“Mom Groups”: 49 Things That Aren’t Considered Cults, But Still Feel Like Them

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A cult is an organized group with unusual, and often extreme, religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals. They are usually headed by charismatic leaders trying to isolate the members from the rest of society and dominate them through psychological manipulation.

However, the exact definition can vary both in popular culture and academia. So, Reddit user Foreigndrunks wanted to learn how different people understand the word and asked everyone on the platform to share real-life examples of the term that might not be universally accepted as such but fit their interpretation.


Jehovas witnesses. Officially it’s a normal religion but in my Opinion it’s definitely a cult.

Image credits: QuuxJn


Mom groups.

I’m a newish mom and I’ve been scared off. It’s a whole new layer of “pseudoscience” and isolation from differences of opinion.

Image credits: Sauteedmushroom2


I am really into yoga and am looking for a yoga retreat to go to. Some of them are very cult like based on their web pages. Yikes.

Image credits: anon



My daughter did competition for a few years

It definitely felt like a cult with the participation parts that parents play.

Image credits: Cracktower


Disney enthusiasts

Image credits: GSG_2022


Child beauty pageants; the people who attend them and the parents who put their kids through them. An absolute shower of dirty filthy nonces whichever way you look at it.

Image credits: signalstonoise88


People who push you to :

– Monetize your hobby.
– Industrialise your monetized hobby.

I’m not talking about people offering money for your services.

I am talking about people who look down on you for NOT making MORE money out of your hobby. While they themselves don’t produce anything.

Image credits: littlebubulle


Sororities and fraternities

Image credits: plokiju8


Jim Pickens’ cult. We know we’re not a cult, we’re in it for the meme

Image credits: Badassbottlecap


Rae Dunn. Specifically the people ‘Rae Dunners’ who wait outside Marshalls/T.J. Maxx for the new releases and the Instagram accounts dedicated to them. It just gives me the ick.

Image credits: SnooPets9513



Image credits: Nice_Block


The Wellness Community

Image credits: Certain-Poet6785


Musical Theatre.

Have you ever walked into a rehearsal for a musical? That s***s culty even down to the chanting

Image credits: AngelTrash420


Political parties.

Image credits: BlueRFR3100


Kpop fans

Image credits: anon


Very controversial but tesla

Image credits: memelord_andromeda


Texas A&M

Image credits: bourgeoisie_bird



There’s folks from my alma mater who find out I went there and immediately ask what alum committee I’m on and where I stayed when I went to reunion and are aghast when I say I got a degree there 15 years ago and that will be the extent of my participation.

Image credits: murderousbudgie


NFTs, especially when the people advertising them say it’s the next big thing, then commit art theft on people who don’t want their art used

Image credits: Mochiman3


Reality Shifting. Tiktokers actually think they can travel to hogwarts in their sleep.

Image credits: Jolly-Sun-1715


Apple products and their fan base

Image credits: BigBearSD


Being forced to do the pledge of allegiance in schools

Image credits: Brokesqwuirtle


Essential oils

The people who use them and the people who sell them…..

Image credits: Fluffy_Momma_C


PCOS support groups. Specifically, the ones that push keto as the cure. Never mind that while keto can *potentially* help people living with PCOS, it’s not a cure; as of this Reddit post, there *is* no cure. If you mention this, they will Lose. Their. S**t. (Meanwhile, I’ve spoken to not one, but *two* of my doctors, asking them if I should do keto, and both of them were like, “Oh, honey, no!”) The toxic diet culture was part of the reason I have *absolutely hated* every PCOS group I’ve ever been in. (The other was that, as someone who has made peace with, and actually *embraced* the infertility aspect of this disorder, I felt alienated; there’s nothing for people who *aren’t* trying to have a baby, or grieving their infertility.)

Image credits: coffeeblossom


Working for any fast food chain. They try to capitalize on the whole “we’re a family” and try to create a sense of togetherness to make people less miserable, when in reality everyone is just there to get a paycheck as a means to pay for either rent or weed

Image credits: ha1fway_decent



Image credits: shep1612


Joel Osteen and his following.

Image credits: AndromedaPantera



Image credits: anon


I’m scared to even say this because of how quickly algorithms will start pushing stuff of theirs, but BTS and their fan base. The smallest mention or a mere millisecond of viewing something involving them, and it’s all you’ll see for days in your recommendation across all platforms.

Image credits: SegaNaLeqa


The Boy Scouts of America.

Great experience overall. Probably the best place for kids to learn outdoors and survival skills, great opportunity to learn teamwork and leadership etc. I do think at it’s core it’s a great program.


I now belong to 3 fake indian tribes I was hazed into and swore I’d never blab on. Constant religious indoctrination, military indoctrination, weird values from weird dads. Also: they told me to have a plan to k**l everyone I know???? Whole extended families lives revolve around it. Sometimes in prayers they refer to God/Yahweh as “the great master of all scouts.” The esoteric rituals and ceremonies are also weird.

Not even mentioning the obvious…


Any brand loyalty whatsoever


Glorification of national sports teams


Toxic positivity. Mental health initiatives in the workplace. These are not labeled cults, but they are totally cultish. Edit: they usually come down to nothing more than emails exhorting you to take care of yourself and links to appropriate websites.


American evangelicals




How about sneakerheads?









I know a lot of religions can lean towards “culty”. But, I work with quite a few Mormon and they all seem to give that cult vibe. From the stories of their missions to their special underwear… it just all screams “Cult”.


Air fryer owners




Rave attendees.

If you listen to EDM at all they expect you to be a consistent rave goer. If you don’t, you’re not “fun”

Raves are overrated.



Image credits: S0larSc0pe


Anyone invested in crypto. That’s all my husband talks about plus his friends


The NRA. As a gun owner, I can’t stand being lumped in with them. They don’t share my politics at all. But many states require you to be a member in order to get your LTC. Total b******t.


Any organization or company that you can’t leave with your dignity intact.


The whole process around purchasing a Birkin handbag is super culty. No sane person owns a Birkin.



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