“What Is Normal To Men But Weird To Women?” (45 Answers)

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It can be easy to fall into the trap of forgetting that the other half of the population lives a very different kind of life. The things that you might do without a second thought can, at times, be completely out of the ordinary for someone else. 

So one curious internet user asked, “What is normal to men but weird to women?” and netizens shared their best examples. From prison-cell-like living spaces to simply never asking questions, get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites, and be sure to add your own thoughts and examples in the comments section below. 


Accidentally walking behind a woman at night and quickly going to the other side of the road or slowing down to create distance so you don’t seem like a creep.

Image credits: FloppyPenguin1701


Me and the bros have been friends for like 15 years… I think we have a total of 3 pictures together haha

Image credits: Lamontyy


Using shampoo, conditioner, body wash and face wash from the same bottle

Image credits: spicy_sizzlin


The one who gets roasted the most is probably our star of the group. We insult because we love.

Image credits: Ok-Experience-6674


Being friends with someone and knowing absolutely nothing about them

Image credits: IPanicKnife


Having no decorations whatsoever.

Image credits: Egbezi


Sleeping on a mattress on the floor with no sheets and only one flat yellow pillow.

Image credits: NotNamedBort


stopping to pick up a good stick

Image credits: PaIngallsButSexier


Not getting details. Case in point: One of my best friends wife had a baby. I swung by the hospital on my lunch break, congratulated him, and left.

That night, I told my wife they had the baby. It was a boy, and the name. She started asking all this other stuff, length, weight, time, etc, and I had no idea. Didn’t bother to ask. Baby was good, Mom and Dad were good. I thought I had covered the bases.

Image credits: wango138


Walking around outside topless.

Image credits: Adventurous_Yak_9234


Deciding to do something and leaving the house 5 minutes later to get it done.

Image credits: Ok_Butterscotch_3219


Pants with pockets in the front.

Image credits: Eggith


I’m trans, and not many people know that. It gives me a very unique perspective in life of having acclimatised to both men and women social norms. A major difference is that men and women gossip, – but differently. When girls gossip, it’s about “who did what, when, how, and *the audacity*” and when men gossip, it’s one guy saying “this guy is a s**t c**t, ay.” And other guys going “yeah.” If I treated either in reversal, men would be put off by it, and women would be wondering *why* I don’t like them over the fact that I just *don’t,* women need reason, context. Forgiveness is different too. Women are so much more understanding, but rarely forgive once a line is crossed. Men might just not like you over something petty. Buy him a beer or make his life a little easier and suddenly you’re not so bad anymore. “He’s still a s**t c**t, but he’s not that bad” Men aren’t better drivers, they’re more decisive ones. Women are more cautious, which can slow reaction time when they’re accessing the situation. Men leave much more to instinct. Often in each other’s eyes, men are reckless, women are too slow. Neither are necessarily right or wrong. Being “gross”. Men in men-only environments don’t tend to think much about spitting, sticky taping wounds, adjusting their junk, farting, burping, not washing their hands as often as they probably should. There seems to be a lot more group forgiveness that “yeah I do that too, it’s normal.” When women are together, you still don’t hear them ripping one and congratulating each other.

Image credits: pakkomi


When you walk behind a woman up the stairs you truly evaluate the architectual design and thinking that went into them by looking down

Image credits: NostalgicNolan


Idle mode, literally not thinking of anything for a short period of time

Image credits: Raptoraide


Not having to constantly worry about waiting on line for the bathroom/finding a bathroom

Image credits: Historical-Essay6116


Nodding to other random dudes on the street, and getting nods back in acknowledgement

Image credits: blahdumb


To have just one towel for face, head, body and..a*s…..

Image credits: PleasantSolitude


Body hair. It’s fine for men to have hairy legs, armpits, etc., but everyone loses their mind if they see a woman with body hair

Image credits: pinndog-trillionare



Image credits: anonuglysimpleetc


Washing your hair every time you shower

Image credits: soyundinosaurioverde


That side step to unstick your nutsack.

Image credits: Warrature1969


Going literal years without any sort of physical contact

Image credits: RadiantHC


Not having any real friends to support them through tough times.

This is particularly true of boomers – I hope it won’t be the same for my generation. As I watch my parents and their friends get old, sick, and die, I see that none of the men visit each other in hospital or even know why their “friends” are sick. My mom and her female friends spend their days checking in on and taking care of each other. But when a husband gets sick, there is no one except their wife to take care of them.

The only exception in my parents’ friend-group was the gay male couple. They had a community of gay men supporting them.

Image credits: GrammarIsDescriptive


Never venting about your day

Image credits: Cbjmac


I have cried once in the last 15 years and it was when I watched my father die 12 years ago. I don’t ‘try not to cry,’ I just don’t cry. My wife and my 7 sisters have very clearly informed me this is, uh, not their normal.

Image credits: EdithWhartonsFarts


Several years back, my wife and I moved abroad. Our first Christmas back in the US we had separate guys/ladies nights to catch up with our old friends. When we got back that night she was able to give me an update on everyone because for the past few hours they just sat in a circle and took turns talking about their lives. When she asked me about the guys, I responded “I dunno, we just ordered pizza and played video games”.

Image credits: F0rdycent


Spending a half hour pooping.


Getting rejected when asking a woman out and then trying again.


Being scared of randomly being accused of being a creep in public, possibly even reported, even though you’re just minding your own business.

No, I’m not staring at you, I’m thinking about a certainly relevant scenario about how I would fight off a random armed bank robber right now and my state of mind is “Where am I going again? Oh, look, a bunch of ants. Nice.”

Image credits: Single_Blueberry


Having a beard


Been working out at a local gym for half a year with 3-4 guys . Don’t know their names. Don’t plan on asking.


No trash can in the bathroom.


Strapping something down and saying “that’s not going anywhere”

Image credits: Ok_Cry1188


I have a friend I’ve been friends with for nearly 8 years I don’t even remember his birthday or how old he is


Doing nothing

Image credits: Black-bitchh


Periods of silence. Sometimes you chill with the boys and just enjoy the moment. No words, just drinking, gaming, smoking, etc in silence..


Being ignored socially.


Thinking about Rome and the tragedy of its fall.


Having low success on social posts, for instance reactions are generally low and dating apps are not really favorable for men.


Walking alone at night to “clear the mind”, as men usually say. I wish I could do that!


The Helicopter


Hiding feelings because of society’s understanding of how men should be


Getting financially ruined in a divorce proceeding.



from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/N4wrDQm
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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