There are those times in life when you suddenly stop and think just how astonishing some of the seemingly common things around us are. I mean, we can now reach almost anyone in the world in a matter of seconds, while people in the past used to send actual pigeons.
And worldwide connectivity is only the tip of a massive iceberg. In this Reddit thread, people share all sorts of things that only seem ordinary until they take a moment and realize just how crazy they really are. Drop down below and check out what they are!
More info: Reddit
Being able to chat with someone on the other side of the world any time you like.
Image credits: prajnadhyana
I carry a computer in my pocket with more processing power than the one that took us to the moon. It also has a built in camera, telephone, internet connection, and video games.
Image credits: Maestro_Primus
People. Ghosts driving meat covered skeletons made from stardust. What are we.
Image credits: nameofundefined
Modern transportation.
We used to walk *everywhere* or at best, ride a horse and then eventually in a carriage. Traveling took weeks, months, and years; not mere minutes, hours, or days. We can cross oceans and mountain ranges; objects that were barriers completely for a long time.
We have cars that *drive themselves* and train services that operate *without drivers*. We can now go places without *doing* anything.
It’s amazing.
Image credits: Maiyku
Google Maps – possibly the most impressive piece of software ever. Requires an entire network of satellites in geosynchronous orbit.
Image credits: Loggerdon
Most people lose consciousness for about 1/3 of the day to hallucinate vividly.
Image credits: banjourine
Life itself really. The fact that chemicals somehow combined at the right time. temperature, and energy level to form the basics of organic life is mind boggling. It’s something we humans take for granted.
I think Monty Python very eloquently states it in [The Galaxy Song]( in the movie “The Meaning of Life”:
“So remember, when you’re feeling very small and insecure
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space
‘Cause it’s bugger all down here on Earth”
Image credits: Sanseriouz
Ordering something huge and having at your door the next day.
Image credits: VictorFromCalifornia
Clapping. We show appreciation by slapping our hands together to make a noise.
Image credits: FrightenedOfSpoons
Some people can just grow another human inside them and squirt it out and it eventually just starts doing stuff on its own. Absolutely mental.
Image credits: nanomeister
We let people drive these massive machines that can go high rates of speed and cause enormous damage and don’t really retest their abilities beyond a renewal or minimal testing.
Image credits: kukukele
Planes. People usually don’t look twice but c’mon. That’s upwards of over 1 million pounds of metal, equipment and cargo just flying through the air like it’s paper. Imagine your car flying. It seems impossible yet there’s aircraft that can carry many many many many models of any car like it’s nothing. It’s one thing they fly in the first place but for example, a Boeing 747 can take off carrying more weight than it itself weighs, which I believe at max load is pushing 1,000,000 pounds. This plane can take off weighing about the same as 312 Nissan Altimas. Is that not crazy to anybody else? Don’t even get me started on the engines they use. The Boeing 777 uses the GE90-115B. ONE of those engines alone produces upward of 115,000 pounds of thrust and it has TWO of them.
Edit: just to add to it, the 747 bone dry weighs about 412,000 pounds depending on exact model. It can take off weighing 970,000lbs. It weighs 412,000 and can take off loaded with an ADDITIONAL 558,000 pounds. That is literally unimaginable weight. And it lifts off the ground like a damn feather. If you don’t think that’s crazy idek of anything realistically crazier.
Image credits: Plumpshady
The internet-the largest source of information ever created by mankind-and increasing exponentially every minute.
Image credits: Ok-Strain-9847
Nearly every night you can go outside, look up, and observe in fine detail an astronomical body that’s larger than Pluto, glowing brightly, floating around us. More than 50 years ago, humans traveled there on a giant bottle rocket, walked around, took some pics, got back on the boom tube, and rode it back to Earth.
Image credits: Stevesalias
You can go into a store any day of the week year-round and it will be stocked with milk, eggs, meats, fresh produce, breads of all kind, untold varieties of frozen and dry foods, virtually any spice or seasoning you can think of, coffee, tea, etc etc etc
To think that for most of western human civilization people ate bread made from the local staple grain and not much else..
Image credits: kjuca
Honestly, an old school answer but mail. The US mail system isn’t perfect but the fact that I can mail a letter to my in-laws that live across the country and they get it in 2-3 days is crazy.
Image credits: Mission_Following342
Computers and the chips that power them are nothing short of magic.
The process for [semiconductor fabrication]( is simply mind boggling. Are are to the point where we are adding and subtracting individual atoms as part of the process to make these chips. Then we take the chips and have them do things using just two commands – on and off. Like everything in front of you is just a series of 0s and 1s.
Ray tracing graphics and physics modules are insanely complex and their primary use is for GAMES!
We are replacing the air inside hard drives with helium because of turbulence inside the drive. Are you freaking kidding me?
Im going to get in my car to drive home and I have my portable super computer that will connect to satellites 23,000miles in the sky to determine my exact location on the planet to tell me the best way to get home. My handheld super computer will know the best way because every other car has a hand held super computer and they are reporting their speed automatically to the big map in the sky and then the big map in the sky tells me what way to go. And by that I mean a lady talks to me and tells me to get off at a different exit and go a different way if the traffic is too bad. In between giving me directions my hand held super computer is delivering me what ever music, book, or video from roughly the last 100 year I might happen to want to hear. And if my wife wants to talk to me she can either call or text me and my handheld super computer will either connect the call or read me the text while still doing all the other things.
All of that is possible with 0s and 1s flowing through a chip made using witchcraft that costs less than my first keyboard.
Image credits: ksuwildkat
Hearts. How a muscle in your body just keeps repolarizing over and over again to pump blood throughout your body over and over, years on end is just crazy to me. Everyone has one and doesn’t think about it unless there are issues. But, it is really wild to think about.
Image credits: TrumpsCovidfefe
Drinking a cow’s breast milk
Image credits: Individual_Lead_6492
Water is the only common material we know of that expands when it turns solid instead of compressing. Wild stuff. Imagine if ice sank.
Image credits: Maestro_Primus
Work from home/remote.
Only spending the time at work that you get actually paid for is amazing and one of the best developments of modern times. People who demand that you waste your lifetime to come to an office when your work can be done remotely are just as ridiculous as people who think they have the right to ‘test’ their friends by making ridiculous and unnecessary demands just to see if they do it.
Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio
We really still don’t 100% know how anesthesia works. We have good theories and practice logs but the root of it is still a mystery.
Image credits: No_Dragonfruit_9656
21% of our planet’s atmosphere is made of plants burps.
Image credits: Bonhomme7h
The logistics of food delivery.
Billions of people rely on food being transported from its sources (farm, abattoir, fishery, etc.) all over the world, to local vendors on a daily basis. It happens so reliably that most people don’t give it a second thought, nor give a thought to what would happen if it stopped.
Image credits: khendron
U.S. healthcare system.
People just spend $100s a month for health insurance so they can..hopefully avoid to ever going to a medical facility.
And those are the people that vote AGAINST universal healthcare.
It’s legit insane behavior.
Image credits: 2020IsANightmare
The concept of HOA. You are basically paying someone every month to tell you what you can and can’t do with your property and if you get tired of them and disobey them, they TAKE your property away from you.
Image credits: unflappedyedi
The interstate/highway system. It really wasn’t *that* long ago that the interstate system didn’t exist. Eisenhower got it started in the mid/late 1950s. And it’s not like this was something that simply happened overnight. It took nearly 40 years for the original plan to be considered complete, which happened in 1992.
Prior to its development and construction, there weren’t any travel routes that didn’t run *through* every town or city in its path. A 500 mile drive takes about 7 hours on the interstate today, but depending on what part of the country you’re in, that drive could have taken as long as 20 hours not much more than 40 years ago.
If you’ve ever wondered why so many roads have State Route numbers or US Route numbers attached to them, such as California Route 1 (known as the Pacific Coast Highway) or US Route 66 (known as Route [*Root*] 66), it’s because that numbering system was the predecessor to interstates. It was much easier to navigate long distance drives by following a route number from town to town to town instead of using street names.
The interstate system seems like a no brainer these days, but the idea for it alone was pretty brilliant, and the design and implementation of such a massive system is nothing short of incredible.
Image credits: OGBrewSwayne
In the 19th century, refrigeration and reliable canning processes made it possible for fresh meat and vegetables to be stored safely for long periods, and even shipped around the globe. All this replaced the reliance on salting and drying of these comestibles which damaged the food quality, didn’t last well and then damaged the health of the consumers.
Refrigeration and canning have also reduced famines by allowing stockpiles of food to be built up and reduced the individual’s need to collect and store their own stockpile just to get through winter.
There was a time when aluminum was so rare that it was even more expensive than gold.
And now we just drink sodas from it and then throw it by the wayside.
Toilet paper. If you pick up poo with your hands, you don’t just wipe it of with paper.
Mobile phone. You have whole world’s information in ur pocket
Image credits: rasim3169
Circumcision for baby boys apparently. I know it’s controversial – but once I had a baby boy, it changed things for me. I never really thought about it. It’s just what I knew. Now I can’t imagine putting my kid through that.
Facetime. Its like the Jetsons.
Image credits: carpenter1965
Freezers… dishwashers… washing machines… all the appliances.
Image credits: Acloneisaclone
There’s a popular economic story about the [#2 pencil]( An individual could never duplicate it by themselves. It takes hundreds of people in multiple countries using different technologies to make something that we throw away after barely using it.
Image credits: joshhupp
And white LEDs are downright bonkers.
Those of you that are a bit older also remember when EVERYTHING suddly had blue LEDs, that was due to that was the last primary colour that we figured out how to mass produce cheaply-ish at scale (in the early 1990s, we didn’t even figure out how to make a blue one at all until 1972).
Image credits: Herr_U
Instead of just buying one home, and living in it, and paying your little mortgage, if you really want to, you can buy a *bunch* of homes before anyone else gets the chance, and then you can charge people pretty much any amount of money you want to live in those homes temporarily, and then, if you really want to, you can just make them homeless and ruin their life. And then you can post an ad and do the exact same thing to someone else. And people will just keep signing up to let you screw them like that because it’s not like they can buy their own home, you already bought them all!
Government corruption
Image credits: Telrom_1
The president. It’s amazing hiw we can elect someone to the highest office in the land, then watch them screw up the entire country with absolutely no consequences to themselves.
from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda