Son Photoshops His Father Into Movie Scenes And Odd Places (99 Pics)

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There are many ways you can show your love to your parents. One way is to give them a gift, something like a cup that says “world’s best parent” or a portrait made in their image. Or perhaps you could simply call them more often and visit (of course, once the pandemic is over). Well, a guy named Matt Bonito decided to show his love to his dad, Dom Bonito, a little differently.

Matt started to create photoshops around his father, placing him in movies, music videos, historical events, and many more odd places. The pictures Matt creates are quite funny and always catch you by surprise. And Dom can become what, perhaps, he wanted to be someday—an actor, singer, politician. Or at least have a nice laugh and see himself in unusual situations.

More info: Instagram | Facebook


Image credits: the_dadvent

Matt told Bored Panda more about why and when he started to create these photoshops: “I started doing it about 6 or 7 years ago, just taking pictures of my dad messing about around the house and posting it on Facebook. My dad used to be a teacher at the local high school, which makes him a bit of a local celebrity where he lives. The posts became really popular among my (and his) friends. I then came up with the idea of inserting him into famous historical images, and then films and TV programs.”


Image credits: the_dadvent


Image credits: the_dadvent

“He absolutely loves doing it and looks forward to it every year, even though it’s quite a lot of work to put together, but he’s a performer at heart, so he really enjoys himself (and the attention he gets!)”


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Image credits: the_dadvent

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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