Man Goes To His Old Church’s Picnic To Flex His New GF In Front Of His Cheating Ex-Wife

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Ending a relationship, especially a lengthy one, isn’t easy for anyone involved. But sometimes there is no other choice for partners but to go in different directions.

For this redditor, it was his wife’s infidelity that encouraged him to file for divorce, which she didn’t take well. Despite arguably being the one to bring the relationship to an end, she presented herself as a victim; even more so when the OP brought his new partner to a church BBQ they both attended. Scroll down to find the full story below.

Seeing your ex-partner happy with someone new can be a hard pill to swallow

Image credits: RossHelen (not the actual photo)

This man wanted to “flex on his ex” after she had multiple affairs during their marriage

Image credits: GSR-PhotoStudio (not the actual photo)

Image credits: biasciolialessandro (not the actual photo)

Image source: workhop_joe

The OP shared more details in the comments

Some people couldn’t believe the behavior of some of the churchgoers

The post Man Goes To His Old Church’s Picnic To Flex His New GF In Front Of His Cheating Ex-Wife first appeared on Bored Panda.

from Bored Panda
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