Man Ends Up Single After Winning 2 Super Bowl Tickets Because GF Felt Super Entitled To Them

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Each of us has our own craziest Super Bowl story or moment. For some, it’s Scott Norwood’s miss in the final seconds, for others, it’s the Patriots’ crazy comeback, or their sensational end to a perfect season against the Giants… And for some people, it’s a crazy story which actually didn’t unfold on a gridiron…

For example, for the user u/superbowlthrowaway1, who once told us this story on Reddit, the Super Bowl will perhaps always be associated with his now-ex girlfriend. Well, you can meet a lot of beautiful couples in the stands – but not the original poster with his SO… However, let’s talk about everything in order.

More info: Reddit

The author of the post once won a trivia contest on the local radio with the help of his brother

Image credits: Tyler Nix (not the actual photo)

The prize was 2 Super Bowl tickets, so the author decided to invite his brother to go with him

Image credits: superbowlthrowaway1

The only one who got upset was the author’s girlfriend, an avid football fan

Image credits: RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo)

Image credits: superbowlthrowaway1

The woman demanded the author take her to the stands, not his brother

Image credits: John Seb Barber (not the actual photo)

Image credits: superbowlthrowaway1

Some real family drama ensued, and the author even refused to take these tickets in favor of his bro and his wife

Image credits: Danny Nicholson (not the actual photo)

Image credits: superbowlthrowaway1

However, the girlfriend said that he did it deliberately, just to look like a martyr

Image credits: Dave Adamson (not the actual photo)

Image credits: superbowlthrowaway1

In the heat of the moment the author claimed it was all over between them – and the woman agreed eagerly

On the eve of the Super Bowl, numerous contests and lotteries are held throughout America, the prizes of which are tickets. After all, it’s an impression that stays with you for life. And so, in the city where the Original Poster (OP) lives, the local radio also held a trivia contest, the winner of which received two personalized tickets!

Moreover, our hero won this contest – and he did not know the answer to the decisive question, but his brother helped by giving him a hint. We don’t know how much this complied with the rules of the competition, but since the OP talks about it, then everything was probably within the rules. So, the guy went to the radio station office and picked up two coveted tickets. And then the real drama began…

After all, two tickets means that someone else must go with you, doesn’t it? And the OP’s girlfriend, a passionate football fan, found out about her sweetheart’s win and was overjoyed. Damn it, Valentine’s Day eve, Super Bowl – it’s incredibly cool and romantic!

Well, the girl was just as disappointed as the Cowboys fans after the recent wild card round game to find out that her SO was going to take along… his own brother! The guy’s motivation was truly ironclad – without his bro, this victory wouldn’t have happened, so it was he who should go. Even though the brother himself suggested that he could give up his seat in favor of his likely SIL, this drama went on.

Quarrel after quarrel – and the hapless winner was no longer happy with his own luck. As a result, he went to the radio station office, explained the current situation there, and asked them to rewrite the personalized tickets to his brother so that he could go with his wife. They agreed – however, when the OP told his GF about this decision, she only snorted contemptuously – in the woman’s opinion, it was just acting so that the author could “look like a martyr.”

Our hero’s patience ran out – he immediately said that their relationship was over. To this, the woman objected that she herself wanted to finish everything, so her now-ex’s decision did not surprise her at all. So, on the eve of Valentine’s Day, the guy remained lonesome – but in the end, the bitterness of the breakup was brightened by the fact that he still went with his bro to the Super Bowl!

Yes, that’s right, now the official ticket holder invited his brother, and his wife said that she would be happy to give up her seat to the contest winner. One of two things – either the woman wasn’t that much of an avid fan, or she simply didn’t want any more family drama…

Image credits: Caleb Woods (not the actual photo)

“Of course, it’s so bitter to lose such a chance – perhaps the only one in life, but justice demanded the presence of both brothers in the stands,” reflects Irina Matveeva, a psychologist and certified NLP specialist, whom Bored Panda asked for a comment on this case. “At the end of the day, it was a team effort, and the reward should be for a team too.”

“As for this man’s ex-girlfriend, it seems to me that she took his decision too much to heart. Of course, in her eyes it could well look like a betrayal, but it certainly wasn’t a betrayal. And the fact that the man was ready to refuse these tickets in order to calm her down actually says a lot. As well as the subsequent events. I think this woman lacked a little worldly wisdom. In the end, it’s all just a game…” Irina says.

Most of the commenters under the original post are also confident that our hero did exactly the right thing, and wished him and his brother a good time at the Super Bowl. As for the author’s now-ex, people sincerely believe that the breakup was inevitable and would only have been a matter of time.

Some commenters also strongly recommended that the OP thank the brother’s wife for returning the ticket to him, to which she now had every right. “Although it’s not required, I would highly recommend getting your SIL a spa giftcard or something of that nature. An ‘experience’ of her own,” someone wrote in the comments, and one cannot but agree with this advice.

By the way, do you agree that the original poster did the right thing in the situation described? Please feel free to express your point of view in the comments under this post. And you can also write your prediction about the winner of Super Bowl LVIII there. Damn it, why not?

People in the comments praised the guy for being adamant here, claiming it was teamwork to win the contest

The post Man Ends Up Single After Winning 2 Super Bowl Tickets Because GF Felt Super Entitled To Them first appeared on Bored Panda.

from Bored Panda
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