Man Blows Up At Wife For Being “Sneaky” And Depriving His Mother Of The Opportunity To Hold Their Newborn First

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We’ve all heard the cliché saying that goes something along the lines of you don’t get to choose your family – and while it’s true (to some extent), you are in no way obligated to put up with the mistreatment that your so-called “loved ones” subject you to.

Be it your parent, your spouse or your overstepping in-laws – it’s not your responsibility to fix them, nor should you be expected to cater to their demands, especially when you’ve tried tirelessly to set boundaries.

Cutting people out of your life works wonders, yet it’s not always an option, especially if you’re in a similar position as the author of the post, where your significant other heavily sides with the source of the problem – in this case, his mother.

I mean, they don’t call them monsters-in-law for nothing, huh?

Now, jokes aside, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer that will be able to unite your family closely together; however, it’s worth thinking about putting your own well-being first.

More info: Reddit

You know what they say: “The best mother-in-law is the one that lives very far away”

Image credits: Karl Palutke (not the actual photo)

AITA for not letting my MIL be the first person to hold my baby?” – to get neutral feedback and find out whether she’s indeed a jerk in this rather absurd scenario, this new mom turned to one of Reddit’s most philosophical forums. The post has managed to garner nearly 8K upvotes, as well as 1.9K worth of comments.

Woman scolds daughter-in-law after she breaks her unofficial promise to let her hold her newborn grandchild first

Image credits: Throwawwyal524655

The author started her post off by saying that when she met her now-husband’s mother, she hoped to build a healthy bond; however, the majority of you will probably agree that not many folks can boast about having incredible relationships with their in-laws, and as it turns out, the OP is no exception.

The woman says that her mother-in-law is a touch bossy and blames her behavior entirely on the fact that her husband is her only child. When she got pregnant, her MIL made an absurd request to be the first person to hold her newborn, and it’s not hard to guess that the woman also wanted to be present in the delivery room. Needless to say, the OP refused and her husband agreed to keep her out of the room, but only if she’d fulfill the request.

The baby was born several days ago, and the OP’s spouse’s only concern was getting his mother to hold the child first – yet, unfortunately for the grandma, she was out of town attending a wedding.

Image credits: Throwawwyal524655

The man said that his mother wouldn’t be back for another couple of days, and it’s safe to say that there was absolutely no way to keep their word and let the MIL be the first person to hold the baby.

The author’s mom and sister were a great help during the recovery period, as her husband had to return to work. Both the OP’s mother-in-law and spouse knew about this arrangement, yet they still decided to cause a scene.

The MIL scolded the couple for betraying her, causing the man to lash out at his postpartum wife. He accused her of not having any respect for his mother, which is quite peculiar, as technically speaking, his mother would’ve never been the first person to hold the child, as it’s usually the privilege of the obstetrician.

Image credits: Throwawwyal524655

Image credits: Timur Weber (no the actual photo)

The man continued to call his wife all sorts of things, ranging from “unbelievably selfish” to “cold-hearted”, and later uttered that he should’ve let his mother be present in the delivery room.

What do you think about this monstrosity of a story?

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The post Man Blows Up At Wife For Being “Sneaky” And Depriving His Mother Of The Opportunity To Hold Their Newborn First first appeared on Bored Panda.

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