“I Have To Beg For It”: Wife Refuses To Be Intimate With Her Husband, He Finally Snaps And Threatens To “Get It Somewhere Else”

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Every marriage goes through ups and downs, highs and lows, and plenty of mundane in-betweens. Because living with another person and meshing your lives together is no walk in the park, no matter how much you love each other. All coupledoms encounter the occasional bumps in the road, after all. But when you throw problems in your physical relationship into the mix, it’s a whole new level of complicated.

This is what happened to Redditor redditthrowaway121, who reached out to the AITA community asking if he had been too harsh to his wife after she started showcasing detachment in their marriage. As the man detailed in his confession, she seemed to slip into a pattern of letting the physical part of their marriage fall by the wayside.

Feeling hurt and frustrated by the loss of intimacy in their relationship, the man finally snapped, threatening to “get it somewhere else”. The story caused an immediate backlash from people who jumped at the chance to deem a verdict. Scroll down to find the story in full and see some of the replies from readers. Then be sure to decide where you land on the matter, and feel free to let us know your thoughts down below as well.

After his wife consistently refused to show intimacy in their marriage, this husband finally snapped and threatened to “get it somewhere else”

Image credits: Kampus Production (not the actual photo)

Unsure of how he handled the situation, he reached out to the internet for advice

Image credits: Alena Darmel (not the actual photo)

Later on, the user clarified a few details about the situation

Image credits: redditthrowaway121

The story caused quite a commotion in the AITA community. Readers immediately took the chance to share their opinions about the matter, with some siding with the user and others deeming his actions completely inappropriate. However, in the end, the vast majority determined that both sides are at fault here, as the wife could show at least some effort in untangling the issues in their relationship, and the man should reconsider making threats and ultimatums like that.

We’ve all been long told that a successful and healthy marriage takes hard work. But when one partner is completely uninvolved in the physical part of your relationship, it may be hard to know how to cope. This can certainly lead to heated arguments, irrational behaviors, and hurtful words that can harm a relationship to the point of irreparable damage.

However, conflicts like this one are more common than you may imagine. Research from the sociology department at Georgia State University in the US found that 15% of married couples have not had sex with their spouse within the past six to 12 months.

Lack of intimacy in relationships is real, whether it already started this way or the passion faded somewhere along the way. It’s easy to let your physical relationship drift, and there are many reasons people allow affection to leave the relationship, from stress to illness to lack of body confidence.

According to Denise A. Donnelly, associate professor of sociology at Georgia State University, it’s possible to rekindle intimacy back in the relationship, but it can be hard. “One or both may be extremely afraid of hurt or rejection, or just entirely apathetic to their partner,” Donnelly said. People may fail to communicate about their worries and can have trouble talking about them “once they’ve established a pattern of non-communication.”

But it’s crucial for couples who want to bring back passion into their lives to be honest, have a lengthy conversation about their feelings and expectations, and take action. Donnelly explained that when it comes to rekindling physical connection, every couple handles the situation differently. “For some couples, it may be as simple as a weekend away from the kids, taking a vacation or cruise, or just having some time off, alone. Others may need help in re-establishing communication and may seek professional assistance.”

“The sad fact is that there are few counseling professionals that deal with this issue. Often, marriage counselors focus on other aspects,” Donnelly added. Of course, these other aspects may play a big role in their relationship, but talking explicitly about the physical part of your marriage is essential to foster a healthy bond.

Bored Panda would love to hear your thoughts about the whole incident in the comments below. Do you think the wife should step up and show more interest in her marriage? Or should the husband find healthier ways to communicate his wishes in their relationship? Feel free to share your takes, stories from your personal lives, and any tips on how you would handle this scenario in the comments below.

The story caused a stir online as people jumped to the comments to share a mix of reactions, here’s what they had to say

The post “I Have To Beg For It”: Wife Refuses To Be Intimate With Her Husband, He Finally Snaps And Threatens To “Get It Somewhere Else” first appeared on Bored Panda.

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