Now that we’re presented with multiple streaming platforms such as Netflix, HBO, Hulu, etc., that provide us with different TV shows and movies, it seems that everyone is giving their best recommendations left to right. Now that we have access to an unlimited number of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and other types of visuals, we’ve also become quite meticulous and picky about what we watch and what we expect from creators. One Reddit user @u/MainCrab1383 was curious to know from other internet users and movie lovers what are some of the annoying things they hate seeing on screen, so they asked: “What do you wish Hollywood would stop doing?” The question received 29k answers that stressed various issues in the movie industry.
A lot of us will agree that making a movie is a huge and very intricate project that requires a lot of attention, resources, and talent. Very often movies and TV series are created in a way to appeal to their audience, in some way appear relatable to what is happening in our everyday life. But sometimes all that relatability goes out the window the second we see an actor or an actress pretending to be drinking from an empty cup or driving a car and not properly looking at the road because they’re having a heated argument with the passenger next to them. Not to mention “having a main character whose job/income level does not match their home or lifestyle at all,” as noticed by Reddit user @Stellathewizard.
Do you agree with some of the things mentioned in this list or maybe have something yours to add? In that case, don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments down below!
More Info: Reddit
Messing up the sound mix so that we have to constantly adjust the volume for music and dialogue.
Image credits: Doozenburg
Scenes that are too f*****g dark to actually see. If I wanted to listen to a show, I’d download an audiobook.
Image credits: wabj17
Having a main character whose job/income level does not match their home or lifestyle at all
Image credits: Stellathewizard
Female action stars that fight in high heels
Image credits: Tastyfeesh
This may sound ridiculous, but here it is:
I f*****g cannot stand characters who are driving and talking to a passenger but NOT WATCHING THE ROAD. They think the same courtesy rules of eye contact apply even when you are a conversant behind the wheel.
Image credits: 5um-n3m0
Making movies where the 1 good guy defeats 20 bad guys because the 20 bad guys attack the 1 good guy one by one.
Image credits: yamsnavas2
Glamorizing mental illness. It f*****g sucks and is difficult to live with.
Image credits: Otroroboto
Making women “perfect” all the time. I don’t want to see a post apocalyptic world or a safari adventure where the women have their makeup done, hair styled and armpits shaved. It’s incredibly unrealistic but then again.. so is everything else
Image credits: redvelvetcakebatter
Stop having people take like 1 bite of what they ordered then leave. It’s a small thing, but I’ve never seen it happen in real life.
Image credits: Smitty876
Casting attractive people in ‘ugly’ roles
Image credits: R_man98
Making it impossible to hear dialogue.
Image credits: Unfamiliar_Word
Casting 20 somethings to play teenagers and then constantly putting them in sexual situations.
Image credits: Throw_Trash_3928
EMPTY CUPS. I hate seeing people holding cups and pretending to take drinks from obviously empty cups. Their hands never move right, or if it’s an open cup, you can literally see that it’s empty.
Image credits: undecyded
Forcing a love story that makes no sense in a movie that has nothing to do with romance.
Image credits: Jesuslovesmemost
Just hanging up after a phone conversation with out saying “bye.” Pisses me off for some reason.
Image credits: FattyFattyMcFatPants
Remakes of good movies, I don’t understand why they remake good movies, when there are tons of flops that have potential, that they could remake
Image credits: Ratchel1916
Characters getting punched multiple times in the face in 1 scene and having no signs of the trauma in the next scene.
Image credits: kyle158
Shaky cam action fight scenes. No this is not artistic. Your choreography just sucks and you have to hide it
Image credits: edwadokun
Milking everything dry
Image credits: Consistent_Mirror
Pretending people can actually have a conversation in a bar without yelling
Image credits: Falafe1
Medical shows without consulting medical people!
Image credits: Multiple_hats_4868
Using that sandy brown filter on middle eastern cities.
Image credits: memmers225
Spoiling the film in the trailers.
Image credits: Painting-Powerful
Stop recreating bad versions of good classic movies.
Stop using spectacular CGI to distract from a subpar plot. I’m looking at you Disney.
Image credits: silentkiller082
Casting the same 10 actors in everything. Let’s get some new blood in there!
Image credits: manderzly
Treating child stars like s**t
Image credits: my_gender_is_a_glock
Putting CGI first rather than the story
Image credits: GoddessPenelope
Protecting predators.
Image credits: Crazyforlou
Showing incorrect CPR
Image credits: myersla
Casting really well known, good looking actors as voice actors. Why not hire someone that might have a harder time getting lead roles 8 in live action movies?
I wish Hollywood would stop treating the medium of animation as something inherently inferior to live action. I also wish 2D animation was used more for movies.
Image credits: LunarWingCap
The endless attempts at creating “universes”. Please stop.
Image credits: Thin-Bet6201
Screwing over special effects companies with contracts that won’t keep the lights on, resulting in them going under, sometimes, right after winning an Oscar for their efforts.
Screwing over talent with contracts that offer points on the box office, and then claiming that their biggest hit of the decade made no money.
Screwing over the First Amendment with their aggressive litigation, DMCA abuse, and aggressive lobbying efforts to make the law value copyright over freedom of expression.
Hypocritically lambasting “the little people” for the impact of their infrequent travel and modest lifestyles, while themselves flying around the world to shoot movies or just turn up at social events to have their picture taken and get one of those swell swag bags.
Watering the luxurious lawns of their mansions during a severe drought, and exploiting undocumented labor to work on them for less than minimum wage.
Abusing the young, eager new talent that is constantly arriving in search of opportunities.
Engaging in the worst nepotism of perhaps any single industry.
Bringing in auteur directors, and trying to foist off a Batman reboot on them.
Image credits: ArmsForPeace84
Whispering/mumbling dialogue then cutting to a chase scene.
Dramatic posing close-ups.
Image credits: just_minutes_ago
Adapting s**t into live-action movies when they should really be animated.
Examples include upcoming Mega Man, Pac-Man and Minecraft movies which are ***ALL*** set to be live-action.
Image credits: TheChainLink2
All great answers but what I’ve seen lately is just a lot of whacky decision making. There’s multiple video game adaption movies and TV shows come out lately that miss the mark completely. Resident Evil/Halo Etc.
I know adaptations always have their quirks and things that would outrage a fan base but geez. The Halo TV show really felt like they just wanted to write their own story with already existing characters. It all comes down to executive decision.
I just wish the creators have more control over their projects. Instead of having execs with no creative abilities suggesting “Maybe you should make the super-soldier get out of his augmented power armor and instead just fight naked, also make him want to bang the enemy like Romeo & Juliette.”
Image credits: NippleBlender
from Bored Panda
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