This Dad Couldn’t Be Prouder Of His Daughter With Dawn Syndrome Who Just Graduated From College

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There’s nothing more rewarding for a parent than seeing their child doing great things in life, such as achieving their academic goals. Even though many official graduation ceremonies this year have been canceled due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, it could not prevent parents from celebrating their kid’s success. Some congratulate the graduates via Zoom chat, others replicate graduation ceremonies at home. And let’s not forget those who take to social media to acknowledge their kid’s achievements, some even go viral for it.

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Image credits: jayhandlin

One of such proud parents recently became Jay Handlin. His daughter Rachel has just earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography & Media from California Institute of the Arts.

Image credits: jayhandlin

To commemorate the moment he announced the news on his Twitter account. “I am officially the proudest father on the planet,” he said. The tweet has since gained over 220k and 19k retweets.

Image credits: jayhandlin

Jay has a lot to be proud of, as Rachel’s achievement is not an ordinary one. The young woman has down’s syndrome and in spite of it, she has achieved her goals.

Image credits: jayhandlin

According to the Pediatric Therapy Network, only one person in a million of the Down syndrome population successfully completes the higher degree program.

Image credits: jayhandlin

Her father, who calls himself a fierce father and a disability/inclusion zealot, has been sharing her uni progress with snippets of Rachel’s photography to showcase her talent.

Image credits: 2071photo

Here’s how people reacted

Image credits: bentman013

Image credits: PeterHallinan1

Image credits: holly_besaw

Image credits: fifirocabado

Image credits: RockofLifeNI

Image credits: JoJoFromJerz

Image credits: theirishfor

Image credits: funkycanuck1

Image credits: amysilvermanaz

Image credits: thenickpepper

Image credits: Sassysutherngal

Image credits: eskimoC

from Bored Panda
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