People Share What Their Response Is When They Are Told To “Go Back To Their Country” (42 Answers)

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The last couple of years have taught us that racism, unfortunately, is still alive and well. It’s hard to understand why on Earth is it so prevalent in 2021, but here we are, discussing basic human rights.

True, the barriers are breaking down and the discrimination that seemed impossible to overcome a few centuries ago is beginning to crumble, but we still have a long way to go. And it’s evident even in everyday life.

In an attempt to figure out how to tear it down at the root, Reddit user godfatherdoh recently posted a question to the platform: “If a person tells you angrily to go back to your country, how [do] you respond?” And they got plenty of answers! Here are the ones that everyone upvoted the most. Maybe they’ll give you some ideas too.


Related fun: pretend to not understand racist jokes and ask for them to be explained.

Image credits: Kneejerk_Nihilist


“My country sent me here as punishment.”

Image credits: BlitzBaseKyle


Honestly? I’d give them a shake of my head and move on. Anybody who speaks to me like that is just wrong. The fact that they say such things is a reflection of their character, not yours. The freedom of speech allows you to speak freely, it doesn’t mean you need to be heard. And nothing drives these people more insane than not being heard.

Image credits: Ashi_Woof


Not my fault my great great great great grandmother stole bread and got sent here (Australia).

Image credits: Confident_Elephant_9 ·


I’ve heard one of our residents answer: ‘Ma’ am, I’d love to. Unfortunately, there’s a war going on that has already pretty much destroyed everything I hold dear and they were coming for me too. Would you have stayed?’

Image credits: Refugee_center_guy


Walk in a circle and say I’M HERE!

Image credits: Shadoboy07


I’m Native American (Oneida Nation) soooooo go back to your country. Checkmate biyatch

Image credits: MemerMafia


My country doesn’t exist anymore!

Image credits: Trolling_For_Peace


Ask them to pay for my fare

Image credits: LuluBello


I would sincerely ask “Why would I do that?”

LPT: Curiously replying to aggressive statements makes them fall on their face 100% of the times.

Image credits: jnefzen


Patient was being a [jerk] and screamed at my charge nurse, “I’m going to have you deported!” I know the hospital that nurse was born at because of a conversation we’d had a couple weeks prior. I snapped back, “To where? (Next town over)? She was born here, knock it off!”

Image credits: Similar_Craft_9530


So this actually happened to me in college and i responded to the person that i would happily do it but as a immigrant i enjoy stealing jobs from the Americans.

Image credits: DangerousVirus3814


Your people dragged me over here, so now I’m staying. Deal with it.

Image credits: penny_can


I came here to take over, not ever going back.

Image credits: aqcmme


“Get the vaccine.” Those are almost always right wingers so that ought to trigger them pretty good.

Image credits: AurallyTalented


Something along the lines of……

“I can’t, because they said I’m a [jerk] and a moron so they sent me here to live with my own kind … especially you.”

Image credits: EmEmAndEye


“You first”

Image credits: SugarBabyWannabe


Show them an UNO reverse card.

Image credits: Young-Rider


Don’t say anything, just laugh at their ignorance.

Image credits: Deftone85


Ok, I’d be happy to. Technically I would just have to move about an hour or so East to the Mohawk valley and rejoin the Iroquois nation. Oh, and I’ll need you to reinstate the Iroquois Nation

Image credits: BigRedJohnson


Burst into tears and blubber, “You got me! I can’t afford my own countryI! have to live in my parents’ country! It’s just a rough patch, okay?

Image credits: thenakedapeforeveer


In my mind I say something really clever and hurtful back! Especially since my family has been here for four generations!

In reality, every time this happens my face gets hot, and all I can muster is to roll my eyes and fight back angry tears. It sucks.

Image credits: hoopKid30


I’m First Nations bro, you go back to YOUR country

Image credits: WizardyBlizzard


I remember my white boss saying “they” should be sent back to their country. I turned to my white coworker next to me and said, “Can you imagine all the white people returing to Europe? People at the local reservation would be ecstatic to get their land back.” Coworker laughed with me and boss remained silent.”

“I’ve gotten a DNA test and genealogy research to show that I have over 30% DNA of the Chichimeca and possibly Aztec people that had migrated from New Mexico about a thousand years ago. My shower thought is wondering if that is enough for me to stay if “everyone returned to their country.

Image credits: Kathy578


I’d ask them to specify.

If it means leaving this sh*thole and going to live in the USA, Spain, Croatia, France or Sweden then he’s in luck because that is exactly what I was planning on doing

Image credits: AIAWC


While this should not be taken as advice since it could backfire and may not be the right way for a lot of folks to handle the situation, when someone is raging at me a smile and a “have a nice day” really seems to piss them off much more than a middle finger or an “F-U”. It can be an almost impossible strategy in many instances though

Image credits: babsrambler


i dont own a country

Image credits: inferiorkarma


I am in my country.

Image credits: rabengeieradlerstein


No, you go back to YOUR country!

But this is my country.

It’s mine now, b*tch!

Image credits: modsherearebattyboys


If you’re in America, tell them the same thing

Image credits: theREALBaneofreddit




“…want me to do it again?”


“My county’s one of the reasons Brexit happens. You think I’m gonna go back now???”

Or I might just start laughing.

For context, I am Romanian and currently living in the UK.

Image credits: im-royally-f*cked


Believe me, I WANT to go to England, but I’m too poor to travel


My people have been here for hundreds of years before this country was founded so maybe you should go back


Ugh as a Polish person in England I have gotten this comment more times than people on the planet. I just say bruh

Image credits: Alert_Discipline3653


Just reply with a content smile and say (as per Avengers Endgame):

No. No I don’t think I will.


Swear him so much in my language, till he get pissed too, and then I smile the most obviously fake smile


As soon as you crawl back into your mother and rethink your life choices

Image credits: TiredWinnerOfGates


I told them I left my country for a reason, I much prefer theirs.


“Sorry, no English”


“Ok.” – Saitama


Given that I’ve only ever been told this in the country I was born in (I have a foreign accent from my family, who are not from there), I tell them I was born there. They always short circuit a little on that one.

In the end we all got our way and I f*cking left

Image credits: HeadspaceInvader

from Bored Panda
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