How to Feel Worthy When You’re Broke and In Debt

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“No one can set your level of worthiness except you.” ~Bryant McGill

There’s only one thing worse than being broke.

Being broke and in debt.

Can you relate? Me too.

In fact, I’ll admit to being in this unfortunate predicament on more than one occasion in this colorful life of mine.

And if I’m honest, it didn’t feel great. At all.

How could it?

In a society where we are measured predominantly by our financial or commercial worth, being skint doesn’t bode well.

I recall a particular time over a decade ago when I was comfortably employed in the pharmaceutical industry. Life was easy, money flowed. It was a comfortable comfort zone.

Until the unexpected happened.

I was unceremoniously retrenched as a result of a company merger. I was crushed. I felt rejected. Not good enough. Yet, in spite of this, I sucked it up and immediately set about finding re-employment. Initially, I was cautiously optimistic. But pickings were few.

Sadly, my already fragile self-esteem was knocked even lower when, six months later, I found myself still unemployed.

My retrenchment package was used up. My savings had dwindled to the point of near depletion, and I found myself in the horrific position of having to ask friends and family for loans. Loans that I had no idea when I would be able to repay. Or how I would repay them. Which led to further feelings of worthlessness. Hopelessness. Self-disgust.

How had this happened?

It was a dark time.

There’s a catch-22 angle too. It’s hard to make good impressions at job interviews when you feel about as worthy as a floor tile.

That bleak (nay, very bleak) period did end though. These trying times always do. And I was (eventually) employed in a position far junior to what I had previously held. I was grateful. Extremely!

With hindsight, it was no big surprise. After all, how can you expect anyone else to see your value when you don’t believe you have any? But that’s a topic for another day…

Many years have passed and, whereas I used to avoid thinking about that period of my life (for obvious inner-cringeworthy reasons), I now look back with interest and curiosity. Here’s why.

As I have ventured bravely into the world of self-employment in recent years, there have been times when cash flow has been tight. Even non-existent. It’s simply part of the entrepreneurial learning-curve. Apparently.

In the early years of my business, clients were sometimes scarce. Which meant that, at times, I’ve had to pull on my big-girl pants, face my fears, and ask for support.

I won’t lie. Initially it was hard. Super-uncomfortable even.

But I’ve noticed something.

Something quite extraordinary. And quite amazing.

This time, asking for support felt different.

Because this time I’m an expanded version of who I was back then. I’m simply not the same. I see life differently. Very differently.

Gone are the feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and self-disgust.

Instead of measuring my worthiness by my bank balance, I now hold the two separate. Completely.

Who I intrinsically am, and my sense of value, is not up for debate. It never was.

In the old days, my good old ego kept me firmly entrenched in the belief that the stuff I owned and the job I had meant something about me.

But it doesn’t. Ever.

Because I was born innately worthy. Everyone is. There are no exceptions.

Nobody is ever born worthier than anyone else. It’s only social programming that creates that belief. We’re taught to see ourselves differently to others, whether it be better or worse.

If you need evidence of this, simply spend a moment watching a group of toddlers playing together. It’s inspiring.

They live completely in the moment. Curious, focused, and engaged. Squabbles are often dramatic and loud, but these are quickly left behind when they notice something new and interesting. No grudges are held. Resentment doesn’t exist. And each day presents a clean slate.

Each child is self-aware and confident (according to their personality). No one feels more or less significant than the other.

Ego, self-importance (or lack of it), fear, and unworthiness only appear when social programming kicks in, either through our families or the schooling system.

That’s when we learn to change who we are in order to win favor with those around us. We learn that simply being ourselves isn’t good enough.

And so begins the slow demise of our personal sense of value.

Which doesn’t feel good. At all.

So what do we do? We set about trying to please those around us to win their praise. Because that feels good—if only for a minute.

We start believing that what and who we gather around us gives us significance and value.

We work in jobs we hate simply to earn an income. To sustain our lifestyle. Which we believe means something about who we really are.

And before we know it, our entire sense of self is tenuously attached to what we own, or what we do.

Which is why, when we lose either, we feel worthless. Or insignificant. Like we’ve somehow failed.

Simple, right?

Which brings me back to my extraordinary and amazing insight (see above).

Being broke and in debt from a place of unworthiness feels completely different to being broke and in debt when we’re standing in our own intrinsic power.

Facing financial challenges when we’re standing with our feet planted firmly in our place of worthiness, is a bit like being hungry. Food (or cash) is simply something that we would like to have. It would make this physical experience (aka life) more comfortable.

But we wouldn’t judge ourselves as worthless for being hungry, would we?

So why the negative self-talk over money (or lack of it)?

With this new perspective, we feel good in the face of our challenges.

Which means that we stay connected to our creativity. We notice new opportunities and possible solutions.

Being cash-strapped while feeling confident means that this particular circumstance becomes just another of life’s adventures. We approach it with curiosity and interest. It becomes a detour into unknown territory worthy of exploration.

Which means that the challenge to create more income becomes almost fun. (Note: I said almost fun…)

And that ultimately means that our cash-flow crunch is sure to be short-lived.

Mine certainly was.

And I graduated from the experience a more expanded, confident, and self-aware version of who I was initially.

Exceptionally grateful for the opportunity.

About Jacky Exton

As a Transformational Coach, Jacky’s in the business of CHANGING LIVES. She teaches her clients that if we can see ourselves differently, we show up differently. And from there anything is possible! Learn how to Transform Negative Self-talk at her online school or connect with her here to read more about her coaching programs.

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