People Share 38 Changes They Made And Things They Did That Greatly Improved Their Mental Health

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Drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, exercising—these are just a few great habits to have in order to feel great. But, according to these redditors, it’s not only physical health they can improve, as the netizens’ mental health seemingly took a turn for the better because of them, too.

Redditors discussed such habits after a member of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community asked them about things that have significantly improved their mental well-being. They covered everything from learning to say no to reading, among many other things, so if you’re interested to see what might make you feel better, too, wait no longer and scroll down to find more of their answers on the list below.


putting a stop to my social media use and substituting reading for my time spent there with books. I have completed six books since the beginning of January. It makes me feel really good about myself

Image credits: isweetcandy


Knowing it’s okay to leave some people behind

Image credits: cutiecutiegro


Cardio for at least 30 minutes, preferably in sunlight or at least outdoors, 5 or more times a week.

Image credits: ClosetCentrist



Image credits: Scarlett-Spider


Learning to say no, let go and stop sweating the small stuff. Also knowing that if somebody has a problem with me, it’s THEIR problem.

Image credits: Prestigious_Target86


I would say going for regular walks has improved my mental health a ton.

Image credits: Yoshaay


Getting out of an abusive relationship.

Image credits: Salt_Cranberry_115


It sucks at how well it works. I used to hate my mom telling me that exercise would reduce my depression but she was absolutely right. The issue is that when you’re really depressed it’s the last thing you feel like doing. But nothing else has as much of a positive effect on my mental state as regular exercise.

Image credits: exoticconstable


Removed myself from all social media (except Reddit which I consider social media lite) and quit caring about other peoples opinions of me.

Image credits: GreenArrow40


Sleep is the foundation for a lot of things. Almost everything

Image credits: ClosetCentrist


I got a cat. He sits with me. I’ll rant and say all kinds of stuff to him and he just sits there like go ahead and get that off your chest man. Life gets lonely especially if you don’t have family, a partner, kids. It makes life a little easier.

Image credits: hotbrunettegirll


Stopped lying to myself and others, accepted myself for who I was.

Image credits: KinkycoupleKA


Got a good psychiatrist who tested me for everything and found out I needed prescription strength vitamin d capsules that I take weekly and I need to give myself vitamin b shots biweekly. I cried so hard for days because I suddenly had energy and could think straight. I had been deficient for two decades because my gastro doc never tested me for deficiencies after multiple bowel resections due to crohns. But my psych caught it and changed my life.

Image credits: msfaraday


Not drinking, going to therapy, lots of self honesty

Image credits: wetbrunettewet


Stopped giving a f**k. About what people think, say, or do. Just do you 


Ditching my old friends who didn’t take me seriously after a tragedy. I am no longer going to try be relatable and kind. If you treat me like s**t you’re out of my life and are dead to me

Image credits: CitrusLovingCats


Getting more money

Image credits: Motor-Side1957


Having a non toxic job. I got bullied for as long as I can remember at school home and work. My current job is the best paying and least stressful thing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve been able to destress for the first time, I don’t worry about work on my days off, and I’m even becoming able to stand up for myself instead of locking up

No amount of self care worked until I actually got to experience it

Image credits: Zephyr_Dragon49



It’s okay to use meds.

Image credits: Geriatric_K


Practicing gratitude deliberately. I began thinking of 3 distinct things I was thankful for, every night before falling asleep. I didn’t even write them down- just took 5 seconds to reflect, 3 things (but no generic “friendsfamilyfood” repeated answers). Simply doing this every night for several months completely changed my mood.

I suffer from mental illness so I really hate r/ thanksimcured-type stuff but in combination with real treatment, practicing gratitude is scientifically well-established as a mood-booster, and I was shocked by what a huge difference it made.

Image credits: MrPBsErica


Stopped watching mainstream news.


Sounds bad but letting people deal with their own problems.


Quit alcohol, quit destructive relationships (friends, family, partner), got help, took medication regularly, exercises everyday, journaled everyday. Life changed significantly!


Therapy. I planned my suicide and decided it was time to go. The first visit was like an elephant off my shoulders. I was sad it had taken me wanting to kill my self to seek help. But I was going in the right direction. I feel like being Hispanic, I was programmed to keep it in. Not share my feelings. It’s not like that anymore. Although my father sees my going to a therapist as a weakness, it’s truly such a strength.


Taking magnesium glycinate at night before bed has a significant affect on my daily anxiety levels

Image credits: PokemomOnTheGo


Full transparency? Psychedelics.

Brains are like a snowy hill. Every thought is like a sled ride down that hill, leaving tracks. As you think the same sort of thoughts, certain grooves become deeper and deeper, your brain developing thought habits that are very difficult to break. Taking psychedelics can blanket that hill with fresh snow. The result is a lot of introspection and new perspectives on your life.

In this way, it can be a very effective treatment for depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. The most known psychedelics are nontoxic and non-addictive. Even more, they can be *anti-addictive,* helping addicts of other substances overcome their vice.

Now, psychs are not a magic cure-all for everyone’s mental health, and there are some risks in taking them if you have a family history of psychosis, or if you have certain heart problems. But after doing a lot of research, I wanted to give it a try, and by golly has it been a game changer.


Swapping social media and instant streaming music for vinyl records. It’s slows me down mentally, gives me the peace of mind to actually listen and forget life outside for a little. Strangely therapeutic


Hybrid work. I didn’t really realize how much commuting and constant office nonsense was messing with my mental health until the pandemic. Unfortunately, my employer went back to full-time RTO, and my mental health has been spiraling sense. Hopefully, I will find a new job soon


deleting most forms of social media. it’s not normal to see that much about other peoples lives and whether it was conscious or not I wound up comparing myself to them or trying to be more like random celebrities or people I thought were doing well.

Also, I spend less time on my phone now which had forced me to pick up hobbies and that’s been great. I invest my time in energy into things that make me happy. It’s more effort than simply a scrolling on social media when bored, but it pays off in the long run.


Meeting my now wife.


Working from home and not commuting daily.


Daily walks around the neighborhood even if for 10 minutes.

Realizing a better work/life balance. Not everything can get done that is requested by the deadline.


Getting a dog. Great companionship, forced to go out walking every day plus she’s fun to hang out with.


I stopped caring what others think of me


Bedtime routine even on weekends when applicable.

No phone 2 hours before bed.

Drink all the water although nothing after 7:30pm.

Sober from alcohol almost 8 months.

Workout every day. Weights 4 days a week. Cardio after weights 2 days a week. Body mobility yoga every day 30 mins every morning and 30 mins before bed.

5-5:30am wake up.

Always have a library card. Reading is so important and fun. Passing that along to my almost 3 year old.

Remove myself from situations that do not bring me happiness or make my anxiety worse.


Getting diagnosed with cancer. Seriously. The stressors of life become almost laughable when faced with oblivion.


Thanks for the kind words, y’all! I start chemo for the first time today at noon, thus beginning the war of attrition over my body.


Quit drinking alcohol. Quit drinking coffee. Drinking more water. Eating full, proper meals and minimizing snacking. Going for long walks as often as possible. Going to bed earlier, and waking up earlier.


NOT MEDICAL ADVICE: I took my vitamins. No joke.

I looked up vitamins that naturally increased dopamine and came up with vitamin C and D. I was tired all the freaking time and the doctor told me I was extremely low in B12 so I started taking all three of those every day and I can feel an instant boost. It’s actually insane.

I could be crying in a ball on my bedroom floor having a crisis thinking life is not important and then I think “did I take my vitamins today?” I’ll get up take them and in 5 minutes I’m 100% okay and no lie I’m like “ha anyway”
I’m so much happier and have no much more energy and can get up out of bed in the mornings SO much easier. My ADHD improved.
Again this is not actual medical advice pls don’t stop taking your meds even if this works for you

EDIT: a few tips: never take vitamins on an empty stomach, and if vitamin C helps you invest in extended release versions bc it disappears quick. Also if you take too much vitamin C when your body isn’t used to it it can cause stomach aches


Moving out of my parent’s house 

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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