People Are Sharing 65 Harmless Ways To Mess With Others

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If there’s something we’ve learned from the holy grail of television, aka The Office (except from everything about life, work, love and so on!), it’s that a little trick and a tiny troll here and there do no harm. Hands up, everyone who remembers the prank on Dwight’s tape recorder!

Real life is no exception. To make our mundane reality a little more adventurous and somewhat hilarious, people come up with the most ingenious little ways to mess with others. “What are some harmless ways to [mess] with people?” someone asked on Ask Reddit, and oh boy, Pandora’s box was opened.

Read on below for the best responses, and please, don’t try this at home! Or try at your own risk, which should be not only minimal, but basically nonexistent.


I put a tiny piece of masking tape over my co-worker’s mouse laser on April fool’s day one year, wrote “April fool’s” on it. He troubleshot every single thing except examining the mouse. He eventually called IT who simply turned the mouse over and pointed it out to him.

Image credits: Swedish-Butt-Whistle


My grandpa glued a quarter to his driveway near the sidewalk and sits in his living room and watches people try to pick it up. I didn’t know this till I found a quarter in the driveway one time.

Image credits: LongDogWrinkleBits


When driving I like to wave at random people as if I knew them. Hilarious to see instant confusion on their faces

Image credits: thattjuliett


Buy a set of “Voice Activated” or “Motion Activated” stickers from Amazon, and the possibilities are endless

Image credits: beam_me_up_MFer


Say “no pun intended” after a sentence where there was clearly no pun.

Image credits: boceya5254


If two neighbors have opposite political signs during an election, swap them

Image credits: ResidentGerts


When they ask what your favourite song or band is, tell them you don’t like music. When they ask why say because there are no pictures like movies and tv shows.

Image credits: CheesyTickle


I love mistakingly pronounceling words mid sentence only to pronounce them correctly moments later

Image credits: JackHammerAwesome


When I order coffee and they ask for the name I say “Green. Like the sky.”


The movie theater in my town is usually mostly empty. There’s been a couple of times when I’ve come in to get seated and there’s literally only one other person in my auditorium.

There’s an evil part of me that wants to just go sit right next to them. Not illegal, but it should be.

Image credits: matt314159


My grandpa does this thing where he stops in the busy street and starts staring into the sky as if he’s seen something amazing. It doesn’t take long for other people to stop and stare too, once he’s reaches critical mass he quietly slips away chuckling to himself.

Edit, he’s in his 90’s now but when he was a teenager he was a bit of a young tearaway and had a pet monkey, which is weird considering this was the UK.

Edit 2: holy c**p this blew up overnight. And on my cake day too!

Image credits: broken-neurons


Whenever I visit my extended family across the country, I bring a bag full of random remotes that I don’t use anymore. Just random remotes that go to old dvrs or anything really. Just hide them around their house, they only recently caught on.

Image credits: Dfuz3-Flame


Edit: For PSA

Hide something around their house. My weapon of choice was tiny rubber ducks.

Open a drawer? Duck.

I need a spoon. Duck.

Lovely picture of their wedding with a nice frame? Duck on top.

Charging box? Duck.

Bubble bath? Duck.

Seldom used shoes? Duck.

Winter coat pocket they won’t use for months? Duck.

Its ducking delightful how much mileage you can get out of tiny ducks.

PSA: Be extremely cautious in the case of households containing animals and small children. Both like putting little things in their mouths and other orifices so might be best to avoid Ducking these individuals/ensuring things are definitely out of reach.

Image credits: Cursed_Insomniac


Say “High five” to someone, but don’t put your hand up.

Image credits: ilovestrawberrieslol


Sometimes when you do like onlike quizzes they’ll ask for an email to send the results too. I like to put random people that I know instead

Image credits: Crafty-Jury-8173


When at work, tell someone: I’m going to the bathroom do you need anything?

Image credits: whatislife4


Look at their forehead, ear, or chin during the entire conversation.

Call in sick to a place you don’t work.

At the deli, ask for the most human tasting meat they have.

Go to the grocery store and ask for Gomber. “You know, it’s kind of red, and you put it on mayo sandwiches.”

Ask if they like your perfume and get them to smell your neck, wrist, ankle, or other body part. Don’t actually be wearing any perfume.


Hold a door open when they’re just a little bit too far away, most people will do a funny little waddle run

Image credits: Little_Mog


When I was a corrections officer we had a guy who worked with us who was kind of a d**k to everyone, and he was computer illiterate. We took a screenshot of his desktop and moved all of his icons off of it so it looked legit but nothing worked. It took him an hour before he finally called IT and they figured it out pretty quickly. He wouldn’t talk to any of us for about a week.

Image credits: justneedadvice87


Say “I don’t want to sound racist, but” and then say something completely positive yet irrelevant.

“I don’t want to sound racist, but the sun looks lovely on those flowers”.


I have a secondary remote that my kids don’t know about. Sometimes I’ll stand out of site and turn up the volume or hit back when they select something to watch. It’s pretty funny.


At work: give them a “While You Were Out” note saying a “Mr. Fox” called for them and write on the note the number for your local zoo.


After giving a compliment, say “no offense” and watch them struggle to find the non-existent insult.


I’m a huge fan of just handing somebody something without any explanation and walking away.


If you meet them in a party tell them that no matter what everyone else says you are glad they came.


Every other week or so I’d change which side my coworker’s drill’s belt clip was on, 2 screws and 30 seconds for a maddening payout. Idk if he ever caught on, as he sadly passed away last year.

I got a huge kick out of doing it though. Might bring that one back as most of us share the same brand of drill.

He got a great one on me. Every day or two he’d hide a Magic the Gathering card in my toolbox, never the same spot twice. Genuinely made me mad when I’d pick something up only to see another card hidden beneath. Eventually I had enough cards to completely cover his locker door inner and outer, he never took them off. Even cut out cards to fit the vents on the locker. I spent a good hour or two on my day off making it. Proud of that one.

RIP Chris. Pranks haven’t been the same since you left. Your locker still remains covered in Magic cards and nobody has questioned it to this day.


When you’re talking to someone, just keep handing them random items. They’ll just keep taking them without realizing it.


When you shake someone’s hand, move yours left to right. As they do the traditional up and down, a hilarious circle ensues.


When someone knocks on the public washroom door you are in respond with come in!

Image credits: Less-Lunch-472


Ask a question and when they are a few words into answering ask “huh?”

Image credits: Larrymaclovstein


I was talking with a supervisor and I happened to have like 4 hard boiled eggs in my jacket pocket for lunch. So while talking with stuff, I took out an egg, cracked and shelled it and ate it. The conversation kept going so I did it again but I could see he was growing quizzical. I waited a few more minutes, pulled out another and ate that too. By then I could tell he was like WTF. The conversation was wrapping up so I pulled the last one out and he stopped mid conversation and asked me, “how many f$cking eggs do you have?”
I just shrugged, shelled, and then ate, the last egg.


When having a conversation during a meal, specifically only ask questions to people that are chewing.

ETA: I was never a server, but had this taught to me by a dear friend of mine years ago when we used to eat in a public cafeteria and mess with people we just met.


If I know someone is walking a little ways behind me and I turn a corner with nobody else around I like to run 10-20 steps to widen the gap and then laugh to myself thinking that the person behind me will be confused.

I doubt anyone ever notices but I get a kick out of it every time.

Image credits: Shea_J


My friend was logged into his twitter on my tablet so I kept changing his profile picture to a banana.. he thought someone hacked him and tweeted about it.. I replied to the tweet using his profile.. it got so bad he was arguing with himself on twitter.


Keep correcting them on the pronunciation of your name, even when they are saying it correctly every time.


Say: “nevermind” when someone interrupts you. It will make them more curious about what you wanted to say. Works really well with my siblings.


When I was in HS, I carefully watched my buddy open his gym locker for a week so I could memorize his code. The day finally came when I wanted to f**k with him. So I opened his locker, took all his s**t out and left a note that said “go to locker 55”. When he got to locker 55 it was another note that said “now go to locker 100”. This went on a few times then he finally got to his stuff at the end. It was a good prank and we all had a good laugh about it.


A lady in my office wouldn’t stop talking about gas lighting and people who were gaslighting. So we told her it was actually called “gaslamping” and she has the term wrong. Took a bit of convincing but she started using that term and telling everyone else they were wrong too. A week later we changed it back to gaslighting.


When in an elavator with strangers (or just walking thru a lobby) casually look down and say “oh wow they really did a good job getting the blood out”.


If you ever have a moment with their computer or cellphone use their search engine to look for a bunch of non-sense products and then erase the search history. The algoritm will think they have a interest in said products and put a bunch of adds recomending them for the next few days.


I once got my wife a card that said “i hope you get better soon”. She said “I’m not sick though” and I said “I know. I just thought you could be better.”


My personal favorite is: Sit down on a park bench next to someone. Slide a manila enevlope with a picture of a random person from the net to them and say, “It has to be done by Friday and it has to look like an accident.” Then get up and walk away quickly.


I always give people the head shake of disappointment just to f**k with them, especially at red lights


I do this every so often because it’s kind of a game to me to see how long I can keep it up till the person catches on.

I repeat the last word the person says in question form.


“Hey, me and Jenny are headed to Jim’s Pizza Hut.”

“Jim’s Pizza Hut?”

“Yeah, you know the one on F street.”

“F Street?”

Over there near the harbor with the big carousel.”


“Yeah, you know the one you went with me and Jane.”


“My girlfriend.”


“Ok, what the f**k is wrong with you?”

Once they call you out and have caught on the game ends. I’ve carried on a conversation over an hour once doing this. It’s really awesome when the person you are doing it to has gone through this a few times with you.

My daughter has gotten me a few times herself and she’ll laugh on and off for the day at my expense. Her husband has called me an a*s for teaching this to her a few times too.


When someone asks for the time:

“Excuse me, do you know what time it is?”


“Yes what?”

“Yes sir!”


Put a sticky note on their car that says “sorry I hit your car” and they’ll go crazy looking for nonexistent damage


Get their consent, preferably over dinner and a movie.


Our neighbour has chickens. About once a week or so we would sneak over and put extra eggs in the lay box, so it looked like the chickens had been on a laying spree. So fun chatting with them, trying to work out why sometimes the chickens were super producers and sometimes not. It ended when we put a chocolate egg in there, they worked it out then ??


When I buy expensive scotch, I’ll mention to the cashier how I bet this will taste amazing when I mix it with Pepsi.


Reassure people there’s nothing wrong with the item they are about to use.

Right before they sit down: “there’s nothing wrong with that chair”


My son can make dolphin sounds to perfection. We were on a dolphin excursion and he would randomly do the sounds. People kept looking over the sides to see the dolphins. He also confused the operator because he kept looking around for dolphins. One of our best family vacation memories.


Occasionally I get Christmas cards sent to my address meant for the previous homeowners, wrong address etc. I take these cards and mail them to my friends and family with their correct names and addresses etc and with their return address. I can imagine them sitting around their table scratching their heads wondering who the hell the O’Reilly family is, in a family picture all dressed up in their Christmas garb sending them a Christmas card. A couple times I than learned that the next year out of courtesy, my relatives would then send the unknown family a Christmas card from them, and than that family is like who the hell are these people.


Go and buy a 50Lb bag of wild bird seed and spread it over the entire front yard of someone you love. The birds will thank you and you will enjoy wonderful wild flowers next spring it’s called Birdseeding. It’s the new TP’ing?


Some guy on Quora had this genius idea. Grab a highlighter, and randomly highlight one name on a public list (attendance, lunch money, extracurricular classes, whatever). You won’t get to see it, but some poor fellow will silently lose their mind trying to figure out why their name is highlighted.


Senior prank at my high school a few years ago, they let 3 chickens lose: numbered 1, 2, and 4.

School took forever looking for the 3rd chicken


While going up the chairlift at a ski resort my friend and I would call out to someone under the chairlift, call them a random name and yell “WE’LL WAIT FOR YOU AT THE TOP!” usually the person would spend time trying to explain to us they weren’t who we thought they were. We’d act like we couldn’t hear them and insist we’d wait for them at the top.


This one doubles as an LPT: When you’re in a place where you can’t walk away (such as a bus stop) and someone approaches you asking for money, smile brightly and say, “Oh, no thank you!” in the same tone of voice you would if a friendly person offered you a piece of cake. It will confuse the person, and they will likely leave you alone. If they ask again, repeat the sentence again. “Oh, no thanks, I’m good!” Smile even more brightly.


My favorite thing to do at my coffee shop job is wait until we have a line, tell the first few customers to “have a good day” loudly enough for the rest of the line to hear, and then tell exactly one customer “enjoy your drink” instead. 90% of the time they hit me with a “you too” and I just smile and nod, content in the knowledge that they’ll cringe about that for the rest of the day.


Shout at friends from far away (like at a concert), but gibberish. When they say, “WHAT???” Slowly, phonetically, repeat the gibberish. See how many times they ask, “WHAT???” Before either just agreeing or if you get bored, just randomly go, “OKAY!” liked you agreed to something.






“… WHAT??”


“… WHAT?”




This one is harmless but occasionally can drive someone mad.

My mom has a bunch of framed family photos hangin on a wall. One day I was visiting I took them all down and scanned them with a little hand scanner. I photoshoped small changes on them, removed some people from some photos, added a couple of celebrities in the background, etc, print them out and replaced them a few days later.

I can’t forget her face when she realized it was me and she was not losing it.


When my husband pours his coffee into his mug and turns around to get milk out of the refrigerator, I pour his coffee back into the coffee pot or into my mug. I cackle as I run out of the room.


Walk up to a couple of your co-workers. Say,

“I just want to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you. “

Walk away.


One thing I do is when someone asks directions, I say something like, “If you take a left out of the parking lot, and go down to the light, then turn right, you’ll be going the wrong direction. It’s actually (give correct directions).”


Mail someone a red golf ball every week for a while. Then mail them a green golf ball and stop.


I use to hum an off pitch note in orchestra rehearsals while the violins were getting their tuning note.

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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