People List 72 Things That Totally Live Up To Their Hype

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Almost every day we hear about ways to improve our lives, whether in the form of asked or unasked advice, or as an outcome of thinking. But it’s not that simple. Making a decision of whatever kind can be a daunting task for a person who doesn’t like to step out of their comfort zone.

Some people, however, dare to try something new, whether it’s watching Avengers Endgame or moving out of their parents’ home thanks to the hype that pushed them forward. “What actually 100% lived up to the hype?” someone wondered on Ask Reddit, and 24.1k upvotes and 10.1k comments later, we have some very interesting and illuminating responses. Turns out, not always are our expectations shattered by reality.


Having your own place to live without roommates.

Image credits: donotpassgo369


Therapy, yeah that’s sappy as hell, but it made me feel a lot better, still working on myself, but my psychologist is a saint and she does all she can to help

Image credits: elysiantics


The Breaking Bad series finale

Image credits: anon


Personally… sex

Image credits: I0waNative


Divorcing a terrible person.

The sense of relief, freedom and having my old self back again cannot be expressed in words.

I would marry her all over again and divorce her just to experience that feeling again.

Image credits: keiths31


Actual Japanese ramen. Naruto wasn’t playing it really is that good.

Image credits: The_Alex_


Stranger Things. I thought it was going to be overrated but my mom made me watch it and now I’m addicted.

Image credits: IntimidatingNoodles


Avengers Endgame

Image credits: Magli02


Hawai’i. It has been hyped as a beautiful worry-free paradise. But when I went there, it was a beautiful worry-free paradise. 10/10 would go again.

Image credits: TrumpStinks2020


Rick and Morty. I hated the idea of the show, thinking it would be another poorly animated comedy with terrible humor.

Boy was I wrong.

Watched all 3 seasons in 4 days EXACTLY. And I am NOT a binge watcher

Image credits: IamTheGreetest34


The Grand Canyon. You just kinda assume that by the time you get around to seeing it that you’ll be underwhelmed.

NOPE. The most breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen. Absolutely unreal. It’s just… so… f*****g BIG. Couldn’t believe it.

Image credits: Pikabuu


Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. Didn’t think I could possibly like a superhero movie to the point of watching it 6 times, forcing all of my friends to watch it and listening to the soundtrack on repeat. My animation major friend kept raving about it and I promised I’d eventually watch it. When I did, I was in SHOCK at how good it was.

Image credits: junipersnake


So far….. The Mandalorian.

Image credits: firefairyqueen


Being healthy. It feels so good to feel good. I thought I would hate cutting out soda and junk food because they taste so good and made me happy. But I was so heavy, knee pain, couldn’t sleep, miserable most of the time. Now it’s normal to just feel good. It’s actually crazy to think I lived like that for so long. It’s worth it to put the effort into your health. Who cares if it takes a long time. You’ll thank yourself.

Image credits: anon


Dungeons & Dragons.

I lived with a friend at university who — back in the days of 3.5e — would suggest every weekend that we played a game. I had no interest in spending my Saturday afternoons pretending to be an elf or whatever-the-f**k you were supposed to do when you played. *No, thank you.*

Then I actually tried it a year or two ago, and it’s dope. Sit around with friends, talk some s**t, eat some cheese, drinks some beers, kill some imaginary goblins. With three months I was DMing, and now I have more dice than I know what to do with and a folder on my desktop devoted to all the games I know I’m never going to get around to playing, all because adult scheduling is the true BBEG.

Image credits: Portarossa


Being married. It’s been a year and a half and it keeps getting better and better.

Image credits: notthefirstchl03


The Matrix. It was super hyped up before it came out and when it hit, people were talking about it for weeks. I watched it many times in the cinema and each time was fantastic. It’s still fantastic 20 years later!

Image credits: crumpuppet


Red dead redemption 2

Image credits: GabeLikesMusic


Finding true love. Might take a long time and a lot of heartache before it happens, but when it does happen it’s the absolute best thing in the world.

Image credits: Cyanide_Kitty_101


Harry Potter – I still remember the long lines on the release day for Deathly Hallows. The books couldn’t have had a better ending

Image credits: kruskythrowaway



Image credits: brunjr52


Seeing the Milky Way for the first time… blew my mind what many dont see because of city lights.

Image credits: Youpunyhumans


Squatty Potty. Let that hate flow right out of you.

Image credits: Sirnando138




The Nintendo Switch. I hadn’t bought a Nintendo system since the Gamecube. I wasn’t thrilled about the Wii or the WiiU, so I was hesitant to buy in to Nintendo’s new system when it was announced. I bought it and was 100 percent back as a Nintendo fan boy. That system is fantastic. The fact that it is both portable and a home console is amazing to me. And yes, it is underpowered compared to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, but it makes up for it in its versatility. Also, I can turn it off instantly and come back to exactly where I left off. Brilliant

Image credits: titations


I live alone, and I gotta say…

It’s awesome, but without any incentive to clean or organize things get messy quick!


Growing up in the big city, or what we’d consider to be one out here. I had never had an interest in nature or ‘outside’. One day after school my parents arrived as usual. What was unusual was the fully packed car. Understanding hits me like a truck. Camping.

Oh no not a plushy electric camping experience my father confirms. We’re going to Botswana. The true great outdoors. I sulk of course, all the way there. We get to… well where ever we were. Set up camp and I jump straight in my tent to continue my pity party.
Some hours later and my parents still haven’t lit a fire. I can hear their voices faintly. Upset, but more because of their disregard for my tantrum. I emerge from the tent and all thoughts of my remarks disappear.

The sight that greets me is, for lack of a better word, Awesome. Stars, more than I thought possible. They covered every inch of my vision from one horizon to the other behind me. Between the blanket of stars, nebulae of every colour are visible.

My father laughs at my expression as I desperately crane my neck to see it all. Lemme tell you folks. Perfectly dark night sky 100% lives up to the hype.

Image credits: MrsObedient


Dogs. Every day I walk thru the door home from anywhere and my dog is so pumped and happy to see me that I become happy. If I have a bad day he makes me happier. If I have a good day he makes me happier. They are so pure. We don’t deserve them.

Edit: and now I’m a round about way he got me my first silver. Thank you stranger. Here he is btw, [Reptar](


Mad Max Fury Road


Visiting Japan. Used to be kind of a weeb when I was a teen but that phase died out when I grew into my 20s. My SO and I planned a trip to see my brother and his Japanese gf just to stay in touch even though I would have rather loved to see Florence or Marrakech instead but boy oh boy was I wrong. Japan really brought the kid inside me out again. (edit: even though I couldn’t care less about anime)

Image credits: anon


My very first trip to Manhattan.

My sister and I booked a 10 day stay at The Roosevelt in Midtown. We land at LaGuardia from Dallas and the airport employees were super friendly when they saw me in my UT Dallas hoodie; I even got a hug! Like, what?! So we go out of the terminal and the car service to Manhattan calls us to let us know they overbooked and ran out of sedans and SUVs….so they sent a stretch limo to pick us up!

The trip was full of lucky turns. We got very last minute front and center seats to the Radio City Rockettes for $60 each!

The city just lived up to every expectation I had since childhood. I love it.

Image credits: LightsStayOnInFrisco


I kept telling my girlfriend how good a**l sex feels, and I finally got her to try it with me. I think she was liking it more than I did. She came, I came and I can’t wait for my b******e to stop hurting so we can try it again.


Neighbor’s chili. Moved in and everybody wouldn’t shut up about this guy’s chili. To the point it was annoying to hear about. The first cold day that fall I had it. Holy s**t – now I won’t shut up about it.

Edit: wow this really blew up! The guy doesn’t share his recipe and I’m not sure really why. He’s good about deflecting requests. He always says something funny like “a little of this, a little of that, some frog nuts and cheap champagne.”

Image credits: DKmann


Smart devices, but especially smartphones. I remember watching the keynote in 2007 and thinking this was just an Apple gimmick. Twelve years later and theres no way I’d willingly go back to not having my smartphone; I wouldn’t be typing this right now.


Both Hubble and Kepler space telescopes. Deep field images showing thousands of galaxies in just a tiny patch of sky and the discovery of thousands of exoplanets that are so different from planets in our own solar system. What better could astronomers hope to find up there?

Image credits: anon


The first Deadpool movie. I was worried as f**k that it wasn’t gonna be violent, crude, or emotional, but it checked off every box. The point where I knew it was gonna be great was when Deadpool dropped into the SUV, and the one goon got thrown out and f*****g SPLATTED on the freeway sign.

Image credits: anon


WoW Classic.


Hearing my baby laugh for the first time.


Oh god yes, first I thought it was a bit daft, but an awesome advert. Then tried one.


Every toilet should have one as standard. IT has improved my heath massively.

But it’s also why most people are full of shit …. they poo wrong!


First time I loaded up Google Earth on a tablet I knew I had officially reached ‘living in the future’ status.


Camping in Australia.

I come from Europe, and a lot of folks go to Australia after high school. My friends who were there loved it, but all I always took from the conversations with them was, that they worked crappy, underpaid jobs, to live in a van in a country where everything tries to kill you.

After I finished university my GF made me go with her, and I was so not hyped. Turns out I have never seen a more beautiful country with such a nice infrastructure for camping. I would say it was the best 6 weeks of my life so far.


Jurasic Park Helicopter Tour of Kauai Island in Hawaii.

It’s about $400 for 1.5 hours, but it’s one of the most life changing things I ever did with my dad. Out of one window, you saw wales break the surface, and then you zoom around the island in and out of cliffs and rocks and mountains and dozens of mini waterfalls, and then you land a few yards from where the Jurassic Park helicopter pad used to be, and you walk up to the 500 foot falls. It’s really just an amazing trip to see.


Skyrim! It still lives up to the hype 8 years later.



from the fundraising to its eventual release a lot of put behind this game and it came through with an explosion of success. A wave that threw itself over the gaming community whether we liked it or not, ^(in more ways than 1.)


The original Star Wars films. Didn’t get around to seeing them till college, and just made my roommate watch them for the first time.




Breath of the Wild


Visiting Machu Picchu and other Inca ruins. It was amazing. They don’t tell you that there are just random llamas grazing on these ancient stone terraces. Or that there are huge blue butterflies everywhere. Or about the tourist city that has sprung up around the ruins of Machu Picchu. Or about how crazy the city of Lima is.


My wife’s deviled eggs. She talked these things up for months when we first started dating. Her mom talked about them, her dad, her sister, everyone in her family loves them. Then I ate one. It was life changing.


The Instant Pot – at least for me. I use that thing all the time. Totally worth every cent and I turned my family onto the Instant Pot as well.

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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