“She Insisted”: Woman Maliciously Complies With Her Sister’s Demand To See Her Screen

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Living with siblings has its ups and downs, but it’s certainly not easy to live with someone who is very particular about their privacy. Even worse, a nosy sibling might insist that they get access to your business. But every once in a while, clever people out there figure out how to make them regret it pretty quickly.

A woman who draws explicit furry art for a living decided to maliciously comply with her sister’s demand that she show her laptop screen. We got in touch with OP who was kind enough to answer some of our questions and provide some more details.

Having a roommate does often come with some demands for privacy

Image credits: seventyfourimages (not the actual image)

But one woman, who drew explicit art for a living, finally gave into her sister’s demand that she show her screen

Image credits: Mizuno K (not the actual image)

Image credits: PimsriReddit

People do seem to enjoy stories of others “getting what they asked for”

Bored Panda got in touch with the stories OP and she was kind enough to answer some of our questions. In general, the post had thousands of comments, so we were curious to hear her take on why the story ended up being so popular. After all, it had over 2.5k comments, all for a pretty classic malicious compliance story.

“First of all it’s popular probably because it’s funny and it’s satisfying, I’d guess. People sure love reading things like that! This was over 2 years ago and she’s still somewhat protective of her privacy but it’s getting better now since that incident. She’s still upset if she catches me “peeking” but less paranoid, as in she’s not upset by me walking past or by me coming up to tell/give her something, and she doesn’t demand insane stuff like that again,” she shared when we asked about her sister’s privacy demands.

OP’s unique job may have posed a challenge to her family dynamic

We wanted to hear more about this dynamic, as OP’s job combined with her sister’s privacy preferences seemed like a very unique combination. “I wrote in that post that it was probably the fact that we grew up quite poor and we have no privacy at all since we all live in a limited space as a big family.”

“I have my own issue from it as well; while my sister grew up to become obsessed with what little privacy she can have, I also grew up to become a person with no sense of boundary, and have learned some lessons regarding boundaries during my college years. So I guess it messed up both of us siblings, just in different ways. As for her attitude toward my job, she has no comment about it.” she shared with Bored Panda.

“She always knows what I do. My parents know what I do too lol. They were grossed out at first but they also have no comment. They don’t persuade me to quit it, even before knowing how much I make. A job is a job, and it’s one that I really enjoy doing too, so they don’t intervene,” she added when we asked about her sister’s attitude towards her job, given the fact that it’s not the most common profession.

At the end of the day, privacy is still an important issue for many people

OP did want to leave us with some parting thoughts. “One more thing I’d like to add is that, while the story is very true, it still doesn’t mean my sister is evil or something. It’s just annoying, but that’s just living with siblings. I bet she thinks I’m annoying in some other ways too lol,” she shared, something anyone with siblings can probably relate to.

If any of this seems a bit far-fetched, it’s interesting to note that humans aren’t the only social animals who still have some demands for privacy. Researchers have found that our distant relatives, gorillas, do seem to enjoy spending time alone and out of sight, despite the fact that they are very social and communicative animals. This is most prominent in monkies and apes, but zoological studies suggest that most animals still act differently when they know they are being observed.

OP shared some more info with the readers

Others shared their reactions and gave some suggestions

The post “She Insisted”: Woman Maliciously Complies With Her Sister’s Demand To See Her Screen first appeared on Bored Panda.

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