Spread the loveLast year we introduced you to the amazing Robert Irwin, a 14-year-old zoologist and animal photographer, who inherited…
Gay Man Travels 2 Hours To Adopt A Cat, Gets Turned Down For Being Gay
Spread the loveWhat makes you a good cat dad? Love for the animal? Owning a flat with a large enclosed…
This Artist Came Up With A Genius Way To Uses Puzzles
Spread the lovePutting together a Jigsaw puzzle can be delightfully frustrating and Vancouver based artist Tim Klein wants to add…
Alleged Rapist’s Lawyer Shows Teen’s Thong To Blame The Girl, Women Respond By Sharing Their Underwear Pics
Spread the love“You have to look at the way she was dressed. She was wearing a thong with a lace…
13 Funny ‘IT Guy & Art Girl’ Comics
Spread the loveSome comics perfectly sum up what every long-term relationship is like, but Bonnie Pang’s work is a long-term…
Pharmacist Student Explains How “Natural” Herbal Supplements May Put You In A Hospital
Spread the loveMillions of people all over the world are sucked in by the allure of multilevel marketing, or MLMs,…
How to Stop Wanting to Be Thinner, Even If You’re Ambitious
Spread the love “How pleasant is the day when we give up striving to be young or slender. ‘Thank God!’…
The Grinch Movie Remake’s Hilarious Posters Appear In The US Cities To Attract Millenials And Gen Z
Spread the loveThe Grinch is back and he’s meaner than ever! The Christmas classic remake landed at the box office…
How to Stop Racing Thoughts When Your Mind Won’t Let Up
Spread the loveIf you could see a diagram of my brain and you could imagine every line was a thought,…
A Man Found A Baby Squirrel On His Bed, And The Pics Of It Growing Up Will Make Your Day
Spread the loveOne day a man came back home, only to find that a mother squirrel had made a nest…