The Emotional Side of The Coronavirus

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You’re reading The Emotional Side of The Coronavirus, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’re enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

“I have yet to see an article, I’m sure someone must’ve written something somewhere by now, talking about how to deal with the emotional component that surrounds the coronavirus.

And what does that mean?

We need to be speaking about how to deal with the stress, fear, uncertainty that surrounds any type of major illness or outbreak like what’s going on right now with the coronavirus.

We’ve been given all kinds of documentation about washing hands, the benefits of wearing a face mask, we’ve heard over and over again about people with compromised immune systems, the elderly, the young to be super careful with the spreading of this virus.

But what about fear? Uncertainty? Depression ? Anxiety?

 And should we be reading the news every day looking for more signs of worry and concern? 

Or, should we just take a big breath, follow the guidelines we’ve been given and let it all go?
Of course that’s easier said than done.
Let’s take a look at the following tips in order to help us deal with the emotional side that goes hand-in-hand with the physical fears surrounding the coronavirus:

Number one. Anxiety. It is normal, with something that you cannot see like a virus, to be filled with anxiety for yourself especially if you have a compromised immune system, are elderly, or very young.

 So even though I say anxiety is normal, that doesn’t mean I want you to live in it, swimming in it like you’re in some type of a petri dish.
I think it’s important to write about what you feel anxious about, and then also write about what the solutions to your anxiety might be.

One solution might be to talk about it less. Our anxiety increases the more we ruminate over things that might happen, that haven’t happened yet.
 If you feel anxious, write about the rules that we’re  all supposed to be following regarding washing your hands, avoiding touching our eyes nose or mouth with unwashed hands, making sure that we’re covering our cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw that tissue immediately away… Those things should all be written down if you feel anxiety so that you can do your checklist every day to make sure you’re doing everything you can to protect yourself.

Number two.  Media, radio, Internet, newspaper, television.
As a counselor, one of the things I see when it comes to national disasters, or something like the coronavirus that is spreading around the world, is that people have a tendency when they’re filled with anxiety and worry to go to the source of the anxiety and worry which of course just multiplies the anxiety and worry!

So I think to check in once a day with what the CDC is putting out, not just the news, but go ahead and Google “updates on the coronavirus via the CDC“, and put your mind at  rest that you’re getting the most accurate information, from a medically based organization, and the odds of it being updated more than once a day are pretty rare.

So go ahead, once a day check with the CDC to help  eliminate some of the anxiety and stress.

Number three.  Well meaning friends . If you’re hanging around people that are constantly talking about the coronavirus, “hey did you hear about this… Did you hear about that… Did you hear about this with the coronavirus“, you may want to diminish the amount of time you’re spending with those type of people.
Too many people love to get wrapped up in the chaos and drama, and they’re searching all over for the latest story of something that went wrong, so they can share it with you, which is only going to increase your anxiety and even lead to potential depression.

 Instead, start to talk to your good friends about minimizing the conversation regarding the coronavirus, and for individuals that you might call acquaintances, who are willing to go overboard and constantly talk about this, it might be time to take a break from that relationship, to separate yourself a little bit and give your mind some breathing room.

Number four.  Don’t minimize the risk in your own mind and don’t maximize it either.
Your brain is very powerful, and your beliefs can either throw you into  making ridiculous decisions like one individual that bought 100 rolls of toilet paper the other day, created out of conspiracy and fear.
So deal with the anxiety, write  about it, and then take a big breath and do your very best to let it go.

Minimize how much you talk to others about the coronavirus, minimize the amount that you immerse yourself with the media, and you may find that as long as you’re following  the medical guidelines and staying away from people who could potential he be ill, you’re doing everything within your power to keep yourself and then even your family safe.

 If you have children, remember  their brain has not matured  to the level where they can remember all the details you might be giving them about the coronavirus, so go ahead and make a chart for your children that you’ll go over every day before they leave for school reminding them about the health tips to follow to minimize the spreading of the coronavirus or any flu like his condition.

 And if you have a family member, friend, or coworker who is currently ill, or being treated for any medical condition whatsoever, make sure they are aware of all the steps they should be taking to minimize the chances of them contracting this virus.

Take a big breath, let’s say a prayer for those who are ill, and together let’s move forward with a sane, logical and grounded approach to life.“


 David Essel‘s work has been highly endorsed  by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny Mccarthy says that “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“ His work as a counselor and master Life Coach has been verified by organizations like Psychology Today and has verified David as one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.

For more information on his work in the world of emotions as a counselor, his books and his programs please visit

You’ve read The Emotional Side of The Coronavirus, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’ve enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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