Tesla Drivers Think They Deserve Special Treatment At Charging Stations, Get A Reality Check

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“The tragedy of the commons” has remained a relevant concept long after people stopped bringing their livestock to graze in town for one simple reason – entitlement. Unfortunately, a small group of annoying people can and will ruin things for everyone else, be it peace and quiet or even electricity bills.

A woman got tired of entitled Tesla drivers hogging the charging ports in her building, so she complained enough to make them pay for it. We reached out to the netizen who shared the story via private message and will update the article when she gets back to us.

Common amenities are all fun and games until someone ruins them

Hand plugging charger into white Tesla at a charging station.

Image credits: Getty Images (not the actual photo)

So one woman decided that she was done with entitled Tesla drivers taking all the charging stations

Text discussing Tesla drivers hogging charging stations in a mixed-use building.

Text image discussing EV drivers sharing limited chargers and respecting rules.

Text discussing Tesla drivers feeling entitled at charging stations.

Text discussing Tesla drivers and charging time limits, highlighting a four-hour restriction.
White Tesla parked in front of a Tesla station, highlighting charging station dynamics.

Image credits: RB Photo  (not the actual photo)

Text comparing laundry and Tesla charger hogging, questioning fairness.

Text describing a broken charging station issue, highlighting Tesla drivers facing limitations.

Text highlighting charging points for EVs, noting malicious Tesla drivers.

Text explaining 4-hour charging limit applies to all Tesla drivers.

Note at charging station ripped with reply, "SAY IT TO MY FACE," highlighting Tesla driver behavior.

Text about Tesla drivers racing for charging stations, mentioning their tendency to occupy stations all afternoon and night.

Note exchange between Tesla drivers at a charging station highlights special treatment debate.

Text about escalating a ripped note issue to property managers.

Text describing Tesla drivers' experience at charging stations.

Text discussing Tesla drivers facing new charging station fees with updated ChargePoint Chargers after four hours.

Text discussing Tesla drivers hogging charging stations with added costs.

Text discussing Tesla drivers' perceived entitlement at charging stations.

Text discussing charging times and etiquette at Tesla stations.
Woman in white shirt laughing while looking at her phone, related to Tesla driver experiences at charging stations.

Image credits: Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo)

Text describing Tesla drivers and EV charging changes at an apartment.

Image source: darling_darcy

People will overuse and damage things they don’t own

There’s a certain type of person who sees shared resources, like a public EV charging station, a library, or even a park bench as if it was purposefully made just for them to use. In a sense, this is true, they are among the target audience for a public amenity. However, unlike most rational or mature folks, they often feel that this thing can be overused until it’s basically useless. Unfortunately, this is not a modern phenomenon in any way. As Aristotle wrote, “That which is common to the greatest number gets the least amount of care. Men pay most attention to what is their own: they care less for what is common.”

At first, it’s subtle. Maybe they leave their car at the charger long after it’s fully charged. Maybe they monopolize a picnic table for an entire day, spreading out like they’re setting up a permanent residence. Or maybe they just take all the free napkins from a café, because “Hey, they’re there, right?” If you take the time to look around you in public, it won’t be long before you spot someone doing exactly this.

The core issue, as with so many other, similar stories online, is entitlement. Some people operate under the belief that their personal convenience outweighs the collective good. If a public charger is free, then why shouldn’t they treat it like their private power station? If a workspace is available, why not spread out and claim it indefinitely?

There are no simple ways to “prevent” entitlement

This mindset ignores the basic rule of shared spaces, that they only work when people use them responsibly. When a handful of people overstay, overuse, or take more than their fair share, it creates frustration, inefficiency, and sometimes even conflict. But the worst part? Entitlement is contagious. The more people see others abusing common goods, the more they think “Well, if they’re doing it, why shouldn’t I?”—leading to a cycle where everyone loses.

Would be basic decency and civic mindedness. Treat public resources like you would if you knew the next person in line was your grandmother. And if all else fails, just remember, nobody likes the person who parks at a charging station for six hours “just because they can.” However, there are all too many cases where the entitled person simply won’t learn. Not to mention, random private citizens are supposed to be immature people’s morality coaches.

This is perhaps why stories like this, of rude and entitled people getting punished for their transgressions, often end up going viral. Most of us have been in this woman’s shoes at some point or another, but it’s more rare to actually have a good opportunity to get “revenge” no matter how small and petty.

A few people wanted more details

Comments discussing Tesla drivers and charging station fairness.

Online discussion on Tesla charging station reservations and queue issues.

Discussion on Tesla drivers' cost responsibilities at charging stations in online forum comments.

Comments about Tesla drivers facing reality check over charging privileges.

Text exchange about Tesla drivers and charging station etiquette, discussing issues and reactions to extended charging times.

Reddit comments discussing Tesla drivers' behavior at charging stations, highlighting hoarding practices.

Text conversation about Tesla drivers' expectation of special treatment at charging stations, discussing penalty for inconsiderate use.

Discussion on Tesla drivers and charging station use; commenters compare Fiat charging efficiency.

Reddit discussion about Tesla drivers and special treatment at charging stations.

Comments discussing Tesla drivers facing issues at charging stations about fee doubling and towing.

Others thought the story was hilarious

Online comments about Tesla drivers at charging stations.

Comments discussing Tesla drivers' complaints about charging station costs in London, highlighting fees per minute.

Reddit comments discussing Tesla drivers and environmental impact in relation to special treatment at charging stations.

Text discussing Tesla drivers, considerate charging station use, and workplace charger etiquette.

Reddit comment about Tesla drivers and charging station idle time fees, addressing charger hogging issues.

User comment expressing skepticism about Tesla's superiority over hybrids or combustion engines.

Comment about Tesla drivers and charging station etiquette on a forum, mentioning cost and charger access issues.

Comment criticizing Tesla drivers for lacking personal charging stations at home.

Comment expressing frustration over Tesla drivers at charging stations.

Comment on Tesla drivers' behavior at charging stations.

Reddit user Plane-Technician8087 comments "Love it," discussing Tesla drivers at charging stations.

Comment criticizing Tesla drivers' perceived entitlement at charging stations.

Reddit comment criticizing Tesla drivers' behavior at charging stations.

Tesla drivers reminded about charging station limits, with a note on extending free time by reconnecting after four hours.

Comment about Tesla charging station behavior, discussing parking duration and fees.

The post Tesla Drivers Think They Deserve Special Treatment At Charging Stations, Get A Reality Check first appeared on Bored Panda.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/SDIb4H8
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