Introverts Share The Stupid Questions That Make Them Roll Their Eyes (65 Tweets)

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For all the importance people assign to introversion and extroversion, they aren’t problems or conditions that you can be diagnosed with, just ways to describe your personality. The only rule for what makes someone one or the other is that an introvert recharges from spending time alone and gets burned out by social interaction, while an extrovert gets down in the dumps from being alone for too long and considers getting together with people a pick-me-up.

Still, people who are strongly one or the other have a tendency to misunderstand each other, which is why introverts on Twitter are currently sharing their frustrations with the other side with the trending tag #StupidQuestionsForIntroverts. And although introverts aren’t, by definition, shy or anxious, you certainly can be both, and if you are, there’s some representation in here for you too.

Here are some of the dumb questions you’ve probably heard when you would rather be home in your pajamas with a book.


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A lot of memes and thinkpieces would have you believe that introverts and extroverts are at war with each other, but we actually have a lot more in common than we think.

A study from the University of Illinois determined that people who considered themselves introverts and extroverts actually spent about the same amount of time socializing and got about as much enjoyment out of spending time with people, suggesting that the difference may be in the type of social stimulation that people who describe their personality one way or the other prefer, or how they bounced back afterward.


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Others feel that we put way too much stock in whether we’re introverts or extroverts in the first place, treating them as fixed, mutually exclusive decrees, when many of us fall somewhere in the middle and would say that we behave more like an introvert or extrovert depending on the situation.

It’s not an anomaly to have some friends who you don’t mind sitting next to in the same room reading separate books, and others who make you feel like you need a nap after meeting them for coffee. And even the biggest party animal has some hobbies that they have to go home and get back to at some point, right? It shouldn’t be so hard for them to understand and respect that some people have different social batteries, so next time you get one of these stupid questions, you can tell them that.


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If you’re not feeling that eloquent, though, if somebody asks you why you’re so quiet, you’re perfectly within your right to just pterodactyl screech in their face and see if that’s good enough for them.


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