Life influences art and Walt Disney’s racism was no exception – just look up the since-banned Disney film “Song of The South.” But despite their creator, the company has steadily tried to become more progressive, especially with their newer more diverse and feminist Disney Princesses – but not everyone is satisfied. Recently someone created a graphic that showed each season represented by a Disney princess, and let’s just say it was lacking in melanin.
One commenter didn’t hesitate to call out the image creator stating “everything looks pretty white,” but another commenter was not having it. The person defended Disney against any claim of whitewashing, with this geography argument. Scroll down below to see the graphic and read their position.
Someone online created this collage to show each season as a Disney princess
But this commenter wasn’t satisfied with the representation
Someone else, however, didn’t agree and shut them down with this argument
And the comments on their argument was just as divided
from Bored Panda