Karen Makes Her Grieving Neighbor Decorate His House, Gets A Show She Didn’t See Coming

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The holiday season typically brings out the good in people, but some individuals find it difficult to shake off their entitled ways even then.

This redditor recently shared a story about an entitled woman demanding that her grieving neighbor decorate his house for Christmas. The latter’s home would typically look like Santa Claus central, but with his wife having passed away, he didn’t feel like decorating this year. That was until Karen told him to, with which he maliciously complied.

Decorating for the holidays can be fun for both those who do it and those who get to marvel at it

Image credits: James Wheeler (not the actual photo)

This man was not in the mood to decorate his house for Christmas this year, but a Karen demanded that he did

Image credits: Mark Timberlake (not the actual photo)

Image credits: gpointstudio (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Jonas Leupe (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Rafael Garcin (not the actual photo)

Image credits: AQuietBorderline

Fellow redditors shared their thoughts and guesses in the comments

The post Karen Makes Her Grieving Neighbor Decorate His House, Gets A Show She Didn’t See Coming first appeared on Bored Panda.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/bdUc6pN
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