Man Misses The Birth Of His Child Because He Got Upset That He Wasn’t Let Into Delivery Room

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Giving birth is quite a feat. Of course, everyone has different experiences, but there are few things everyone has in common: there is at least some pain, discomfort, uncertainty and, eventually, relief.

Because each pregnancy differs from the other, even when we’re talking about the same mother, one cannot know how things are going to pan out. When giving birth, you have to be prepared for the unexpected.

Sometimes, even dads get surprised during birth, which is what happened to the guy in this story. He was hoping to be a part of his son’s birth and was ready to get into the delivery room to help out his wife when he was turned away by her. Scroll down to read the full story and see why the wife got mad at him.

When it comes to what happens in the delivery room, mothers are the ones dictating the rules

Image credits: Büşranur Aydın (not the actual photo)

However, some people might get upset by those rules. This is what happened to the guy in the following story

Image credits: Sarazh Izmailov (not the actual photo)

Image credits:  Liza Summer (not the actual photo)

Image credits: aitathawayiwenthome

The emotions are understandable and heightened by stress

It is easy to understand both sides of this story. On one hand, the author’s wish to be a part of his son’s birth is understandable. On the other, the wife is the one who dictates her rules when it comes to delivery—after all, she’s the one doing the work.

What’s perplexing to many people in the comments is how this conversation never came up during the whole pregnancy. He simply assumed that he will be allowed to go in without expressing a desire to participate. She assumed he will stay out without telling him about her intention not to invite him in.

To avoid such misunderstandings, parents-to-be should draft a birthing plan before the big day

A birthing plan is an outline of how one prefers their birth to go down. In it, mothers answer all the questions that would come up on the day of the birth. That way, they don’t need to be bothered with anything else but birthing the baby when the time comes. In other words, it’s a way to ease the mental load for the mother while also informing everyone else of their preferences.

Some of the questions that are usually answered in the plan are:

  • What’s the preferred delivery type?
  • What’s the preferred atmosphere?
  • What props they might need during the delivery?
  • What methods can be used to induce labor?
  • What’s the preferred pain management?
  • Who is allowed in the delivery room? Who can visit after?
  • What to do with the placenta?

And even when all of those are decided, it still doesn’t mean that things go according to it. The mother might think that she wants an all-natural birth, but when the pain hits her, she might want painkillers. She might plan to have her husband in the delivery room, but when she’s tired and in pain, she might not want to see him anywhere near her. Respecting that decision is a part of being a good partner.

The author provided more background information about the situation for people looking for more details

Some people sided with guy, claiming it was unfair she didn’t warn him about her wishes in advance

Many said that both of them were not being kind to one another

Others sided with the wife, urging the author to apologize ASAP

from Bored Panda
via IFTTT source site : boredpanda


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