A good landlord is worth more than their weight in gold. If they’re fair, communicate well, and genuinely care about the welfare of their tenants, then you know for a fact that you’ve got a lot of stability in your life. On the flip side, landlords who refuse to do their duties, dodge your calls, and try to squeeze you dry probably deserve to be shamed online. And that’s exactly what the r/LandlordLove subreddit is all about.
An online community that’s home to 76.6k members, r/LandlordLove calls out the most horrible landlords that tenants have ever had the ‘pleasure’ of encountering. What these people went through is absolutely awful, and we wouldn’t wish it on our very worst enemies.
Scroll down to see just how bad things can get for some renters. If you’re feeling up to sharing some of your worst experiences with landlords, you can do so in the comment section, Pandas. Oh, and if there’s an additional bit of humanity that you’d just love to lose, check out Bored Panda’s earlier articles about r/LandlordLove right over here and right here.
#1 Hmm Landlords Don’t Want Tenants That Know Their Rights?
Image credits: hasharin
#2 I Just Remembered This Awful PSA From During The Pandemic Asking Women Not To Prostitute Themselves To Landlords Because They Lost Their Jobs And Can’t Afford Rent. How Can Anyone Believe Our Society Is Normal?
Image credits: reddit.com
#3 Nice
Image credits: Dan_Arrows
The r/LandlordLove subreddit was founded exactly three years ago, on October 18, 2019. The mods of the sub explain that the name of the community is ironic. The sub is meant to be a “tenant-friendly space” for people to highlight the problems of landlordism and the awful stuff that some landlords do.
From memes to personal experiences and more, the sub touches on a bit of everything. At the core of the sub lies the simple idea that housing is a human right. Which might sound like a no-brainer to many of you Pandas. But considering how bad the situation is getting, rent-wise, it seems like not everyone feels the same way.
CNN reports that rents are up double-digit percentages in some cities in the United States. “Meanwhile, buying a home is the most unaffordable it has been since the mid-1980s. Mortgage rates have surpassed 6% and home prices remain just off the record highs hit in recent months, pricing many prospective homebuyers out of the market.”
#4 God Is Indeed Good
Image credits: KING_LUV300
#5 Right?
Image credits: McJesse
#6 Ok Let’s Add Thievery To The List
Image credits: beardowns0806
A while back, my colleague got in touch with redditor u/RIPNightman, the founder and one of the moderators running the entire r/LandlordLove subreddit. In the interview with Bored Panda, they highlighted the fact that the community is meant for tenants, and landlords aren’t allowed.
According to them, the members of the group are “politically conscious and versed in left theory regarding Landlords and housing.”
Some of the most common posts on the sub include terrible landlord DIY, current articles about tenant/landlord conflicts, examples of some landlords “doing awful things,” as well as tweets about them. There are lots of memes, too.
#7 Publicly Admitting That They Regularly Steal From Their Tenants
Image credits: mitchysuch
#8 “You Gotta Look At It From The Landlord’s Point Of View”
Image credits: ZealousidealNewt1852
#9 Capitalism Is Inherently Unfair. It Favors The Wealthy
Image credits: adamcbest
“While they don’t always get much traction, we also have a lot of posts by tenants venting or ranting about situations they’ve had with their Landlord,” the mod told Bored Panda.
Redditor u/RIPNightman revealed the inspiration behind the online community as well. In short, the subreddit was born from the frustration with the current landlording system in the US.
“A system with its roots in feudalism where housing is not considered a right, but a privilege to be paid for. I’ve had a number of bad experiences with Landlords which influenced me. I’ve come to find out my struggles are very common, things like my deposit being kept by the Landlord despite me leaving the place spotless,” they said.
#10 Like Scalpers For Concert Tickets
Image credits: ZacharyDiaz
#11 It’s Not Much, But It’s Honest Work
Image credits: itspushpush
#12 I, For One, Think This Could End Up Wonderfully For Us All
Image credits: atomicthumbs
“Those getting into property management often do so with the explicit goal of being able to live off of this investment income. In most instances, the Landlord doesn’t build the house—they purchase the property to rent out,” the moderator told Bored Panda.
“Successful Landlords contract out all labor which is required for upkeep. Many spend as little money as they can to maintain these properties, especially the smaller ‘mom and pop’ Landlords. What we have is a class of individuals that can be compared to societal leeches. People who live off of the money their tenants earn working for a living while doing as little as they can in return.”
#13 I Informed My Landlord That The Law States I’m Required To Give 20 Days Notice To Move Out In A Month To Month Lease, Not 30. She Was Not Happy
Image credits: Dreadwalker
#14 Facebook Sometimes Does Not Disappoint
Image credits: xaxnxoxnxyxmxoxuxsx
#15 Landlord “Fixed” Nice Hardwood Floors
Image credits: cquinn32
Here at Bored Panda, we’ve covered intense drama between tenants and their less-than-stellar landlords time and again. A while back, we got in touch with financial expert Sam Dogen, the founder of Financial Samurai and the author of ‘Buy This, Not That,’ for a chat about how much we should be spending on rent. He stressed that we should be spending over 30% of our gross income on rent each month.
“Once you limit your rent to 20% of your monthly gross income, you’ll free up a lot more disposable income to invest. If you want to achieve financial independence sooner, my housing expense guideline recommends keeping rent/mortgage to 10% of gross income each month,” he told us that it’s always worth negotiating with your landlord for a reduction in rent.
#16 Shouldn’t Have Bought So Many Avocado Toasts
Image credits: babooshkayay
#17 Abolish Capitalism
Image credits: Anarchist23
#18 Reminder: People Don’t Need To Be Sober And Drug Free To Deserve Food, Shelter And Kindness
Image credits: Hater-Bot
“After all, if you never ask, you never receive. You just have to negotiate in a courteous way, not in a demanding way. As a landlord since 2005, all I want is great tenants who will take care of the place, pay on time, and be respectful to the neighbors. Plenty of landlords are willing to charge a discount to market if prospective tenants come across as responsible,” the financial expert said.
#19 As Everyone Knows, It Is Impossible For An Object To Break After 4 Years Of Use
Image credits: dandel1on99
#20 They Never Cared About You
Image credits: becca__lr
#21 Cruelty Is The Point
Image credits: dianestand
“If your rental property has fewer people, that’s another great reason to negotiate the rent lower. For example, my previous tenants were a family of four with a dog. However, my new tenants are a family of three with no pets. As a result, I was more than happy to charge them less due to less wear and tear. In a hot rental market, make sure to come prepared with all the relevant documents when applying. The more thorough, the better.”
#22 Just Get A Mortgage!
Image credits: r8dr4lfe75
#23 Inclusivity
Image credits: ModaGamer
#24 Bootstraps™️, Motherfuckers
Image credits: SrslyWrong
One of the most powerful pieces of leverage that tenants have is the willingness to move elsewhere. “Landlords don’t want turnover. If you move, even in a strong rental market, a landlord might lose a month’s worth of rent or more trying to find new tenants. So it’s best if there’s continuity,” Sam, from Financial Samurai, said.
#25 Landlords R Parasites!
Image credits: shaun_vids
#26 Important Reminder
Image credits: muchnerve
#27 Very True
Image credits: PheeMackley
“However, if tenants can’t find a better deal elsewhere and don’t want to move, then tenants should try and negotiate. Landlords want self-sufficient tenants who never bother them. Therefore, tenants can highlight their on-time payments and care for the property, Tenants can also volunteer to do some cosmetic upkeep in lieu of lower rent. For example, you might offer to paint some walls or change some fixtures that cost less than the rent increase. Tenants can also volunteer to be a project manager for any larger work the landlord wants done on the house at the landlord’s expense.”
#28 Will Someone Please Think Of The Landlords?!
Image credits: 1catcherintherye8
#29 The World Doesn’t Need Jeff Bezos. But Jeff Bezos Needs The World. We As A Society Need To Remember That
Image credits: JoshuaPotash
#30 That’s So Infuriating!
Image credits: brian_goldstone
The ideal tenant/landlord relationship involved very little friction and is harmonious. The more mutual mistrust there is, the worse the situation is for everyone involved.
“Good landlords will want to take care of good tenants and vice versa. Landlords have been burned many times before with non-payment, damage to property, rent moratoriums, rising property taxes, noise disturbances, and so on. These past occurrences are one of the main reasons why there are bad landlords. Work together to make things work!”
#31 Landlord Isn’t Giving The Deposit Back Regardless So
Image credits: ReagansTweets
#32 100% Correct.fuck This System
Image credits: Bootleggerking888
#33 Anyone Else Stand Behind And Back The Boys In Beige?
Image credits: Minion Death Cult Podcast
#34 Pretty Nice Of This Landlord To Incentivize His Tenants To Exercise
Image credits: Faolin_
#35 Mao
Image credits: Falkoro
#36 Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People
Image credits: shotabreadloaf
#37 Sounds About Right
Image credits: gabby930
#38 Just An Honest Job. Honest Living
Image credits: sucks4uyixingismyboo
#39 He’s Got My Vote
Image credits: JoHeller
#40 Doin Work
Image credits: cmoneynb
#41 Landlord Helps Himself To Tenant’s Cookies
Image credits: mcrtheworld
#42 I Have No Words
Image credits: Ariannaree
#43 “My Tenant Is Dead. What’s The Best Way To Gouge Money From His Bereaved Family?”
Image credits: yuritopiaposadism
#44 This Is Hysterical
Image credits: mooooooosee
#45 That’s What Happens When You Don’t Earn Your Title
Image credits: JoHeller
#46 You Can Stay Working While On The Toilet
Image credits: BasedBoomer96
#47 A Thread
Image credits: Agreeable-Yam5943
#48 Mathematically Perfect Tweet. Like Sacred Geometry Of Language
Image credits: sikemeay
#49 Queen Shit
Image credits: yuritopiaposadism
#50 Still No Riots
Image credits: DirtyHomelessWizard
#51 Landlords Work So Hard
Image credits: Hater-Bot
#52 How Do I Deal With This?
Image credits: ProlesOfBikiniBottom
#53 Oops I Forgot
Image credits: jonmpls
#54 What I Suspect I’ll Be Dealing With In 10 Months…
Image credits: Neither-Channel-878
#55 When Your Tenant Can’t “Afford” Rent
Image credits: RIPNightman
#56 Cozy Studio With Lots Of Light And A Great Waterfront View!
Image credits: RIPNightman
#57 Inherently Exploitative
Image credits: DeificClusterfuck
#58 If A Bank Is Also A Landlord Does That Make Them Super Parasites?
Image credits: JoHeller
#59 Giver Of Life, Provider Of Shelter
Image credits: Blindsidelock
#60 Karen Landlord Can’t Even Handle Other People Using Spices
Image credits: jonmpls
#61 ?this Is How We Do It?
Image credits: JoHeller
#62 “Will Someone Please Think Of Those Poor Poor Landlords/S”
Image credits: Nick__________
#63 And Their House Was Twice As Large
Image credits: wiseoldllamaman2
#64 Totally Cool. Discrimination Based On Being A Decent Fucking Person
Image credits: Bruno_Fernandes8
#65 I Had To See This Shitshow Of A “Meme”, Now You Have To See It As Well
Image credits: TheWaffleComrade
#66 Boo Hoo
Image credits: Boyyoyyoyyoyyoy
#67 Leech Paints Over A Roach
Image credits: Hater-Bot
#68 People Bad At Their Job Should Be Fired. Fired Directly Into The Sun
Image credits: yuritopiaposadism
#69 Just Don’t Eat Too Afford Housing
Image credits: jonmpls
#70 This Made Me Laugh A Little. Thought Others Would Think It’s Funny
Image credits: H4lzra
#71 One Person’s Solution To A Pervasive Problem
Image credits: DeificClusterfuck
#72 Playing Monopoly
Image credits: OvernightSagittarius
#73 Saw This While Scrolling Facebook
Image credits: areyouasandwich
#74 Burden
Image credits: DirtyHomelessWizard
#75 Airdropped An Eviction Notice
Image credits: hijonanand
#76 Ohhhh Lord
Image credits: reddit.com
#77 From Ireland Subreddit
Image credits: CalculatorFire
#78 Please, Put The Pitchforks Away
Image credits: reach_mcreach
#79 Calling Them Out
Image credits: Idonthavearedditlol
#80 Free Housing
Image credits: crustyaa
#81 Damn Weak Rentys
Image credits: a-mediocre-redditor
#82 Imagine Bragging About Living Off Of Other People’s Labour
Image credits: gooner11123
#83 Who Is “We”?
Image credits: yuritopiaposadism
#84 Good Lord, The Hailfax Sub Is Just Ripe Lately
Image credits: Witafigo
#85 Hope This Survives New
Image credits: Dr_Phys
#86 Have You Considered A Change In Careers?
Image credits: Alaeriia
#87 That’s Gonna Be A No From Me
Image credits: Tequila-M0ckingbird
#88 When Our Turn Comes We Shall Make No Excuses For The Terror
Image credits: yuritopiaposadism
#89 Why Is Househunting So Stressful… Psycho Landlords
Image credits: prestressed_
#90 Candace Owens Came Out As Pro-Landlord! ??❤️
Image credits: HandMadeFeelings
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