Mom And Sister Outraged When This Woman Refuses To Change Bikinis As Pregnant Sister Got Suddenly Jealous

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In the Middle Ages, many scientists were sure that mice and cockroaches spontaneously arose from dust and dirt. Today, about the same can be said about family drama – they really arise out of the blue, literally from nothing. Perhaps the medieval philosophers were not so wrong after all?

And, of course, the main reason for much family drama is jealousy. William Shakespeare once called it “the green-eyed monster.” We’re not sure about the eye color, but there’s no doubt that jealousy is really a monster. Just moments ago they were relatives with a wonderful relationship – and a quarrel happened for a few minutes, and now they are already enemies.

Here’s more proof – this very story, which has already gained more than 6.5K upvotes and over 500 various comments in the AITA Reddit community. Something classic – a family drama ensued between two sisters, and the reason, of course, was jealousy. So let’s go ahead together.

More info: Reddit

The Original Poster and her relatives usually gather for pool parties at their grandparents’ house

Image credits: Miguel Discart ( not the actual image)

The Original Poster admits that her family doesn’t live in the US and it’s very hot right now, so all the relatives like to gather at their grandparents’ house, where there is a large pool, which is so nice to swim in during hot weather. All the younger generations have to do is to cook some food, buy snacks, prepare everything, and then clean up.

Image credits: u/TheoryNo96

The OP’s sister married one of her exes two years ago and now is 26 weeks pregnant

This story happened on one of those days when a large group of relatives were relaxing near the pool. According to the OP, her sister married one of her exes (let’s call him Mike) two years ago. We must say that the OP was somewhat uncomfortable with this news, but in the end, nothing terrible happened, and by the time of the events described, her sister was already 26 weeks pregnant.

Image credits: u/TheoryNo96

The sister asked the OP to change her bikini as she thought the OP was trying to attract her husband’s attention

At one point, says the OP, her sister approached her and asked her to change the bikini she was wearing under a sheer dress. The woman stated that the OP was trying to get Mike’s attention, and of course she didn’t like it at all.

Image credits: Nenad Stojkovic (not the actual image)

Certainly, says the OP, she didn’t have anything like that in her thoughts – especially since she and Mike didn’t communicate much all day, and even at that moment, he was playing with one of her cousins and wasn’t paying any attention to her. But the sister was already unstoppable… The OP told her not to worry, but thereby angered her even more.

Image credits: u/TheoryNo96

The sisters gradually got into an argument and then the grandpa got in the middle and told them to stop

Word for word, reproach after reproach – and a real quarrel broke out. The sister accused the OP of flirting with her husband, and she, in turn, stated that this should have been thought about before starting to date her ex. The sisters were separated only by the grandpa, who basically took the OP’s side.

Image credits: David Burn (not the actual image)

The older gentleman demanded that the OP apologize for the attack on her sister, but also agreed that the OP should not change clothes. True, after a while, the mother of both women approached the OP with another bikini and asked her to change into it.

Image credits: u/TheoryNo96

The OP was really fed up with this situation and finally decided to go home

In response, the woman just said that she’d had enough and she was going home. The grandpa was indignant and scolded his daughter and granddaughter for turning his house into a “hostile environment”. True, now the OP is upset that her mother and sister are mad with her.

Most of the commenters thought that the OP did everything right and her grandpa’s assessment was 100% accurate

On the other hand, people in the comments were massively supportive of the OP and her grandfather, as the OP’s sister’s self-doubt is not really her problem. According to the commenters, the OP did nothing wrong – she actually wore a bikini to the pool party, and her refusal to change clothes was absolutely justified. Many commenters said that they would do the same.

Another part of the commenters believe that the OP’s sister simply does not fully trust her own husband and feels insecure about her own body due to the pregnancy. In any case, according to the people, if your partner looking at another person gives you a problem, then you are the problem.


By the way, family drama between sisters does happen quite often, and this story of how one sister even had to elope a week earlier to avoid her future BIL stealing her wedding day is more proof of this. If you have something to say about this very take, be sure to write it in the comments.

The post Mom And Sister Outraged When This Woman Refuses To Change Bikinis As Pregnant Sister Got Suddenly Jealous first appeared on Bored Panda.

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