People Online Share 42 Meals That Lead To Disappointment Even At Restaurants

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I think most of us have some meal(s) that we like to be made in a special way, whether it’s in some particular restaurant, some special ingredients, made by the family member that nobody can compare to, or even the way we make it by ourselves. However, many of us also come across many foods that may seem simple to make but most of the time lead to disappointment when we order them.

Speaking about that, one Reddit user asked folks online to share meals that the majority of people or restaurants always manage to mess them up. Well, the responses vary from cooking eggs, sauces to simple restaurant cakes. So scroll through this ‘disappointing foods menu’ and share your thoughts!

More info: Reddit



So many mediocre fries.

Image credits: Poet_of_Legends


Onion rings.

A great onion ring is an elusive thing.

Image credits: r3dditr0x


Omelets. The cheese goes on the inside people!

And for the love of all things holy, when you’re making a grilled cheese, the cheese should actually be melted!

Maybe my problem is the way cheese is prepared? Ok, I’m changing my answer to cheese

Image credits: simikoi


caesar salad. it either has barely any dressing, or it’s so drenched in dressing that it pools at the bottom of the bowl.

Image credits: sunshinelollipops95


Hashbrowns. I don’t get why I can only get lightly toasted but mostly white potato shavings. Even if I say, “no white” they still come out raw.

Image credits: Iced_Jade


There are too many breakfast places that can’t cook eggs properly

Image credits: The_Goondocks


Fkn bacon. Don’t come at me with that floppy s**t.

Image credits: Misterholcombe


Gnocchi!! It’s meant to be light and airy, not a lead weight!

Image credits: Ktibbs617


A lot of s****y marinara sauce out there

Image credits: jstop63


Coffee is rarely good in a restaurant.

Image credits: standupfiredancer


I just had to pay $4 dollars extra to ADD mushrooms to stroganoff…. that should not be an additional fee.

Image credits: berrytone1


Chicken pot pie. Do they really think I don’t want top AND bottom crust?

Image credits: yomommasofat-


Mashed potatoes. Stop using instant.

Image credits: StarClutcher


Macaroni and cheese.

Sometimes the noodles are gummy. Sometimes the sauce is bad, usually not very flavorful. Sometimes it’s both.

Macaroni is usually a disappointment.

Image credits: No_Ad8227


Pad Thai. Many places make it way too sweet.

Image credits: opinionsarecoolmaaan


So many people seemingly can’t cook rice. I don’t get it, it’s one of the easiest things to cook, just let it be and it practically cooks itself. But so many people can’t make it

Image credits: llcucf80


Calamari. Often over cooked into rubber. At least here in the Midwest. I think enough people around here don’t even know how good Calamari is it is screwed up so much.

Image credits: Kenichero


Too much truffle. Truffle flavoring is usually made with petroleum byproducts. It’s nasty. Truffles don’t “infuse” into oil. That scent and that taste isn’t natural, it’s all synthetic.

Stop putting truffle flavor on everything! You are eating nasty a*s chemicals *and* paying a premium for it!


Tortillas – so many dry and flavorless industrially produced tortillas out there. Whether it’s tacos, enchiladas, etc, even if the fillings or toppings are great, a bad tortilla brings the whole thing crumbling down (literally) in my opinion.

All my favorite Mexican places near me make their own tortillas and it’s just a different standard. Otherwise, so many times I’m excited to try a popular spot, but then find the tortillas subpar.

Image credits: districtultra


I can’t remember the last time I had decent fried egg rolls at a restaurant. The insides are often just mushy, flavorless cabbage.


Restaurants trying to pass off mayo as garlic aioli.

Image credits: quetejodas


Lo mein. You can’t use regular spaghetti noodles and pass it off as authentic!

Image credits: PLincognito


Chicken breast. Every restaurant cooks it to death. You have to undercook it a bit and let the carry over heat finish it off, but restaurants are too afraid of salmonella so you end up with a dry piece of s**t.

Image credits: quiplaam


Poutine. It’s trendy to stick fries, with cheese and a sauce and call it that, but you can’t really substitute any of the ingredients and have it taste anywhere near the original.

Image credits: batmanmeatlover


Reuben sandwich… because when it’s good it’s great but when it’s bad it’s terrible.


Cabonara shouldn’t have mushrooms but every restaurant in my town thinks they should.


Salads. Most come swimming in dressing.

Image credits: chemistcarpenter


Crabcakes. Even in MD it’s hit or miss, outside of MD places tend to use too much filler and binder.

Image credits: stanley_leverlock


Not f**k up but steak always tastes better at home.

Image credits: Deadpussyfuck


If it’s not a bakery, CAKE! Cakes in restaurants always tend to SUUUUUCK. They’re not fluffy or delicious or leave a soft warm feeling in your body when you eat it. That’s what I look for in my cakes, a good cake should be so soft and delicious that it makes you feel loved like a loving parent. Restaurant cakes are just either too dry, too hipster, or too goopy.

Image credits: Gamecat93


I’ve never had good nachos at a restaurant. The ratio of, and distribution, of toppings to chips is always disappointing. And the chips are often rubbery. Even if the flavor is nice, the balance is terrible.


For me it’s scrambled eggs, so many people mess up the texture imo. Use butter, light heat, and constantly whisk.


Fish and chips. Seems like most places assume you’re going to add malt vinegar, so they don’t think they have to season the food. You always have to season the food.


French toast

I love French toast, but most restaurants don’t offer a French toast meal that makes any sense. If I’m ordering French toast, I don’t just want 3 French toasts on a plate and nothing else. You need bacon or sausage, maybe a couple eggs and SOMETHING else to cut the sweetness of the toast.


Chili rellenos. Well prepared they’re amazing but I’ve been disappointed so many times I basically never order them anymore.

Image credits: HuginnNotMuninn


Huevos rancheros. Raw corn tortillas do not taste good for one thing. There is an art to it.

Image credits: Own-Veterinarian8193


Shrimp. I believe that most cooks overdo them, they do too much.



Image credits: howdysteve


Fettucine alfredo


Literally anything with Cajun in the name. Even here in South Louisiana, chain restaurants can’t do cajun right. You’re lucky to find a mom&pop owned restaurant that does it right unless you’re in New Orleans.


Burgers. I have been searching for a good hamburger for months. I can make one but every place I go over cooks them and dries them out. These think a*s patties suck.


Philly Cheesesteaks sometimes. They might cut the meat up right, but sometimes they just plop some of that liquid cheese stuff some places put on nachos. There’s variations that can make it work, and the “street” version is different too.

Image credits: Whappingtime

from Bored Panda
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