MIL Offended She’s Not Allowed To Sleep Over After DIL Gives Birth: “Wouldn’t Come At All”

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The final days of a woman’s pregnancy can be an exciting and anxious time. There’s lots to juggle emotionally, mentally, physically and logistically. So it helps to have a birth and postpartum plan in place to not only lay out your preferences and wishes but also to manage the expectations of family and friends, as well as your stress levels.

When one mom-to-be decided that she didn’t want any overnight guests for the immediate days after her first baby’s birth, she thought people would understand. Instead, she was met with a tantrum from her mother-in-law who said if she can’t sleep over, she won’t be visiting at all. The expectant mom has shared how the whole ordeal has sent her anxiety levels through the roof. And she’s reached out to people on the internet for advice on how to balance her own needs and her MIL’s demands.

Pregnancy and birth are no walk in the park, and it helps to have supportive people to lean on

Pregnant woman stands thoughtfully in a cozy bedroom, touching her belly.

Image credits: Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Instead of making life easier, one mom-to-be’s MIL is causing her anxiety by demanding to stay over after the baby is born

Text about MIL not allowed to sleep over after DIL gives birth, mentioning family dynamics and distance.

Text discussing MIL visiting arrangements after birth, highlighting flexibility on timing for flights post-labor.

Text from DIL expressing post-birth guest preferences, supported by husband, informs family not to stay overnight.

Text discussing family's visit schedule after birth, emphasizing the desire for bonding without overnight guests.

Text image about needing space and social anxiety after childbirth.

Text about MIL being offended for not being allowed to stay after DIL gives birth.

Text excerpt discussing mother-in-law offered guest room or hotel after birth, reflecting accommodation and options.

Elderly woman with glasses and a patterned blouse, related to a story about a mother-in-law offended over sleeping arrangements.

Image credits: Otacilio Maia/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Text describing an upset MIL's reaction to DIL's post-birth hospitality concerns.

Text expressing a husband's support for his wife, balancing mother-in-law visiting needs.

Text expressing feelings of anxiety and relationship concerns after childbirth boundaries with MIL.

Text about a DIL seeking advice after giving birth, addressing MIL's upset over sleeping arrangements.

Image credits: Reasonable_One_6685

Don’t forget to include boundaries in your postpartum plan, warn the experts

Moms-to-be sometimes get so caught up in preparing for the birth that they forget to set out a solid postpartum plan. “A postpartum plan lays out the new parents’ wishes, requests, boundaries and support system after the baby arrives,” social worker and counselor, Michelle Risser told The Bump.

This can include things like who will be doing the household chores and cooking, how and when you’ll introduce the new baby to family and friends, whether your partner (if you have one) will be helping with night feeds and how you’ll get enough rest as you recover from giving birth.

Experts say the plan can be as basic or extensive as you want, but it does pay to have one. “While it’s impossible to know what to expect during the postpartum period, it can be helpful to have a loose plan in place, with constructive boundaries that help you ensure that your needs are met,” advises birth and postpartum doula Marnellie Bishop.

“It can help reduce the awkwardness of boundaries relating to visitors when the baby first arrives—like who will visit at the hospital, when visitors are welcome at home or whether others can hold the baby,” adds Risser. 

​​Both agree that boundaries are key. Boundaries are not about being selfish but rather about self-care. Bishop describes boundaries as the physical, emotional and mental limits we set for ourselves within our relationships to prevent us from being “manipulated, used, or violated by others.”

Bishop notes that if you feel guilty about setting boundaries, it helps to remember it’s not your responsibility to keep other people happy all the time. The point of setting healthy postpartum boundaries, she says, is to ensure that you, your baby, and your family’s needs are being met. After all, the postpartum period is all about adjusting to life with your new baby, bonding, and of course, recovering after giving birth.

“Whether this is your first, third, or sixth baby, learning to communicate your feelings and setting boundaries to protect your time and space as a new parent is super important for your health and well-being,” warns Bishop, adding that failure to set and stick to boundaries can leave new moms feeling even more overwhelmed and exhausted. “This can lead to feelings of frustration and even resentment toward those you love the most,” she says.

“It’s truly her loss”: netizens agreed that the mom-to-be should stick to her boundaries

Text discussing MIL upset about not sleeping over after DIL's birth, advising firm decision on alternative arrangements.

Text exchange discussing MIL offended over not being allowed to sleep over after birth, decision supported by husband.

Comment discussing why a mother-in-law shouldn't sleep over after birth, highlighting exhaustion and recovery needs.

Text discussing MIL not allowed to sleep over after DIL gives birth, referencing postpartum experiences and personal comfort.

Comment about MIL being offended for not sleeping over after DIL gives birth, supporting DIL's need for space.

Reddit comment discussing a MIL wanting to stay over after DIL gives birth, highlighting boundaries and family visits.

Text expressing concern about MIL wanting to sleep over after DIL gives birth, suggesting setting boundaries.

Reddit comment discussing boundaries and exhaustion after childbirth, advising limited visits.

Reddit comment about a mother-in-law being offered a hotel or guest room after a "no guests after 7pm" rule.

Comment on setting boundaries with mother-in-law after childbirth, gaining community support.

Screenshot of a Reddit comment discussing support needed post-birth and managing MIL expectations.

Reddit comment supporting DIL setting boundaries after giving birth, emphasizing recovery and newborn bonding.

Screenshot of a Reddit comment discussing boundaries for guests after childbirth, focusing on help versus hosting.

Reddit comment discussing MIL's reaction to not being allowed to sleep over after DIL gives birth.

Comment discussing mother's experience post-birth and advising against visitors for newborns due to weak immune systems.

Reddit comment advising not to give in to MIL tantrum about sleepover postpartum.

Reddit comment discussing MIL and boundaries after birth, highlighting decisions and options given to her.

Text comment about MIL sleeping over boundary issues after birth.

Discussion about boundaries with MIL after DIL gives birth, emphasizing need for privacy and recovery time.

Comment advising DIL on MIL not allowed to sleep over after birth, suggesting alternatives for MIL's stay.

Discussion on setting boundaries with mother-in-law about postpartum visits.

MIL upset over no sleepover after DIL's birth; comment saying "MIL needs to grow up" receives 10 points.

Text screenshot discussing MIL not allowed to sleep over post-birth, emphasizing respecting boundaries.

Reddit comment on MIL upset over not being allowed to sleep over after DIL gives birth.

Comment on MIL not allowed to sleep over post-birth; mentions rest, hotel offers, and precautions for newborn's safety.

Text exchange about MIL upset over not staying over after DIL's birth. MIL offered alternative accommodation.

The post MIL Offended She’s Not Allowed To Sleep Over After DIL Gives Birth: “Wouldn’t Come At All” first appeared on Bored Panda.

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