Traveling is one of the rare times when we find ourselves up close and personal with strangers. You might be seated inches away from someone you’ve never met for a 12-hour flight. Then when you reach your destination, you’ll part ways, never to cross paths again. In this situation, most people have the decency to be polite and courteous towards strangers, but others just can’t resist the urge to try to control the behavior of those around them.
One man recently shared a story on Reddit detailing an experience he had with an entitled traveler while deboarding a plane. Below, you’ll find the full story of how he taught the passenger a lesson, as well as some of the replies amused readers shared.
There is certain etiquette that all passengers should follow when traveling by plane
Image credits: Chris Brignola / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
When one man refused to show any compassion to a woman seated behind him, another passenger decided to teach him a lesson
Image credits: EyeEm / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Pew Nguyen / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Travelers should be considerate of other passengers when flying
There are plenty of explicit rules that we have to follow when traveling in an aircraft. No smoking onboard, keep your seatbelt fastened while seated, keep your bags secure in the overhead compartments or tucked under the seat in front of you. And whatever you do, don’t make any threatening statements.
But there’s also a lot of gray area when it comes to plane etiquette. Is it rude to put your feet up on the seat next to you if no one is sitting there? And what about eating a tuna salad sandwich on a flight? Should your baby have her own seat?
It can be difficult to know exactly what’s acceptable, so CNN Travel shared an article breaking down exactly what passengers can get away with without infuriating those around them.
When boarding, it’s recommended to greet the flight crew with a pleasant and polite “hello.” And if you’re going to be listening to music or watching a movie, make sure you have earbuds, so everyone around you won’t be subjected to your choice in entertainment.
If the person next to you has headphones on, take that as a sign that they’re not interested in having a conversation. And if you have children, make sure they’re not running wild up and down the aisle. But if someone next to you has a crying baby, don’t make them feel bad about it. I guarantee that they’re just as uncomfortable as you are, and they’re doing everything in their power to put an end to the shrieking.
If there’s a passenger sitting directly in front of you, be mindful of not kicking their seat. And when it comes to arm rests, make sure the person squished into the middle seat has access to at least one.
When it comes to indulging in some alcohol on an airplane, CNN Travel warns passengers to drink responsibly. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a glass of wine that will allow you to doze off more easily, but be careful not to get belligerent. And remember that it might be a bumpy walk to the lavatory if you need to get up.
Exceptions should sometimes be made to let passengers deplane before those in front of them
Now, when it comes to deplaning specifically, NerdWallet has broken down the “correct” way to go about it. According to a study published in the Journal of Air Transport Management, the most efficient way of exiting a plane is actually in a “column style.”
This would mean that everyone sitting in an aisle seat would deboard first, from the front of the plane to the back. Middle seats would go next, and then window seats would follow.
However, this method isn’t necessarily practical, as many travelers sit next to their friends or family members, and they won’t want to get off without them. When it comes to the most polite way of deplaning, NerdWallet notes that it’s best to go row by row. But if someone is taking their sweet time or fumbling with their bag, it’s not necessarily rude to go ahead of them.
In fact, there are a few situations when it’s best to let passengers seated behind you get off first. For example, if someone has an extremely tight connection, and they run the risk of missing their flight if they don’t deboard as quickly as possible.
Or if your bags are stored in overhead bins further back from where you’re seated, it’s going to be impossible to access them until those travelers are out of the way. And if you’re simply not in a rush at all, there’s no need to hurry off of the plane.
We would love to hear your thoughts on this situation in the comments below, pandas. How do you think the author handled this situation? Then, if you’d like to check out another article discussing plane drama, look no further than right here!
Readers were amused by the man’s story, and many applauded him for his malicious compliance
The post Stubborn Boomer Insists Passengers Have To Deplane “Row By Row”, Man Maliciously Complies first appeared on Bored Panda.
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