The 7 Habits Which Encourage Reading

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My name is Erik Nilsson, and I run the blog, where I have summarized over 140 non-fiction books to date. As you might imagine, this meant that I had to read an overwhelming number of books, which to many people would be a lifetime of reading. I became interested in learning more about the various habits one can implement in order to fit more reading into your life, and below is some of my own experiences blended with various finding across the internet.

Within this article, we’re going to cover 7 different habits which will hopefully encourage you to read more and develop a strong foundation for learning about more than what is just within your professional field or direct line of interest.

Habit #1 – Always carry a book with you

This one might seem obvious, but it has to be stated first.  It would be very difficult to read a book if you never have a book with you to read.  This doesn’t mean you have to carry an actual book with you, as there are plenty of apps available which allow you to download books at your convenience.  Find the best way for you to keep a book with you at all times, then start carrying it with you throughout your day.

Habit #2 – Reduce the time you spend watching the Television or playing on your phone

With this habit, you first need to estimate how much time you actually spend in front of a Television or playing games on your phone.  Once you have that time, you can set a goal to reduce that time by just 15 minutes, and replace it with reading a book.  15 minutes may not seem like a lot of time, but the more time you carve out for reading, the more balance you will find within your life and you’ll feel way more productive!

Habit #3 – Read a Book to Someone Else

At first, this one may seem a little weird, but this is highly effective.  If you read a book to someone else, then not only are you developing your own skill set, but you are encouraging someone else to learn and explore thru the art of reading.  The more you read to someone, the greater the chance you will create a very strong bond between the two of you, one which would be hard to replicate in any other manner.

Habit #4 – Read both Fiction and Non-Fiction Books

More than likely, once you start reading on a consistent basis, you will lean towards a specific genre of books more than others.  Finding a subject or genre you read consistently is excellent, and sets a very good foundation for you and your career moving forward.  With this in mind, once your reading habit is started, you should keep track of how many fiction and non-fiction books you are reading over a 12 month period.  Your goal should be to read both fiction and non-fiction books, which gives you a well-rounded and balanced amount of reading that allow different parts of your mind to work and engage with the books.

Habit #5 – Ask others what Books they enjoyed reading

As with everything in life, every suggestion you may receive from a colleague or a friend may not be what is right for your life.  This thought is true with books as well, but nothing is better than an endorsement of a book from someone you know well which also end up being a personal favorite of yours.  Not only this, once you start reading books which others have read, you can converse with them in a more meaningful way.  From this, they will eventually start asking you what books you like, which can lead to a greater shared experience.

Habit #6 – Go to a Bookstore

We all have our favorite stores we like to go visit and shop at.  For a majority of people, a bookstore doesn’t make this list (unless it is to go in and enjoy their café).  No matter where you live, there is bound to be a good book store, no matter if it is a chain book store, or a more local and independent version.  Either way, you should explore your area and find the best bookstore for you, and make it a point to visit at least once a month.  The more you visit, the more books you’ll find you want to read.

Habit #7 – Find the time of day to read which is best for you

When it comes to reading, others will invariably offer up their opinions on when the best time is to read.  For some, it’ll be very early in the morning.  For others, they like to read right before they go to bed.  Some will even tell you to take 5-10 minutes every two hours to read, as it really energizes them.  No matter what anyone else says, you need to experiment and find the best time for you.  Once you have done this, then you can stick with that time frame and truly develop your reading habit.

If you don’t currently read, it may seem like a daunting task to start, which may overwhelm you and cause you not start.  Don’t be discouraged!  Like any new endeavor, taking just one step is better than standing still.  Find a book you want to read, and carry it with you.  You might just be surprised how often you end up reaching for it and implementing your own reading habit, that can bring you joy and fulfilment throughout your life.

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