These Confusing ‘Science Facts’ Challenge Your Knowledge In A Hilarious Way

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Ask yourself right now, why is the sky blue? For the vast majority of us, we might have to think for a moment, recollecting those memories from middle school science classes. The truth is, we often know a lot less than we think about the world around us. 

The “Fake Science” Twitter page is dedicated to creating “vintage-style” posters with, you guessed it, scientific facts that seem like they could be real but are actually as fake as a unicorn. So get comfortable before you scroll through, be sure to upvote your favorites and comment your thoughts below. 

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An “interesting” development in the modern world is the abject rejection of science by a certain segment of society. Take flat earthers for example, people who have decided to reject evidence dating back to the 5th century BCE. It’s important to note that even the ancients had some understanding that the world was not just a disk and took measurements to try and get a better picture. 

For example, multiple Greek philosophers and mathematicians, including Pythagoras (you may remember his theory for triangles,) Aristotle, and Ptolemy all did measurements and took observations of the natural world and concluded that the earth must have been round. 


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And this isn’t just limited to ancient Greece, Vedic texts from roughly the same time period actually assumed the earth was spherical when developing timetables and charting astronomy. Despite some common history myths (it seems humans can have a wrong understanding of most things) the Romans and even the early Christian church, all believed in a spherical model of the planet. 


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The origins of this myth, a true “fake science” fact of the past comes from American writer Washington Irving’s belief that early opposition to Christopher Columbus was from the church that believed his ships would simply go over the side of the earth. Seeing as the church had no such belief at the time and there is no record of this, Washington Irving may have founded the entire flat earth movement on a lie


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Of course, even people who are wholly on the side of science will often spout falsehoods about our world. Let’s take the seasons for example. In the northern hemisphere, winter is cooler and summer is warmer. Many a parent has told their children that this is a result of the (spherical) Earth being closer to the sun, but the real “culprit” is Earth’s 23.4-degree axial tilt.


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And on the topic of space, there is an often repeated anecdote that NASA spent millions developing a pen that would work in space, while the Soviet Union just used a pencil. Except that the graphite in a pencil is conductive and its shavings could be an electrical fire risk. The bottom line is that this joke is simply false. Additionally, the pen NASA did use went for $6 a unit and the USSR actually bought some as well. 


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People do love a good story, which is probably why the anecdote stuck. Similarly, and this might shock some people, lemmings do not commit mass suicide. The 1958 Disney documentary film “White Wilderness” presented this idea as a fact, while in reality it was completely fabricated. Even worse, the documentary wasn’t even original, as there were legends from the 19th century about lemming suicides. 


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And on the topic of cartoon producers lying to us, mice have no special love for cheese. Certainly, they will eat it, but in reality, most mice prefer sweet food items. This myth may have been a side effect of people storing cheese outside before indoor refrigeration was common. Unsupervised, outdoor cheese would have been an easier picking for an enterprising mouse. 


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Unfortunately, other pop science facts, like the housefly having a lifespan of 24 hours, are false. In reality, the buzzing pest can live up to thirty days, most of which are spent ramming headfirst into a window. This is positively an eternity compared to some forms of mayflies that can reach stunning maximum lifespans of up to five minutes. So next time you are browsing Spotify, try to see what songs could fit into a mayfly’s entire life. 


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Similarly, cockroaches are quite resilient, but not to the degree that they would be the sole inheritors of the earth. First and foremost, they would simply not survive direct exposure to a nuclear blast, nor the ensuing destruction of most of the food chain. While they might not get incinerated, the cereal they steal from your cupboards would. Additionally, they are not the only creature out there that has some innate methods to resist radiation. 


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All in all, one has to sit down and wonder if they really know anything about the world at all. Because it’s not enough to know that these posts are false, since most of us won’t actually be able to explain the real science behind the ideas mentioned. If you have kids, you have probably already had to make up some fake science to not break the illusion that adults know everything. If not, best start learning. And if you want to see more “fake science” posters, Bored Panda has got you covered, you can find our previous article here


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from Bored Panda
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