The iPhone 16 Was Just Unveiled, And Here Are 31 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions To It

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Apple usually unveils its new products on Tuesdays, but this time the company has broken its long-standing tradition. The main reason is that, this time the presidential debates will take place on Tuesday, and the guys from Cupertino are not used to sharing the public spotlight with anyone. Even when it comes to humor.

Well, they actually succeeded – and almost the entire world is once again inventing memes and other witty takes about the iPhone 16 and other Apple products unveiled at this event. And Bored Panda, in following with our wonderful tradition, has collected for you a selection of the best follow-up memes and reactions.


Image credits: RaminNasibov


Image credits: dougboneparth


Image credits: 1Kapisch

By the way, another reason why the company postponed the presentation is that the EU top court has just ruled that Apple must pay 13B euros in back taxes. Another negative distraction for the audience, but the deed is done. The new models of smartphones, watches and headphones have already been unveiled – and all that remains for people is to exchange memes while standing in lines at Apple stores.


Image credits: conscourtdu


Image credits: pranavgupta2003


Image credits: memezar

But seriously, here’s an interesting observation – the iPhone 16 has vertically positioned cameras just like the iPhone X, which came out many years ago. And while we’re laughing that this was done to make the camera block resemble a funny little rodent’s face, the company announced that the smartphone has learned to take photos in horizontal stereo pair mode.

And this, in turn, means more mass and high-quality user-generated VR content. And if last year, when Apple Vision Pro was introduced, bloggers and ordinary users complained about the lack of content for the headset – here’s a tool for this content!

Further proof of this is that the iPhone 16 can shoot video in 3840×2160 mode and 120 frames per second, while the smartphone itself (the regular version) doesn’t support such a screen refresh rate. But such characteristics are just typical of modern VR headsets. So, a year ago, we were given a tool for consuming new content and now bloggers have a tool for creating it.


Image credits: nacional_memes


Image credits: TrungTPhan


Image credits: LightslicerGP

Yes, the new iPhone, no matter what the sarcastic memesters say, is similar to previous ones. Yes, many of the new ‘unique’ products that speakers proudly announced from the stage have been present in Android smartphones for several years now. But Apple has long been less about technology and more about an ecosystem and lifestyle. After all, on what device are you reading this selection right now?


Image credits: memezar


Image credits: frantzfries


Image credits: keemoHanzi

Okay, in any case, the memes turned out great, and I personally felt a lot of positive emotions when I reviewed them before publishing. So please feel free to scroll through this list to the very end as well, enjoy the yearly portion of iPhone-related humor, and maybe add your own memes and reactions too. Even if you are as avid of an Android fan as I am. Well, especially if you are an avid Android fan!


Image credits: Akdas_Hayat


Image credits: NilimaVibes


Image credits: Damjam_jam


Image credits: LukeMiani


Image credits: MorningBrew


Image credits: SnazzyLabs


Image credits: sondesix


Image credits: ashadahmed_


Image credits: TechMemeKing


Image credits: iamreydi


Image credits: theapricotgod


Image credits: TakmanTechnical


Image credits: memezar


Image credits: TrungTPhan


Image credits: DurvidImel


Image credits: __Somto_


Image credits: coolidiot2000


Image credits: memezar


Image credits: faptainrogers

from Bored Panda
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