No matter how much we might love cats in general, the fact is, each individual animal has its own unique quirks. Quirks that make them hard to get along with from time to time. Quirks that could make them contenders for the World’s Worst Cat title.
If you have a cat owner share their cat’s worst quality, you’ll get a flood of responses from other people telling their own catto horror stories. That’s exactly what happened to data reporter Christopher Ingraham on Twitter when he shared his mischievous feline’s Machiavellian (Meowchiavellian?) tactics.
People pitched in with their own tales of cats acting ‘evil.’ Read on, dear Pandas, upvote your fave tweets and share your own stories about your cats in the comments below. And be sure to let us know if you’ve become dog people after this post!
Image credits: _cingraham
Image credits: _cingraham
Image credits: HoltAshleyN
Image credits: AlanaHolly16
Image credits: BoloBoffin
Chris’ thread got over 24.1k likes and was retweeted more than 3.2k times, so obviously, people could relate to his cat driving him nuts. Now, we know we just used the word ‘evil’ up above just a moment ago, but each and every weird or annoying behavior your cat exhibits has a scientific explanation for it.
Dr. Lorie Huston explains that cats are “definitely not evil, mean, or vindictive by nature.” [Insert dad joke about cats being evil, mean, and vindictive by choice.] According to the vet, cats are like people in that they have very specific needs. If those needs aren’t met, well… prepare for trouble (and make it double!).
Image credits: LouiseMorett
Image credits: RealCheekybelle
Image credits: lenakins_
In other words, if your cat is acting like the biggest jerk on Planet Earth, it’s probably trying to let you know that something’s wrong. For instance, if your cat is peeing and pooping left, right, up, down, and on your clothes, it might be a medical issue. Otherwise, your feline might have a problem with its litter box: make sure it’s big enough, clean, and in a quiet corner of your home.
Similarly, if your cat’s ripping, tearing, and clawing the holy bejesus out of your furniture, it’s not possessed or ‘evil’: it’s acting as a cat should. Cats need things to scratch. So get it a scratching post or something else to help it sharpen its claws, stretch its muscles, and mark its territory in peace.
Image credits: chefjohnpearson
Image credits: LaurenDernavich
Image credits: MissRiblet
Failing to comply with your feline’s each and every wish might result in further character changes which might make you follow in Chris’ footsteps and turn to Twitter for support.
Image credits: kateesiegel
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Image credits: LegallyAutumn
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Image credits: lclareuk
Image credits: OohLaCLE
Image credits: RachelintheOC
Image credits: LissaMarie630
Image credits: ThatCabbageKid
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Image credits: Bran_Strickland
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Image credits: AndyMDonaldson
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Image credits: LGsMom
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Image credits: Stacy_M
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