When kids grow up, become adults, and have their own kids, they’re quite literally still the kids. Then, these big and serious children in disguise are secretly struggling in this big world full of multitasking. Deciding what’s best for their kids on a daily basis can be truly nerve-wracking, but sometimes, a little spoken word can work wonders, according to people online.
You see, when one Reddit user posed the question “What’s something that every parent should tell their child?” on r/AskReddit, it seemed like a straightforward one. But as soon as the answers started flooding in, it became obvious we’re dealing with some real wisdom gems and one of those increasingly rare examples of the internet giving something truly valuable.
From telling your kids you can indeed be wrong sometimes, since it’s only human, to apologizing to them if you’re wrong, these are little things your child self would thank you for.
Its alright to make a mistake, as long as you can admit it and grow from it.
A good parent shouldn’t be afraid to apologize to their kid when they’re wrong.
Image credits: Dr_Julian_Helisent
Admitting they can be wrong sometimes. Parents are humans and make mistakes. Kids need to see that.
Be kind. You never know what someone might be going through and I love you.
Image credits: nerdyflower03
Knock the door before you enter.
”I love you regardless of your gender and sexuality” unfortunately that wasn’t what my mom said.
I’m proud of you.
Image credits: mozesa942
It’s important to be kind, but you don’t need to be everyone’s best friend. Some ppl are just not going to like you, and that’s okay – it goes both ways
Also being a kid/teenager is f**king hard work. It gets so much better after high school, I promise
Sometimes, friends you trust will manipulate you. Parents should teach their children what manipulation is and how to avoid it… Cause it ain’t so black and white
If you make a mistake and need help, come to me. Kids tend to make bad situations worse by trying not to get caught. I know way too many people who got in drunk driving accidents because they were too afraid to call their parents for help and drove home or got in the car with a drunk driver.
Image credits: xandrenia
No means no.
That it’s okay to ask for help and no one will think less of them.
That it’s OK to be straight, gay, bi, pan, cisgender, transgender, or gender-fluid. There is no wrong sexual or gender identity. Just be yourself.
Your mental illness is not a weakness.
Image credits: babooskaaaa
If anyone ever tells them, “This will be our little secret,” especially if it involves physical contact, my child needs to get as far away from that person ASAP, find a trusted adult, and contact me. My child will know they will not be in trouble for telling and I will always believe them.
The proper terminology for their genitals. Other adults aren’t always going to know what your kid means when they say “someone played with my monkey or my tutu,” and predators aren’t going to call them by the proper names either, so it’s another deterent for abuse to occur. Vagina, Penis, Vulva, Testicles- these are not dirty words people.
“Sorry”, when appropriate.
Look out for the smaller kids on the playground, kindness is free so make sure to use it.
Do you wanna talk about anything.
Your low academic performance does not mean you’ll be a failure in life.
“The world is a f**ked up place. People are going to hate you for the sake of hating you, and spit on you for what you believe. What I want you to know is I’ll always support you. And I’ll never be disappointed in what you do with your life as long as you love it” ~ My dad
Always have an open mind before coming to an opinion. Question and research the facts before blindly following someone else’s lead.
That it’s OK to walk away from a fight. It doesn’t make you less of a man, and walking away should always be the first resort.
Whenever another kid is being mean to them, physically or verbally, don’t tell your child that the other kid was being mean to them because they like your child. Your child might grow up mistaking abuse for affection.
Express that it’s ok to feel uncomfortable and not want to do something. I saw a post where a mother taught her daughter to say hello but if she didn’t want a hug or a kiss on the cheek she was never forced to do so. If the kid felt comfortable she would do it. Expressing that this is ok seems pretty important IMO
Having money doesn’t make you better than anybody else
Speak up. Say what’s on your mind.
So many kids are taught it’s rude to talk back to your parents that it sometimes rob them of the confidence to speak up anywhere.
“I’ll never be mad at you when you are telling me the truth.”
“You don’t have to earn my love. Nothing you do will ever make me love you any less. I will ALWAYS love you, no matter what.” I say these three lines to my kids so often!
What gay people are. I was 12 when I first released gay was just a matter of liking the same gender. I thought gay meant an effeminate man, or something that was “girly” (think “that’s so gay”). Parents should remind their children that some children have two mom’s or two dad’s, and that some people fall in love with and marry people of the same gender rather than the opposite one and that’s completely normal.
Also, teach them why people look a certain way, and to respect that. Some people have scars or an amputated limb, or they have downs syndrome which makes them look different, and parents should discuss that openly when the situation arises (maybe not around the person in question) rather than make it seem taboo and not talk to them about it. For example “We don’t know why he only has one leg. He might have had an accident or an illness in his leg that meant he lost it. However we need to remember that people like him are still just like us, they may need extra help with some things, but we shouldn’t stare or laugh at them because it’s upsetting for them.”
Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how hard you work, you just end up with s**t.
What to do in an emergency. If the fire alarm goes off they should know that they need to get out of the house. Don’t look for mum and dad. Don’t hide under the bed. Get out.
They also need to know how to call emergency services. If a parent collapses, the child may be the only person around to make the call.
How their bodies work — no, how they really work. Periods, sex, poop, everything.
‘I appreciate your input. You won’t always be right and what you say won’t always change my mind but I still value your opinion.’
Communicate with your kid, most of the time you will know better than they will but at least listen to what they have to say. Remember to also keep an open mind and be willing to compromise.
You don’t have to respect anyone that disrespects you, even if they’re your “elder”
It’s alright to fail, as long as you pick yourself back up and learn something from it. And that you still love them no matter their grades and their beliefs. At least that’s what I wanted to hear from my parents.
Coping skills to process their emotions
The world isn’t fair, don’t try to change what you can’t, and instead worry about the things you can.
The idea that if someone specifically tells them to not tell their parents, they should tell their parents immediately.
This is something an old boss (as an au pair) did with her kids. She did this with the idea that if anyone tried to do something awful (let’s be honest, most molesters grooms the child with the “just our little secret/nobody will believe you” method) then they would tell their parents knowing that their parents would always be thankful they did even if what the kid did was naughty/illegal/whatever
Hilarious after effect once was the kids weren’t allowed soda, one of their cousins gave them some and one of the kids immediately told me and their mum.
Also think that it might perpetuate into their teens. Their mum hopes anyway
You don’t need to be everyone’s best friend. It’s important to be kind, but some people just aren’t going to like you, and that’s OK — it goes both ways.
Never dive Headfirst into unfamiliar water. My cousin broke his neck that way.
You didn’t ask to be born so it’s my responsibility to take care of you, pay for your expenses and make food and you don’t have to thank me for it because it’s normal (Actual thing my parent told me as a child)
You are enough. You don’t have to be anyone you’re not.
How to be emotionally intelligent. I feel like I didn’t use a lot of my 20s to their full potential because I was an emotional idiot.
Do not allow yourself to be questioned by cops without an attorney present. (at least in the US)
Don’t follow the crowd, make your own choices. Seriously, if you want to join the science club join it, you won’t see those kids after graduation who cares what they think.
You don’t owe anybody a damn thing. Wether it be friendships, relationships, etc.
If you are ever scared, unsure, or something doesn’t feel right. I promise I will listen to you and take your concerns seriously.
Theres no such thing as perfect
Never make a promise you’re not sure you can keep.
from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3nUFnW0
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