With fewer properties available to rent in many areas across the UK, the mismatch between supply and demand has pushed up costs for many people.
So landlords like Reddit user Aggravating-Aide-307 are more or less in control of the market. However, the woman who had been travelling around the world decided it was time to settle down and return to her house.
But after she notified the family that had been living in her property for more than a decade, they called her selfish and tried to persuade her to change her mind.
Unsure of the way she handled the situation, the landlord made a post on the subreddit ‘Am I the [Jerk]?’ asking the community to share their opinions on the matter.
This landlord told her tenants of 14 years they had 3 months to move out
Image credits: Ketut Subiyanto (not the actual photo)
But they thought it was a jerk move
Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Aggravating-Aide-307
As the story went viral, its author provided more information in the comments
Many who read what happened thought the landlord did nothing wrong
But some believed she could’ve been more considerate
After going through the replies, the woman thanked everyone for the feedback and said it made her reevaluate her actions
The post Landlord Evicts Tenants, They Call Her Selfish And Offer To Buy The House For Half Its Worth first appeared on Bored Panda.
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