak and lobster.


Speaking multiple languages (in the US), substance use (alcohol and other d**gs), dressing down, dysregulation/mood swings/rudeness, self-care


Eating chitlins. ‘Ghetto’ when poor and/or American. An expensive ‘delicacy’ in France: ‘les tricandelles’..


Not working


Being half naked in public.


Naming your child the name of a piece of fruit


Talking about money


The monogram signature bag.


Cereal at midnight.


Trucker hats. I wouldn’t say classy but more so “on trend” vs trashy


Parking your car on grass.


Having a news story about you.


Having a coffee to go cup with you.


Asking for money. When you’re poor it’s begging, when you’re rich, it’s a fundraiser


Substance abuse. Rich people are ‘troubled’ whereas poor people are just junkies


Having a lawyer’s business card in your wallet.


Letting your kids do whatever tf they want.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/Yv601qE
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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