Spread the loveThe revenge of the nerds is almost complete. What began in the 80s, with the guys from the…
88 Funny Pics Of Humans Of Trolleybuses
Spread the loveThis page is the best-kept secret of the entire ‘Humans of’ series. Heck, maybe of the entire internet.…
How to Set Boundaries in Awkward Situations with Strangers
Spread the love “Boundaries aren’t about punishing. Boundaries are about creating safety for yourself.” ~Sheri Keffer The person sitting beside you…
How to Improve Memory and Recall What You’ve Learned Fast
Spread the loveHow to improve memory is a common question that’s brought up once we hit that certain age. Friends…
I Will No Longer Allow My Doubt to Convince Me I’m Not Good Enough
Spread the love “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” ~Henry Ford Self-doubt is a…
Over 20 Countries Have Started Building An 8,000KM “Great Green Wall” To Stop Climate Change And Desertification
Spread the loveGreta Thunberg is challenging nations to go green, MrBeast is rounding up YouTubers to plant trees, and Ethiopia…
How to Be Patient and Take Charge of Your Life
Spread the loveWhen I googled the meaning of patience, it said: “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or…
People Are Loving ‘Sasha’s Shelter,’ Where One Man Has Rescued Over 750 Dogs From The Streets In Serbia
Spread the loveIn the human-animal relationship, the dog does not care if its owner resides in a mansion or on…
Study Suggests That Early Christmas Decorating Can Be Good For You
Spread the loveWhile Christmas is full 7 weeks away from gracing us with glorious dinner, exchanging gifts and family reunions,…
Guests Donate $30K For A Wedding, But Bride Cancels It And Plans To Use It On Her Pre-Wedding Honeymoon
Spread the loveIf you thought Godzilla was a scary creature, wait till you see this bridezilla. She didn’t simply cross…