People Share Their Stories Of Their Interactions With Crows And It’s Unbelievable How Smart These Birds Are

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Did you know that a group of crows is called a murder? Or that crows actually recognize faces and can even hold a grudge on you? And what about their incredible intelligence? These outstanding birds are able to read traffic lights, they have different dialects that they can change, and when they die, their neighbors sometimes even hold a funeral for the bird. Sounds pretty cool, right?

Well, as it turns out, we are not the only ones to be amazed by these birds and their incredible abilities. One Tumblr user was so surprised by the personality that crows possess, she wrote an entire post about them. Her popular musings have started a thread where people also shared their encounters with these magnificent birds.

Scroll down to read these captivating stories yourself, and don’t forget to tell us what you think in the comments!

More info: fangirling

By now you should know that crows are pretty smart animals

crows-smart-animals (28)

Image credits: J. J. Harison

In fact, they are so smart, one user decided to write an entire Tumblr post dedicated to their intelligence

crows-smart-animals (2)crows-smart-animals (4)

And so it began a Tumblr thread where people shared their experiences with these incredible creatures

Image credits: betheothergirl

This user even managed to ‘adopt’ a crow

Image credits: rassoey

Image credits: rassoey

One particular text stood out as it showed that crows can even get attached to humans and become their loyal friends

Watch this video to see how intelligent these birds actually are!

from Bored Panda


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