“Nicest Guy In Hollywood” Keanu Reeves Plays Ball With An Overjoyed 9 Y.O. Fan

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If you had to name the nicest guy in the world, who would that be? Many people would choose between Santa and Keanu Reeves. He’s been unofficially crowned as the “nicest guy in Hollywood” and every encounter with his fans proves that. People have nothing but the nicest things to say about him and once again, he showed that he deserves the praise. When a hopeful 9-year-old boy asked him to play ball, he graciously agreed, making the little boy’s entire day.

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Keanu Reeves once again proved that he is worthy of his “nicest guy in Hollywood” title

Image credits: keanureevesfanpage.tr

Keanu Reeves and his band Dogstar – formed in the mid-nineties and recently reunited – are currently on a North American tour to promote the release of their latest album, Somewhere Between the Power Lines and Palm Trees. Hundreds of fans are flocking to see their favorite actor play bass and sing alternative rock songs. The concerts are fabulous, but seeing the John Wick star shredding the bass, well, that’s just next-level.

Whilst the band were in Houston, Texas, they met numerous fans. Nine-year-old Elijah was one of them – he didn’t know his dreams would come true in the best possible way. Accompanied by his brother Caleb and grandmother Annette Cruz, they’ve set out on a mission. Annette is a seasoned celebrity “meeter” with an impressive 100+ encounters with the stars and she had a good feeling that she would add another “catch” to her list.

They waited outside the House of Blues for the star to come out. When Elijah saw his idol, he was filled with excitement and nervousness – not every day you get to see Keanu Reeves up close. With a football in his hands, he asked whether he would play ball with him, and good guy Keanu agreed.

Image credits: keanureevesfanpage.tr

When a 9-year-old asked him to play ball with him, he graciously agreed

Image credits: keanureevesfanpage.tr

The boy said that his play session was the “top moment” of his life

Image credits: keanureevesfanpage.tr

The 9-year-old fan recalled the moment, saying “I was really nervous because I was playing catch with a famous superstar”. Despite his fame, Keanu is known for his kind, compassionate nature and down-to-earth attitude that makes everyone is his presence relaxed. Reeves said “Yeah, come on, let’s go” as if Elijah was his close friend who made a simple request, leaving a lasting impression on the young fan.

Being a superstar is a time-consuming business, but he happily threw a ball a few times, making sure Elijah felt special and seen. The boy described this encounter as a “top moment” of his life. Keanu also complimented the boy’s throw, making the moment even more magical.

Both Elijah and his brother got his signature and a prized selfie with their idol – something to remember this extraordinary moment by.

Image credits: keanuital

The Hollywood star is known for his down-to-earth attitude and kindness to fans

Image credits: keanureeves.fanpage

Image credits: keanureeves.fanpage

It’s easy to get arrogant when one has as many fans as Keanu Reeves does, but the fame hasn’t affected him at all. He considers acting like any other job where he has to put in a lot of effort and acknowledges and deeply appreciates the fact that his fans are the reason why he is famous.

The boy’s grandmother, Annette, whilst recalling the special day, remarked that “the boys will always remember”. Elijah added to that sentiment, saying “I’m keeping the football forever and ever”. Hopefully, this ball will serve as a reminder that Keanu Reeves himself told him that he has a nice throw.

He is also praised for being respectful to women, never touching them without their consent

Image credits: Lind-says

Besides his long list of filmography, interactions with fans and alternative rock tunes, Keanu is also praised for being a good guy with women. Many ladies have experienced the unpleasant feeling of a stranger touching them, be it either by pushing them aside by touching their lower backs, touching their hand when helping with something or groping a waist when posing for a photo. But Keanu doesn’t do that. There are numerous photos of him and his female fans where his hand is carefully hovering over them so as not to invade their personal space.

It might not seem like a big deal to some, but no one should ever be touched without consent. When women encounter inappropriate touching, they often freeze or politely smile so as not to incite the handsy guy and avoid the label of “emotional one who overreacts”. Well, maybe in the future it will be acceptable to bite waist grabbers, but for now, we should work on calling them out, teaching them what consent means. We all have the right to say no and “No” is a full sentence on its own.

Image credits: keanuital

Image credits: keanuital

In a world that’s full of chads, choose to be a Keanu

Image credits: keanuital

This heartwarming story is just one of hundreds floating around the internet about good guy Keanu. He’s touched millions of hearts already and his kind gesture to this young boy only shows that sometimes it takes just 30 seconds to make someone’s day – or life. Not all of us can be as epic as the Matrix star, but all of us can take a page out of his book and do something nice for other people – be it play ball with a neighborhood kid or buy flowers for an elderly aunt.

What’s your favorite “Good Guy Keanu” moment?

Watch the video here:

People in the comments had nothing but love for Keanu

The post “Nicest Guy In Hollywood” Keanu Reeves Plays Ball With An Overjoyed 9 Y.O. Fan first appeared on Bored Panda.

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