These Comic Strips Seasoned With A Splash Of Dark Humor Called ‘Alarmingly Bad’ Will Make Your Day (70 Pics)

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Jon Baker is an artist creating comic strips with unexpected dark plot twists to “make your day suck less.” This creator succeeds in surprising his audience with never-before-seen comedy in comics he calls “Alarminglybad.”

Thanks to his witty sense of humor and out-of-the-box originality, Jon provides us with fun adventures in many different situations. His sense of humor is direct and slightly weird at times, but that’s what makes his webcomics absolutely hilarious and different from others.

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Image credits: alarminglybad

Bored Panda has contacted Jon Baker, an incredible artist who introduced us to his humorous comic strips he called ‘Alarmingly Bad,’ to get to know him and his pathway to success better.

When asked how comics came into his life, he responded, “I’ve been reading them most of my life. Back in the days when printed newspapers were a thing, as a kid, I remember stealing the comics section a lot from our newspaper – I loved Calvin and Hobbes, and Far Side in particular.” When asked how he started creating comics, he added, “I had a long commute to work, and I spent several hours a day sitting bored on a train. I had to do something with that time. It eventually manifested as my webcomic Alarmingly Bad.”


Image credits: alarminglybad


Image credits: alarminglybad

We wanted to know what inspires Jon to create and how often he can produce comic strips. The artist was more than happy to share that with us: “Essentially, boredom still kind of drives the comic. I’m mostly trying to entertain myself and trying to put things out into the world I want to see, and it’s kind of liberating only having to write for an audience of one (myself). It’s been amazing to see it resonate with others as well!I can usually only make about one comic a week, because I have a day job, a wife and kid. It’s all the time I have for the comic at the moment. However, I’m generating ideas constantly, and at this point I have more comic scripts in my ideas folder than I think I’ll be able to get to in my lifetime.”


Image credits: alarminglybad


Image credits: alarminglybad

We asked Jon if he studied in any art school to become the amazing artist he is now, and the artist humbly responded, “‘Amazing artist’ is a bit of a strong term here – I did name the comic ‘Alarmingly Bad,’ after all. I feel like I’m at the point where my art doesn’t distract from the comedy or joke, and that’s good enough for me. But no, I didn’t really study. You don’t have to! All you got to do is place the pen in your hand and put it on paper. If you do it long enough, eventually, you will get better at it!”


Image credits: alarminglybad


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Image credits: alarminglybad

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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