We Used Snapchat’s Genderswap Filter On 22 Marvel Characters

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With all the hype around the Snapchat ‘genderswap‘ filter right now, there has inevitably been a race to link it to the other hype beasts of our times, Game of Thrones and anything to do with the Marvel universe. We humans are pretty predictable really, aren’t we?

After our efforts last year to do just this, but with something called ‘Faceapp‘ instead (anyone remember that?), we here at Bored Panda thought we’d see if the Snapchat filter does a better job. What do you think? Oddly enough, there are only male to female transformations featured so far, would you like to see how the female Marvel actors look as males too? Let us know what you think, and check out the transformations below!

Tom Hiddleston (Loki)

from Bored Panda http://bit.ly/2Vh3Cyp


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